November 26, 2007

The new bumper sticker for people who can't go five friggin' minutes without pimpin' their third place guy.
Posted by: annika at
07:57 PM
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If you're back, I'll celebrate!
Posted by: ElMondoHummus at November 27, 2007 12:11 PM (xHyDY)
Posted by: Andy at November 27, 2007 06:01 PM (P8ZAx)
Someone go kick Casca and Shelly awake.

Me, I'll admit to being here because I was too damn lazy to delete this entry from my RSS reader. What's your excuse?
Posted by: elmondohummus at November 27, 2007 08:07 PM (UNQLe)
I still don't know what an RSS reader is...
Posted by: annika at November 27, 2007 08:11 PM (mzyb2)
Puhleeze tell us you are back!
Screw it...I'm blog rolling you anyway. Don't let us down!
Posted by: Nigel at November 27, 2007 10:14 PM (wearR)
RSS reader aka "aggregator" aka "feed aggregator" aka "news reader" or a whole lotta other crap:
"... is client software or a Web application which aggregates syndicated web content such as news headlines, blogs, podcasts, and vlogs in a single location for easy viewing."
Wikipedia article)
Or in other words, it's a program where you can centralize a lot of blogs and other sites that can be accessed through RSS, ATOM, or similar protocols. I personally like
Sharpreader myself.
Anyway, that "what's your excuse" line was a fun poke at Andy.

I don't care what Anni's excuse is, just as long as she's back for even a little while.
Posted by: ElMondoHummus at November 28, 2007 05:33 AM (xHyDY)
I have been checking once every few days hoping you would come back and it's very cool that you have!
Posted by: Andy at November 28, 2007 09:26 PM (P8ZAx)
I'd been checking every few days and took off about a week. It's good to see you back.
Posted by: physics geek at December 03, 2007 07:17 AM (MT22W)
I have a life. I only check once a month.
Posted by: Casca at December 11, 2007 12:52 PM (xGZ+b)
I have a life, too.
But Casca has invaded it by letting on that you are back.
How could you do this without lettig us know?
I have to re-order my world again.
Posted by: shelly at December 11, 2007 04:53 PM (wearR)
Casca let me know, otherwise I'd still be mooning away waiting for you.
How could you start up again and not tell your pals???
Is that any way to run a blog?
Posted by: Shelly at December 11, 2007 04:54 PM (wearR)
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May 04, 2007
Annika's Journal Farewell Tour: Part VI, The Agitprop

These are the sidebar agitprops I created during the course of this blog's run.
Number one was my first attempt, using a picture of Kerry doing the "raise the roof" gesture. Pretty self-explanatory.
Number two was a little more sophisticated, and the first time I did the whole top and bottom bar thingie. I like the long face distortion, which is useful anytime one wants to depict the french-looking candidate.
Number three was created soon after Byrd gave his freakish meandering oration against the Authorization for the Use of Force. I'm particularly fond of the vampirish pallor of his skin, which was created by manipulating the hue and brightness settings in photoshop. Great pose too. The caption is a subtle hint at his Klan history. Grand Wizard becomes Grand Poobah.
Number four is Nancy Pelosi at her most strident. For effect I manipulated the size of her eyes and mouth. Not enough to look photoshopped, but just enough to be weird.
Number five is connected to my infamous EJ for Sec Gen post, which got such wide exposure thanks to a mention by Jeff Jarvis on the Ron Reagan show. I totally lucked out when I found that picture of EJ with the blue hair wig. It was perfect.
And number six utilizes the gif animation function, which has given me hours of fun since I discovered how to do it back in January of '05. For those who don't know the references, this was based on the promotional photograph of Kiki Couric, which had been photoshopped by CBS to make her look younger and thinner. Tiffany is a reference to CBS's old nickname, "the tiffany network." I can't deny that I was also inspired by Violet from the old Willie Wonka movie.
So much for the agitprop. Someday, when the time is right, I'm planning to make a "Hillary: the female Nixon" sticker and plaster it all over California. Watch for it.
Posted by: annika at
05:06 PM
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Ooo, that excites the mind. Haggard & Huffy? Bitchy & Bloated?
Posted by: Casca at May 04, 2007 09:08 PM (2gORp)
A joke loses it's momentum/timing when you have to explain it, but for those of you not alive in 1968, one of the Nixon primary campaign slogans was "Rested & Ready".
On the Byrd piece, I always thought that it would have been better if you'd have made it "Grand Kleigle of the Senate".
Posted by: Casca at May 05, 2007 02:45 PM (2gORp)
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January 20, 2007
Paid Advertisement

