July 25, 2006
Isn't it ironic?
"BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- The lesbian couple whose lawsuit led to legal same-sex marriage in Massachusetts have
announced they have separated."
(Further down the article states the couple has not filed for divorce. But still.)
First of all, I'm not married, and never have been. Second, the thought of same-sex marriages doesn't bother me. Hell, if some neighbor of mine wanted to marry his dog, I'd let him.
Personally, I'm dying to know the reasons for the separation. I bet I know the underlying cause: They married for love.
Now, don't get me wrong--there's nothing wrong with that. But it shouldn't be the only reason. I want to know if they put as much effort into planning their marriage as much as they planned for (or fought for) their wedding.
Pretty snarky of me, I admit. But I know of too many people who've spent tons of hours planning every detail of their wedding, saying it's consuming every spare minute they have. I, for one, believe them, and I wonder how they're planning on merging their bank accounts, or discussing the assets they'll soon be buying in both of their names. I'm sure they talked about kids, sometime after spending several hours picking out the right shade of blue for their napkins, but did they talked about retirement?
Did Julie and Hillary? Yeah, all this speculation is pretty unfair of me, considering all I know about their separation is what I read in a news article on the internet. After all, it's entirely possible they've separated because they can't stand the sight of each other anymore.
Posted by: Victor at
06:36 PM
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I don't understand why people are in such a hurry to get married anyway. Personally, I love being single. The thought of having to share my life with someone -- that scares me. I don't think I could ever like anyone that much.
But I guess that's the whole point of love -- you can overlook the fact that you don't like someone, because you love him/her/it. That's one reason I think that if you're going to absolutely insist that the state officially declare to everyone that the two of you have regular sex, you should have to wait AT LEAST a year before getting into the unpleasantness of actually merging your assets.
Hum. Come to think of it, I wonder why more couples don't just keep their assets separate. Unromantic, sure, but a hell of a lot smarter, imho. But who am I to complain, I am a trial lawyer and we always win
Posted by: The Law Fairy at July 25, 2006 01:05 PM (XUsiG)
Yeah, I have to admit that I have a very hard time getting fired up about the gay marriage thing. It's the libertarian part of me. I listen to people like Michael Medved and Dennis Praeger make some strong arguments against, but after thinking about if for a minute I usually get back to..."whatever." Not very analytical or intellectual of me, but, hey, I'm being honest. Each one of us picks our battles. This one ain't mine.
Posted by: Blu at July 25, 2006 02:39 PM (j8oa6)
As an expat Masshole myself, my problem isn't with gay marriage but with how the state got there. If I were a legislator, I would vote to allow it, but the idea that the oldest written constitution still in effect in the world, drafted by John Adams, requires gay marriage, but no one noticed until the SJC "discovered" it a couple of years ago, just doesn't even come close to passing the laugh test.
Posted by: Dave J at July 25, 2006 05:39 PM (SKqxt)
I was thinking "Who cares?", but obviously, some of you fools actually do.
Posted by: shelly at July 26, 2006 06:22 AM (BJYNn)
Ecce Homo
I was going to be pithy, and leave it at that, but two of the three commenters so far, and the author are too jejune to understand.
The au currant state of humanity has reduced God's symbolic relationship with man on earth to a hunt for medical and survivorship benefits. Now THAT is irony.
Posted by: Casca at July 26, 2006 06:22 AM (rEC2k)
I'm compelled to jump in, b/c Shelly is calling people "fools." What Casca said.
Further - the nation/state has a vested, and proper, interest in promoting traditional marriage: traditional marriage helps the nation/state sustain itself; and traditional marriage helps the nation/state thrive. The state, if it is not suicidal, has a duty to promote any moral thing which does that. Traditional marriage is much more than a dry set of legal rights.
Further further - beyond religious importance, beyond importance to the nation-state, bestowing legal rights upon gay couples opens up an unfathomable can of legal worms. It is unforseeable how far the ramifications would stretch.
Sanctioning SSM is not to be undertaken lightly. One CAN oppose it, or question it, w/o being a bigot or a fool. However, it appears one MAY not oppose or question it w/o being characterized as such.
Posted by: gcotharn at July 26, 2006 08:05 AM (OuTrm)
Hey Casca,
There are two grammatical mistakes in your sentence. If you are "too jejune to understand," please let me know. I can assist you off-line.