I know Mark Steyn says our population is aging, but this is ridiculous.
Posted by: annika at
12:40 PM
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November 07, 2006
A Silver Lining?
The silver lining is that maybe I can make some money off of this.
Introducing . . . the first post-defeat t-shirt and bumper sticker!
Posted by: annika at
11:26 PM
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Posted by: Jake at November 08, 2006 06:29 AM (V6rxT)
Ordering one for the family Thanksgiving dinner. Doesn't take much to fluster democrats. Kind of like eating your cake and havin it too
Posted by: Cindi at November 08, 2006 07:12 PM (YadGF)
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October 27, 2006
Hardball Hardon

Chris Matthews has been obsessing over the chick from the Ford ad all week. I think he's smitten. He keeps calling her "sexy, sexy, naked, naked, very alluring, sexy, naked," etc.
But she just isn't that hot. Seriously, I don't even think Casca would go after her. Well, maybe after a few Bacardi and Cokes, I don't know.
More: In Australia, there is a conservative politician running for a seat in a district named, coincidentally, Forde. Her name is Hajnal Ban and she is something.
via AWH
Posted by: annika at
08:52 PM
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Firstly, I don't drink rum & coke, unless there's nothing else. It's a chick drink. Give me anything on the rocks.
Secondly, I might give her a hot meat injection, but I wouldn't fall asleep until her ass was out the door. She's got psycho written all over her.
Posted by: Casca at October 27, 2006 11:13 PM (2gORp)
I appreciate the recent Australian content. The post on Sheikh Hilali got me to finally look up just how it is that he came to be "mufti of Australia", since it's not as if he's state-appointed. And Hajnal Ban turns out to be in the federal seat next door to mine. :-)
Posted by: mitchell porter at October 27, 2006 11:29 PM (pdA3q)
Good call, Annie. She's definitely not hot. If anything, she screams "WT." I'm betting Ford could do a whole bunch better.
The ad was obsolutely not racist; it's biggest sin was being very unfunny and kinda dumb.
Posted by: blu at October 27, 2006 11:59 PM (IDpQp)
Posted by: Radical Redneck at October 28, 2006 08:24 AM (ceimt)
Yow! Counselor, hand me your briefs!
Posted by: Radical Redneck at October 28, 2006 08:31 AM (ceimt)
Posted by: barry at October 29, 2006 12:56 PM (kKjaJ)
I can't believe that the national press is trying so hard to turn this ad into something racist. The WT chick at the end is one unfunny bit out of many. The MSM knows the race-baiting charge will hurt the Rep in the race, so I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised. Still, to call this ad racist is just plain stupid.
Posted by: blu at October 29, 2006 10:07 PM (IDpQp)
p.s. I should add that an even dumber MSM trick than tyring to make this stupid ad racist is its perpetuation of the lie that Evangelicals are moving away from the GOP. It's a totally unproven charge, based on polling data that shows that some are not 100% pleased with Bush & Co; but there is not an inkling of proof that they plan to stay home or change their vote to the, I mean...Democrats. Liberal media bias is getting intense the last few days of this campaign. It so bad now that it should be obvious to even somewhat casual political observers.
Posted by: blu at October 29, 2006 10:12 PM (IDpQp)
There is a subset of Christians who have no desire to participate in the political process and had to be dragged into the polls the last few elections. These insular people don't care about politics because they think it's part of the world that they reject. They will stay home. I don't know what percentage of the whole they are, I'd guess it's a minority, but I don't know if it's something to be worried about. I've met these types and I don't understand them, but I know they exist.
Posted by: annika at October 29, 2006 11:44 PM (qQD4Q)
Though I don't fully agree with you that the possibly naked white babe is totally without racist ovretones and just unfunny, I am curious what the response would have been if she were black.
Curious too, as there were two choices of women (light skinned-dark skinned) why they chose white and risked the cry of playing the rasce card, when choosing a black women would have eliminated it.
Posted by: Strawman at October 30, 2006 07:30 AM (9ySL4)
Yowza. I can't pronounce the Aussie chick's name, but I'd vote for her just to buy her some extra face time on TV.
Posted by: Matt at October 30, 2006 08:13 AM (10G2T)
Weird, Straw, because I thought throwing in a black chick would have been more racist - but just as silly. (When I look at Ford, I see a guy who looks like he's got a bit of both races running through his veins. I don't know that for a fact though.)
Frankly, I think the whole Playboy thing is a non-factor. The guy is single. If he wants to go check out some hotties, who gives a rats ass. He ain't messing around on his wife, and he ain't a nancy boy. Reps should leave that shit alone.
Posted by: blu at October 30, 2006 11:17 AM (j8oa6)
Well of course, but we know that the party of Linclon is first and foremost the party of hypocrisy and innuendo. If they think they can alienate 6 coonhounds from voting for him they'll try.
Posted by: Strawman at October 30, 2006 12:12 PM (9ySL4)
The Aussie girl is not just that: She's Hungarian descent, born in Israel, with an Aussie accent? Oy Vey, she must melt the knees when you see/hear her!
Of course, I haven't heard Annie's voice yet...
Posted by: Aviator Otto at October 30, 2006 09:40 PM (Xg9vC)
Posted by: Mark at November 04, 2006 06:47 PM (Aufqq)
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October 10, 2006
Fantasy Musical Team-Ups That'll Never Happen
Picture this: Barbra Streisand reprising her most famous role as Dolly Levi, and introducing George W. Bush as Horace Vandergelder! That's brilliant casting, and it would be box office gold. Gold I tell ya!

Alas, I'm afraid it would never happen. I don't think the president could handle the vocal parts.
Posted by: annika at
09:07 PM
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Posted by: Casca at October 11, 2006 06:19 AM (Y7t14)
Clearly law school has made you silly; but it is still silly-funny.
Posted by: shelly at October 11, 2006 02:16 PM (ZGpMS)
Streisand abased herself answering even that language. Bush doesn’t deserve such sweet words!
Posted by: Flowers London at October 13, 2006 01:53 AM (vcUSw)
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September 22, 2006
More Mohammadonna Art
A contributor who wishes to remain anonymous sent me this artwork, inspired by my recent
Mohammadonna post. I love it.

This is great. If anybody else wants to make some Mohammadonna shit, send it to me or give me a link. I'll post it.
Posted by: annika at
03:50 PM
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I have the feeling that Madonna is part of history. IÂ’m looking forward to your posts.
Posted by: Fresh flowers at September 25, 2006 01:13 AM (vcUSw)
Who is this Madonna person?
Posted by: Mark at September 28, 2006 10:49 PM (O77fj)
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September 16, 2006
Two Wild And Crazy Guys

[It's the leisure suit. The guy's fashion sense hasn't changed since his embassy storming days.]
Posted by: annika at
11:54 AM
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September 04, 2006
Countdown To Kiki
The horror...

VIOLET: Dessert? Here it comes. Blueberry pie and cream!
It's the most marvelous blueberry pie that I've ever tasted!
CHARLIE: Look at her face!
MR. BEAUREGARDE: Holy Toledo, what's happening to your face?
VIOLET: Cool it, Dad! Lemme finish.
MR. BEAUREGARDE: Yeah, but your face is turning blue!
Violet, you're turning violet, Violet!
VIOLET: What are you talking about?
WONKA: I told you I hadn't got it quite right yet.
MR. BEAUREGARDE: You can say that again. Look what it's
done to my kid!
WONKA: It always goes wrong when we come to the dessert.
MR. BEAUREGARDE: Violet, what are you doing now?!? You're
blowing up!
VIOLET: I feel funny.
GRANDPA JOE: I'm not surprised.
VIOLET: What's happening?
MR. BEAUREGARDE: You're blowing up like a balloon!
WONKA: Like a blueberry.
MR. BEAUREGARDE: Somebody do something! Call a doctor!
MRS. TEEVEE: Stick her with a pin.
CHARLIE: She'll pop!
WONKA: It happens every time! They all become blueberries.
MR. BEAUREGARDE: You've really done it this time, haven't
you, Wonka. I'll break you for this.
WONKA: Oh, well, I'll get it right in the end.
VIOLET: Help! Help!
(Wonka plays the pipe whistle.)
MR. BEAUREGARDE: We've got to let the air out of her, quick!
WONKA: There's no air in there.
WONKA: That's juice.
WONKA: (to an Oompa Loompa) Would you roll the young lady
down to the juicing room at once, please.
WONKA: For squeezing. She has to be squeezed immediately
before she explodes.
MR. BEAUREGARDE: Explodes?!?
WONKA: It's a fairly simple operation.
Posted by: annika at
10:01 PM
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LMAO, Fucking Fabulous!
Posted by: Casca at September 05, 2006 07:12 AM (Z2ndo)
For some reason my browser at the office won't play animated gifs. So my early morning WTF is now an evening LOL.
Very nice.
Posted by: Gordon at September 06, 2006 05:13 PM (YrwYk)
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June 11, 2006
From The Secret Video Files
A recent conversation between
Randi Rhodes and Jerry Springer, dealing with subjects of a more personal nature.