"I was going to be pithy, and leave it at that, but two of the three commenters so far, and the author are too jejune to understand."
Posted by: Blu at July 26, 2006 09:35 AM (zCjMA)
Just giving you a hard time, Casca. Not having passion for an issue, doesn't make a person "jejune" regarding its importance or lack thereof.
Frankly, I wish more Christian/conservative people would spend at least as much time talking about the issues associated to the divorce-rate as they do gay marriage. Divorce is an issue that has infinitely more impact on families than whether gay people are allowed to marry.
Posted by: Blu at July 26, 2006 09:56 AM (zCjMA)
We Christian/conservative people devote our lives - as best we fallibly can - to living the Word of God. If that does not equate to supporting marriage, and to battling the influences which contribute to divorce, then nothing does. I talk, or write, about gay marriage maybe three to six occasions a year - or less. I try to live the Word of God every day, except when I fall short, such as this:
"blu, I love ya, but you can take that last uninformed comment and stuff it where the sun don't shine."
Posted by: gcotharn at July 26, 2006 11:31 AM (OuTrm)
I don't doubt your personal commitment, gcotharn. It is not mine to judge anyway. My point was political not personal: I constantly get "alerts" from the AFA about gay marriage. That's fine. They, along with many other good conservative groups, do a lot of important work fighting the good fight. I have NEVER received an alert from AFA decrying the divorce rate - among Christians. My point was that I'd like to see same amount of the political capital used on gay marriage used on a more important issue like divorce. That is a topic that is discussed "in-house." (I don't know your particular denomination, but I go to a conservative evangelical church. The importance of marriage is a constant topic as it should be.) And I suspect one of the reasons that this issue is not given the same sort of public viewing from groups like the AFA is that the divorce rate among Christians is the same as it is for the general public: that is not a good record. I don't know of one child from a broken Christian family that is hurt more by gay marriage than by the fact that their parents didn't hold true to their vows.
At any rate, this discussion aside, I'm still not fired up about the topic. That doesn't mean I support it, and it doesn't mean I'm not conservative or Christian. Indeed, I argue as fervently as anybody for conservative positions - especially as they relate to foreign policy and economics. My comment is hardly uninformed. However, it may have hit a sore spot.
Posted by: Blu at July 26, 2006 02:00 PM (zCjMA)
If political capital were used on the issue of divorce - what would that look like?
Posted by: gcotharn at July 26, 2006 03:04 PM (OuTrm)
I'm not certain how to frame that issue in a (political) way that resonates or that would be effective. Perhaps making divorce more difficult(in states like California, for example.) That particular example would be a very difficult sell and would have the femi-nazis up in arms. But there is a powerful societal interest in keeping families together. Something a little more radical (and that has not a snow ball's chance in hell of ever happening) would be to make getting married more difficult. I think some states have attached conseling requirements to marriage. However, this had the Left up in arms because the marriage "training" (if my memory is correct) had some religious connotations.
I think Annika's second to last paragraph, though written with humor in mind, makes a lot of sense. At my church, our pastor will absolutely not marry a couple of they have not gone through an extensive marriage counciling session that includes a multitude of topics, including finaces, views on raising children, attitudes towards the importance of family, etc.
Posted by: Blu at July 26, 2006 05:31 PM (zCjMA)
Blu, I actually wrote that post--annika is still on holiday.
Greg, I think you're missing part of Blu's point (and Blu, if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me): Divorce has a greater impact on the American family than anything else--a statement I agree with entirely. The US is fortunate the divorce rate is dropping but it's still pretty high.
I'm curious about one thing: Greg, you wrote
bestowing legal rights upon gay couples opens up an unfathomable can of legal worms. I honestly do not see that; could I trouble you to discuss that a bit more (or direct me to one of your posts where you discuss it)? Thanks much.
Posted by: Victor at July 26, 2006 07:01 PM (l+W8Z)
Billy Graham once said Christians get too wound up about homosexuality. Graham said he considered homosexuality a sin, but it was no worse of a sin than the sins he (Graham) committed every day.
I think Christians tend to get too wound up about sexual stuff in general. However, a person can be perfectly relaxed about a tremendous plethora of sexual practices - including homosexuality - and still oppose gay marriage; and also not be a bigot; and also not have his/her priorities misplaced. My calculation is that gay marriage would have a significant negative impact on the strength and the health of the American nation. I could be right or wrong - none of us can see the future. But I do not dismiss SSM as an issue of low significance.