Posted by: annika at
11:52 AM
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Posted by: Casca at June 11, 2006 02:54 PM (2gORp)
If I want Howard Stern, I'll buy at Sirius; let's dimp the crap and Peter pumpkin and get down to serious stuff.
Posted by: shelly at June 11, 2006 07:16 PM (BJYNn)
Uh Shelly, this place is free.
Posted by: Casca at June 11, 2006 09:59 PM (2gORp)
Annie is the queen of blog media
Posted by: Scof at June 12, 2006 02:05 PM (a3fqn)
So is O.J. Simpson.
Doesn't mean I have to like it.
Posted by: shelly at June 13, 2006 12:28 PM (BJYNn)
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March 25, 2006
Page Two Of Dick Cheney's List
list of items that Vice President Dick Cheney requires when he visits a hotel is kind of interesting. But not nearly as interesting as what was on page two of the list, which was
not given to The Smoking Gun.
However, the crack team of investigators here at annika's journal has obtained the top secret second page of Dick Cheney's list, which can now be revealed exclusively for you.
Posted by: annika at
12:36 PM
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It's good to be vice president.
Posted by: Jake at March 25, 2006 01:03 PM (r/5D/)
mmmm.........Captain Morgan. I always knew he was a party animal.
Posted by: jane at March 25, 2006 01:55 PM (y6n8O)
ah-HENH! ah-HENH!
annika said "crack!"
Posted by: Victor at March 26, 2006 04:24 AM (l+W8Z)
So the guy likes to drink his booze and have sex? Seriously.... the left has been touting this free love shit for years. Now a good ol' Republican comes along wanting to experience what all this talk is about and he's crucified? Score one for tolerance assholes. Please... he 100% supports his daughter (who is a lesbian BTW), is pretty damn coherent for being a cardiac risk and STILL likes to party. Give the old man a break. Double standards get you nothing. Base your arguments in truly despicable or incompetent personality traits. The moment you second guess this guys desire for a shot of rum is the second you lose your entire platform.
Posted by: Trisa at June 10, 2006 03:00 PM (Rhuwm)
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February 21, 2006
Still More Behind The Scenes At Fox News

Hey, this is easier to do than a hot tub post.
Posted by: annika at
06:21 PM
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Carpal Tunnel? Single again?
Posted by: Casca at February 21, 2006 10:17 PM (2gORp)
Isn't Amy almost 40 now? I would think the age difference would cause problems. I also see problems with the in laws; wasn't Bill irritated with Jimmy doing his Jimmy thing during Bill's days in the big house?
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at February 21, 2006 11:32 PM (etmLz)
Jimmy is an equal opportunity Presidential abuser.
Posted by: shelly at February 22, 2006 04:19 AM (BJYNn)
At least your hot tub posts are easier to figure out. I don't get this one.
Posted by: Victor at February 22, 2006 04:57 AM (L3qPK)
Chelsea wouldn't be caught on the same side of the room with that skank Amy. Amy hasn't used deoderant since she chained herself to the fence at the Reagan White House. Ah for those halycon days. Who was that nasty old hippy she cohabited with who was 20 years her senior? Didn't he commit suicide? If so, completely understandable. After all, how low can one go?
Posted by: Casca at February 22, 2006 06:16 AM (y9m6I)
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February 20, 2006
More Behind The Scenes At Fox News

Previous Dhue blogging installments: here and here.
Posted by: annika at
07:38 PM
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On a totally different note, when are you going to do annika's second annual swimsuit review? The SI swimsuit issue is out already.
Posted by: Victor at February 21, 2006 05:06 AM (L3qPK)
Brrrrrrrrrr, sounds cold, how about warm pudding?
Posted by: Casca at February 21, 2006 09:34 AM (y9m6I)
Posted by: Scof at February 21, 2006 12:16 PM (a3fqn)
MMMMMMM.... Laurie Do-Me, She puts the FOX in Fox news.
Also fond of Derry Alexander.
Actually they have a lot of good looking info babes.
AND, Fox has its trademark, ULTRA LIP GLOSS!
Posted by: Kyle N at February 21, 2006 03:19 PM (K0pst)
Is it just me, or is the hair color of Fox News females skewed in comparison to the general population? The good news is that if they ever decide to yank Greta off the air, you have a good shot at getting the job.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at February 21, 2006 11:41 PM (etmLz)
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February 11, 2006
If St. Cindy Can Do It, Why Shouldn't I?
You heard that Cindy Sheehan
was selling herself over the internet? The ad got pulled by eBay, possibly because the product may produce involuntary stomach spasms.
However, with this auction, no such problems are likely:

As to any other disclaimers, I disclaim them.
Posted by: annika at
12:38 PM
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Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.
two major dissapointments with this
1) the auction is over
2) you read malkin
ps i totally would have paid 7.99 Buy it Now plys the 2.50 shipping.
heck i would have paid 8.99
Posted by: tony at February 11, 2006 01:42 PM (vRj+9)
Well, you might be pleased to know I bought two songs by Tsar today.
Posted by: annika at February 11, 2006 01:48 PM (fxTDF)
Perhaps we should go into the speaking business together, Annie -- we could debate and spout poetry at each other.
Posted by: Hugo at February 11, 2006 02:14 PM (Yu24L)
im very pleased to hear that
and if you like them, email me yr mailing address and i will send you a nice mix cd of tsar throughout the years
Posted by: tony at February 11, 2006 08:46 PM (vRj+9)
What would it cost for a speaking engagement in Seoul at one of the larger hotel conference rooms? I'm sure the South Korean youth would love all the nice things you'd have to say about their brothers to the north.
Posted by: Kevin Kim at February 12, 2006 06:56 AM (1PcL3)
At first glance, that picture sort of looks like you're holding up a valentine heart. So that would be a different auction entirely.
Posted by: Jim Treacher at February 12, 2006 11:06 AM (/fbjZ)
Why would she want to go there, the South Koreans hate us. They openly discriminate against our troops:
They think General MacArthur is a war criminal:
And, they think we are the evil bullies for "picking on" the poor little commie shits that have hundreds of artillery pieces aimed at them north of the border.
Posted by: reagan80 at February 12, 2006 11:20 AM (K9tdw)
Precisely my point. I live in Seoul.
Posted by: Kevin Kim at February 12, 2006 07:20 PM (TDwc6)
Sorry about that, Kevin. My sarcasm detector wasn't working at the time, and I didn't know you were even over there.
Posted by: reagan80 at February 12, 2006 08:43 PM (BfbMq)
Even if I had a group to which she could speak, I wouldn't want to ship Annika down to southern California for $2.50 or whatever, even if she poked air holes in the box. A speech is not that inspiring when the speaker has been bouncing around in a UPS truck for several hours.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at February 12, 2006 09:12 PM (62+YC)
BTW, the Sheehan auction has been yanked. I'm kinda curious as to why.
Posted by: Victor at February 13, 2006 06:41 AM (L3qPK)
Victor, that's easy. She's shacked up with Jesse Jackson and can't be bothered.
Posted by: shelly at February 13, 2006 02:46 PM (BJYNn)
Ouch. There's a mental image I could have done without.
Posted by: annika at February 13, 2006 07:01 PM (fxTDF)
Roger that, annika *shudder* OTOH, I've now got something that pushed tubgrl to the to speak...
Posted by: Victor at February 14, 2006 09:44 AM (L3qPK)
You're right, Victor. That's worse than tub girl meeting goatse man.
Posted by: reagan80 at February 14, 2006 10:26 AM (K9tdw)
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December 11, 2005
Speaking Of Endorsements
Here's proof that the smackdown Howard Dean received last week is doing some good:
So go easy on Howie, not only is he working hard to elect the next Republican Congress and President, he's a friend of annika's journal.
Posted by: annika at
08:51 PM
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September 25, 2005
Celine Dion Visits The Hot Tub Friends
Guess who dropped in on the Hot Tub Friends' latest party? It's mega-star Celine Dion!
Let's listen in, shall we?
Posted by: annika at
11:23 PM
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Post contains 34 words, total size 1 kb.
Who's the chick with the hooters?
Posted by: Casca at September 26, 2005 12:05 AM (qBTBH)
Casca, Great minds think alike, you beat me to that question.
Posted by: Kyle N at September 26, 2005 03:34 AM (7Nssw)
every time i do a HTF post someone asks that. it's Paige Davis.
Posted by: annika at September 26, 2005 06:46 AM (OJys9)
Five of those guys need to get ejected fast. What a creepy crowd