Blu, I retract and apologize for my "sun don't shine" comment. I can see you sincerely believe lowering the divorce rate can be effected at the legislative level. I disagree, but I acknowledge that you are sincere, and were not merely making a drive-by slur at conservative Christians. If counseling ever became a state a requirement for marriage, I would be first in line to protest the new law. IMO, that's an appropriate requirement for a church to impose - but not a state.
Victor - for a quick look at the wide-ranging legal ramifications of SSM, this Weekly Standard article, by Maggie Gallagher, is excellent:
Posted by: gcotharn at July 26, 2006 08:35 PM (OuTrm)
Yeah, the requirement idea is pretty radical, and I don't think many would buy into it. It would really come across as a Big Brother move. It was just a thought given your appropriate challenge as to how the issue could be addressed. With that said, a marriage license is a government sanctioned license just like other licenses that require a certain amount of knowledge in order to obtain. The problem is in the details (i.e. what would you teach and whose values would dominate the requirements?) From a federalism perspective, one could argue that this is exactly the sort of thing that should be decided at a state level. Anyway, this is a topic that deserves a much more detailed and thoughtful response than I could ever give it in this type of forum.
Gallagher write quite a lot of thoughtful pieces related to marriage - it's her niche.
Posted by: Blu at July 26, 2006 09:31 PM (zCjMA)
p.s. Thanks for the retraction, but I wasn't offended. I figured that you just misread me. You read enough of my posts to know that I'm not a moonbat. So, I figured that it was my bad for not explaining myself well enough.
Posted by: Blu at July 26, 2006 09:34 PM (zCjMA)
Blu wrote: >Frankly, I wish more Christian/conservative people would spend at least as much time talking about the issues associated to the divorce-rate as they do gay marriage. Divorce is an issue that has infinitely more impact on families than whether gay people are allowed to marry.
I completely agree, though there is
some attention given in some circles to attempt to keep marriages strong. The divorce rate, however, is roughly the same among Christian and non-Christian couples.
Posted by: will at July 27, 2006 09:36 AM (h7Ciu)
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July 24, 2006
I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Actions Have Consequences
(Yeah, when ya got nuthin' just throw up some YouTube videos. Note some of these are a bit gory, but man oh Manischewitz, do I ever love watching evolution in action.)
Posted by: Victor at
01:07 PM
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June 15, 2006
Lindsay Stalker E-Mail Of The Day
The lack of humor out there never ceases to amaze me. Here's the latest Lindsay Logan related email sent to me by one of the teeming rabble. The subject line is " HI..... F U!!!"
Whay dont you get it? uuuuu you have, or had her email,so?
leave the girl alone, dont you have other things to do in youre fucking
exept for hunting down celebrities? i guess not! plz tray to learn that
are still ordinarry peaps, she just lucky to have that opportunity and job!
and she certanly strugles with for her best more then you do to
The irony of
this dude telling me to get a life is just precious.
Let me clue you in on something Mr. Jariv Voroshilov. Anyone who would spend even five seconds writing the e-mail you wrote to me is by definition a loser. That's a scientific fact. Look it up.
Plus anyone who does a google search for "Lindsay Logan's email" is a stalker as well as a loser. That would be you. Seek help.
Posted by: annika at
06:43 PM
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JesusPete! People are
still giving you shit over the Lohan post? Gawd... they need to find other uses for their internet connection.
Posted by: elmondohummus at June 15, 2006 07:26 PM (DXodP)
Here's to hoping I get hate mail for this. I can't stand Lindsay Lohan. She's like the majority of Hollywood, a cheap skank that just happens to have a lot of money. And probably a couple of STDs.
Posted by: Lelia Katherine Thomas at June 16, 2006 07:44 AM (W2imR)
"That's a scientific fact. Look it up."
Now that's pretty fucking funny.
(Oops, sorry for cursing, Will.....)
Posted by: blu at June 21, 2006 12:10 PM (j8oa6)
you are everybody silly and stupid people who dont like lindsay,shes very lucky and good actress.