Posted by: NOTR at September 26, 2005 07:12 AM (izx0t)
Posted by: Victor at September 26, 2005 07:16 AM (L3qPK)
yeh, who's paige davis, and when are we going to get some football posts?
Posted by: Casca at September 26, 2005 11:51 AM (qBTBH)
Posted by: Victor at September 26, 2005 06:09 PM (l+W8Z)
Doesn't Celine realize that THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THE WATER!
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at September 28, 2005 10:48 PM (V6D5w)
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July 02, 2005
The Freaking Idiot's Guide To The Supreme Court
You ever listen to those early morning CSPAN call-in shows? What a bunch of freaking idiots.
It's like this:
Hello? Is this CSPAN?
Well, I liked that Sander Day O'Conner 'cuz she seemed like she was fair and all. And I think Bush needs to pick someone who's not all for the corporate America with all the Halliburton things and stuff.
Or the angry idiots:
She was just another right wing fascist who selected Bush and wants to roll back Medicare and Social Security with all his fascist crony corporate America and Halliburton things and stuff.
The right wing callers are no better:
Bush needs to pick somebody who's a mainstream American, like someone who hates them despicable homosexual things and stuff.
i often wonder why so many neanderthals are watching CSPAN instead of, say, Jerry Springer re-runs or those used car dealer infomercials they show on like eight stations every Saturday morning? i think it's because they have trouble figuring out the remote control and just get stuck on the channel.
In my attempt to remedy the ignorance of these people, i've prepared a pocket guide to the Supreme Court for any such CSPAN watchers who may have made it over to my blog and read this far down the page.
My handy pocket guide contains a picture of each Supreme Court justice, their name, and then a short bio. You can print it out if you'd like and refer to it whenever you want to express an opinion out loud about the Supreme Court.
Posted by: annika at
08:25 AM
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Posted by: Casca at July 02, 2005 02:08 PM (qBTBH)
Absolutely classic! I feel so much better now! thank you
Posted by: jeff at July 02, 2005 02:37 PM (Zq5kW)
Posted by: The Angle of Repose at July 02, 2005 04:20 PM (bIimw)
I just figured it out..Ann Coulter in drag...LOL
Posted by: Fletch at July 02, 2005 04:26 PM (pO1tP)
Posted by: d-rod at July 02, 2005 06:02 PM (xmskQ)
why do david suitor & david breyer look so much alike?
or is it, why does david suitor look like david breyer, and not david suitor?
what the hell is wrong with a bowtie
Posted by: louielouie at July 02, 2005 06:07 PM (xKfMm)
Only little fagot wannabes wear bowties; e.g. Tucker Carlson.
Posted by: Casca at July 02, 2005 07:04 PM (qBTBH)
You rock. Hilarious post.
Posted by: JohnL at July 02, 2005 08:59 PM (gplif)
Ok, now THAT was funny.
Posted by: Christopher Cross at July 02, 2005 10:56 PM (DaqTr)
"Suitor" and "Breyer" DO look the same.
From exactly what planet did Ruth Ginsburg come from? Has NASA ever identified it? Cal Tech?
You can't spell "party" without "arty."
Posted by: Mark at July 02, 2005 11:41 PM (jvdsg)
Shouldn't Scalia's "perfect score" be 22?
Posted by: Victor at July 03, 2005 08:16 AM (IBRcA)
I was thinking Scalia's ABA rating should be Lawful Good.
Posted by: Kevin Kim at July 04, 2005 03:20 AM (1PcL3)
Annie, you are a genius.
Kevin's right, though: you HAVE to be Lawful Good to be a Paladin (even under 3rd Edition rules). Uh, or so I'm told.
Posted by: Dave J at July 04, 2005 08:59 AM (CYpG7)
Posted by: Radical Redneck at July 04, 2005 08:40 PM (7XTy8)
Posted by: tyler at September 22, 2005 12:11 PM (BtNfK)
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June 26, 2005
Tom's Lost It
Somebody give the man some

More at Wizbang.
[Also, i linked to Beth. Because she said i could.]
Posted by: annika at
12:30 AM
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HEY, IT''S NOT SUNDAY YET!!! Are you at Wimbleton or something?
Posted by: d-rod at June 25, 2005 11:21 PM (tUe0u)
So now Tom thinks he can decide the ehalth treatment of everyone else? Sheesh..
Posted by: Rachel Ann at June 25, 2005 11:27 PM (cANTF)
Boy am I confused.
Is it Scientology or Katie Holmes' sexual capabilities that has taken his mind?
Celebrity = money = knowing everything = right to be rude to everyone.
We report; you decide.
However, I've decided. No more Tom Cruise movies for me in my lifetime. He goes in with Sean Penn, Barbra Steisand, Alec Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Janeane Garafolo, Al Franken and an ever growing bunch of psuedo intellectuals who think they know something because people gawk at them.
My favorite quote is still Elvis Presley; when asked about his opinion of the war, he said "Lady, I'm just an entertainer."
Thanks you Elvis, you are the King.
Posted by: shelly at June 26, 2005 04:51 AM (pO1tP)
Sigh it's a sad sad day when anyone on the Today show looks smarter than...well...anyone.
Posted by: jody at June 26, 2005 06:53 AM (ByVKO)
i can't go cold turkey on the Cruise, Shelly. i've enjoyed most if not all of his movies. He may be a jerk, but he's got a good agent.
Posted by: annika at June 26, 2005 07:19 AM (kwh2s)
No doubt Tom will go home with his new Beard (er, woman) and banish Matt Thetans, by reciting an ode to Xenu.
I wonder how many people know that Scientology was started as a bet between two hack science fiction writers?
Posted by: Kyle at June 26, 2005 07:40 AM (7Re84)
Readers of this blog know. Check the comments to
this post.
Posted by: annika at June 26, 2005 08:14 AM (kwh2s)
Yes, we all know, except for Tom and Katie, of course.
Posted by: shelly at June 26, 2005 11:19 AM (pO1tP)
To his credit, atleast Tom did SOME reading and SOME research. (What exactly that was, I don't know. Of course, knowledge is a poor excuse for arrogance.)
It could be worse. We could be dealing with Janeane Garofalo.
Posted by: Mark at June 26, 2005 05:09 PM (Vg0tt)
Tom claims there is no such thing as chemical imbalances. (!!!!) His interview appeared to contradict that statement.
Posted by: Mark at June 26, 2005 11:14 PM (NY9f3)
Tom may have regressed from "clear," which should only take about $350,000 to rectify...
Posted by: L. Ron at June 27, 2005 06:19 AM (2CAKL)
I am soooooooooooooooo going to linkback to this animation!
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June 13, 2005
Stick It
Now that the election is long over, isn't it time to do something about that faded "W" sticker on the ass of your car?
Annoy your liberal friends and neighbors anew with this baby.
Posted by: annika at
10:58 AM
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Post contains 38 words, total size 1 kb.
Great idea, but the font is not so easy to read.
Posted by: Mark at June 13, 2005 12:29 PM (Vg0tt)
Truth is the enemy?
Or corporate profits?
Maybe missing white females.
Posted by: Preston at June 13, 2005 03:05 PM (wkfsI)
Too hard to read, and painfully obvious.
Posted by: Casca at June 13, 2005 03:22 PM (qBTBH)
The reason it's hard to read is to lure the unsuspecting liberal closer to your bumper...
Posted by: annika at June 13, 2005 03:28 PM (zAOEU)
They should make a bumper sticker based on this priceless Team America soundbite:
Posted by: reagan80 at June 13, 2005 05:56 PM (hlMFQ)
I am no liberal; I just can't figure out what it says.
If we lure them that close, sounds like a bunch of rear-enders to me.