Posted by: no at June 23, 2006 11:44 AM (lCX7Q)
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December 18, 2005
Disgusting Scammer Lady
Last night at the grocery store i got into the wrong line. It was the express lane and i had only seven items.* i got in that line because the lady ahead of me looked like she had finished getting rung up, so i thought i was good to go.
i was wrong, because she was about to move into phase two of her $6 scheme.
The first thing i noticed was her voice, because she sounded so much like Roseanne Barr, that i truly thought it might have been her. She had bright cinnamon colored hair, cut in a bob, which temporarily obscured her facial features. When she turned in my direction momentarily, i realized it couldn't have been Roseanne, unless Roseanne had recently been involved in a horrible accident.
The lady's teeth were a disaster. Every other one was missing, and the remaining teeth were pointed in every direction except proper. She looked like a mako shark, it was quite an array.
The checker and in fact all of the grocery store personnel were beyond professional throughout the whole ordeal. i was really impressed by them. The controversy that developed involved a reciept that the lady wanted to apply to her purchase. The slip of paper apparently indicated a credit left over from a previous gift card purchase.
The lady said that she threw away the actual gift card after her last visit, even though it still had $6 on it, because a manager had told her she didn't need the card. This mysterious manager said that the receipt could be used instead of the card.
The checker explained that you actually had to have the gift card, and that he couldn't accept the receipt. The lady then began a string of expletives. If a manager said she could do it, she should be entitled to do it.
Of course the lady couldn't identify the particular manager, who apparently wasn't working that night. She also refused to go speak to any other managers unless they came over to her, while she held up the checkout line.
This was the key part of the scam. She needed to create an inconvenience to the other customers so the store employees would just give her the $6 so she could go away. After all, it was only $6, and look at all those people waiting.
Anyways, they opened another aisle and let me check out, so i never found out if the store caved-in to her demands or not. i hope they didn't.
* Pumpkin pie, Reddi-Whip, Kerns Pineapple-Mango juice, hot dog buns, six Anjou pears in a bag, vanilla ice cream, salsa
Posted by: annika at
03:05 PM
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I always get behind the bitch with 800 coupons, or else I go to the express line and the person in front of me wants to pay with a card that is no good, then writes a check.
Posted by: Kyle N at December 18, 2005 03:50 PM (jK/1g)
vanilla ice cream and salsa.
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at December 18, 2005 05:40 PM (DdRjH)
Sounds like my mother-in-law.
Posted by: Steve S. at December 18, 2005 11:35 PM (bVdo5)
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July 15, 2004
Don't Let Anybody Fool You
Downtown Sac-town has just as many weirdos as any other self respecting city. Take for instance
Homo Sapiens Fountainus-walkus. He's out there now, tramping around with his backpack, walking in the fountain and fouling the water with his disgusting feet.
Posted by: annika at
03:45 PM
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April 24, 2004
Arion ater jacqchirac
Arion ater jacqchirac, a recently discovered pest, belongs to the family of spineless inverterbrates* which includes the garden slug. A voracious eater, it consumes indiscriminately and without gratitude. It secretes a disgusting oily slime that both lubricates its body and coats the path upon which it slithers.
Its tiny vestigial shell is of no use in protecting A. jacqchirac, which is why it begs shamelessly for other animals to protect its weak ass whenever it feels threatened. These particular mollusks smell bad, yet think themselves handsome. They talk tough, but inevitably cower when challenged. If you come across one, try sprinkling a little salt in its path and watch the creature squirm in pain and frustration as it tries to find a way around the simple obstacle. They move slowly and never in the right direction.
* An invertebrate is an animal without a vertebral column, or spine. Literally, it's a creature without a backbone.
Posted by: annika at
01:11 PM
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What I find disturbing is how many different species of them there are around the world. Some things just won't become extinct no matter what you do to exterminate them.
Posted by: Brent at April 24, 2004 05:17 PM (w+y2e)
Why this rage??? Your link is dead btw. (http://www.iht.com/articles/516559.html)
Posted by: H. A. Schultz at July 01, 2005 02:43 AM (+FFrS)
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February 09, 2004
Annoying New Subspecies Discovered
Homo Sapiens Gigantostalkersaurus Rex. King of the giant stalking lizards.
Dude, you're huge. Dude, i can smell your b.o. Dude, your farts fucking linger twenty minutes after you leave the room.
Dude, stop bothering me while i'm trying to work. Dude, if you stand by my cubicle and want to "just say hi," and i refuse to make eye contact, and i keep typing while you talk about total bullshit, which i don't care about, that means i'm busy. There's a good chance that it also means i don't like you.
No, i don't like you like you either.
Dude, i know Valentine's day is coming up. Don't even think about it. If you slither anywhere near me on that day, i'll hurt you.
More: The thing that really creeps me out about Gigantostalkersaurus Rex, now that i think of it, is a little story he told me when he first started working here. This was back when everybody was being polite to the new temp, before he earned his nickname Norman. As in Norman Bates.
i had the misfortune of standing at the copier waiting for Norman to finish with a copy job one morning and we got on the subject of hiking. i like to hike. Seems Norman also likes to hike. i told him about a recent excursion i'd made up north of S.F., and how beautiful the country was up there.
That's when he shared the fact that he likes to go hiking alone. He also shared how much he loves frogs. At that moment i thought to myself: how interesting, because you resemble a frog so terribly much.
One time, when Norman was hiking in the hills all by himself he spied a muddy waterhole populated by a couple of his favorite ribbity friends. He was so happy to see them, he told me, that he "tore off all his clothes and jumped right in the mud with the frogs!"
i shit you not. The freak actually said that to me. i still can't figure out why anyone would admit that, but he did.
At that moment i decided to illuminate the "Warning, Weirdo Alert" siren in my head and take evasive manuevers. Picking up my own copy job, i made some excuse about needing to check my phone messages or something and retreated the fuck outta there.
That was about three months ago. i've been avoiding him ever since, but unfortunately he seems to think i'm playing hard to get.
Blech! Blech!
Posted by: annika at
12:09 PM
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Mega dittos, same thing with "Big V" here, she just comes right up and stands behind me and talks. I'm getting wrinkles from cringing so much. Some people just were not educated on what the words "personal space" mean. These same people also missed the lesson on reading body language. Unfortunately these people will likely remain clueless for the rest of their lives. Fortunately this means they likely won't breed.
Posted by: Scof at February 09, 2004 12:33 PM (Me9IN)
wow.. you guys can be cruel..
remind me never to hang out..
Posted by: coyote at February 09, 2004 06:13 PM (cfoFZ)
I has a stalker rex years ago. The final straw for me was when he came into my cubicle (the "door" was behind me) in super-stealth mode and started massaging my shoulders. I jerked away, told him to stop, and when he left my cube I went straight to his supervisor's office. He left me alone after that.
Posted by: jen at February 09, 2004 06:37 PM (wP15B)
Posted by: annika! at February 09, 2004 08:35 PM (LJccg)
I think it must be love. Ribbit, ribbit...
Posted by: Daniel Lowenberg at February 09, 2004 10:45 PM (JT0TG)
Oh yeah, he's a wierdo, but your "subtle" avoidance behaviors just reinforce his thinking that you are the woman FOR HIM! Better to look him in the eye. Tell him that he has halitosis, and that it makes you want to puke. THAT, he'll understand, and it might punish his ego enough that HE'LL avoid YOU.
BTW, I have dibs on stalking you. Tell him to knock it the fuck off.
Posted by: Casca at February 10, 2004 12:20 AM (BRVtJ)
Posted by: Kevin Kim at February 10, 2004 07:20 AM (JDHqA)
I am sufficiently skeeved!
Posted by: ginger at February 10, 2004 11:18 AM (WX5CY)
LOL...Don't ever wear green.
Posted by: jim at February 10, 2004 12:25 PM (lN8eP)
Frankness, even though he's a Norman, is the best policy.
Otherwise the creep will be the thing that will never leave. (you alone)
What a classless ________. Fill in the blank with your favorite descriptive adjective.
Posted by: joe at February 10, 2004 04:07 PM (Wjws/)
i finally got that one, Joe! Franks and Normans! Ha ha. A little gallic humor!
Posted by: annika! at February 10, 2004 08:56 PM (vqfSs)
Posted by: joe at February 11, 2004 06:18 AM (mS++w)
Posted by: Ted at February 11, 2004 08:54 AM (blNMI)
Just don't make the mistake of confusing being straightforward for rude.
Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at February 11, 2004 10:32 AM (9X/fX)
A sharp kick to the shins often works wonders.
I'm just sayin'...
Posted by: zombyboy at February 12, 2004 10:52 AM (If4Lh)
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