Can you put it in common print so I can understand it?
P.S. Wear RED on Fridays to support our troops.
Posted by: shelly at June 14, 2005 01:44 AM (pO1tP)
Christ, folks, it's clear as day, and it's about damn time someone came forward to declare that the Mebil is on the Sibe of the Enema. I've known this for years, and obviously so has Annika. The difference is that she had the balls to say it while I cowered in my spider hole.
Now the question is: what do we do about the Mebil? Attack it when the Enema is up-Sibe-down?
Seriously-- Annika, I'm invading your comments thread with a special request for my buddy Mike, the Maximum Leader, whose birthday is June 15. That's Poetry Day on your blog, and I was wondering whether you'd see your way clear to either plucking out a nice, juicy, wriggling poem from your collection, or perhaps even (dare we hope?)
writing a poem for the ML.
I know that's not your usual style, to "take requests," so to speak, and I'll understand if you can't do it, but remember this: the Baby Jesus is watching your every move, scanning your every thought. Much like Lord Voldemort, the Baby Jesus
aaaaalways knows.
No pressure. I'm sure you'll do what's right.
Posted by: Kevin Kim at June 14, 2005 05:31 AM (1PcL3)
Gotta agree w/ the others, kiddo: It looks like you used a "b" where you shoulda used a "d".
Posted by: Victor at June 14, 2005 08:19 AM (L3qPK)
crap. the font is called "tagster" and the d does look like a b.
i'll try something else when i get home. nice focus group.
Posted by: annika at June 14, 2005 03:49 PM (zAOEU)
I don't put bumper stickers on my car 'cause all the loser libs here in leftist loony-land (Boulder, CO) would key the paint ...
However, I'd buy this as a T-shirt in a heartbeat.
Posted by: io hk at June 16, 2005 04:01 PM (oCke8)
it is enemy because media owned by NaZI corperations and there bush fellating facist shareholders!
Posted by: Um Yeah at June 16, 2005 05:13 PM (MhJuU)
Um Yeah is clearly the product of those great union-controlled public schools.
Posted by: Mark, Annika's Practologist at June 16, 2005 11:50 PM (PBiSp)
Fuck you youre a rascist im intellegent!
Posted by: Um Yeah at June 17, 2005 04:02 PM (MhJuU)
Hey Um Yeah, you don't happen to be from Boulder, CO, do you?
Posted by: foo at June 20, 2005 02:16 PM (XdWz/)
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May 05, 2005
Paula Hits The Road With The Hot Tub Friends... Again
This time she's on a mission.
Posted by: annika at
12:21 AM
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Post contains 26 words, total size 1 kb.
So just who is the other broad in the car? And who's the guy they run over this time?
Posted by: Victor at May 05, 2005 04:54 AM (L3qPK)
Supposed to be Corey Clark?
Who's the dude in the back seat picking his nose?
Posted by: shelly at May 05, 2005 06:35 AM (pO1tP)
check the photoshopaholic rubric for the backstory on the hot tub friends.
That's Paige Davis and Marv Albert in the back seat. And Corey Clark is correct.
Posted by: annika at May 05, 2005 07:26 AM (zuRc4)
Posted by: Victor at May 05, 2005 08:14 AM (L3qPK)
i wonder if Frank J ever has days like this.
Posted by: annika at May 05, 2005 08:17 AM (zuRc4)
Posted by: d-rod at May 05, 2005 10:02 AM (CSRmO)
Notice that even THIS set of folks won't let Michael Jackson in the car with them.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at May 05, 2005 12:58 PM (FPdMX)
Now we know how Kelly won
Posted by: beautifulatrocities at May 05, 2005 01:52 PM (H3mkq)
Posted by: Casca at May 05, 2005 03:39 PM (qBTBH)
Yeah, I forgot. The rug fooled me.
And, I couldn't see the girdle.
Posted by: shelly at May 05, 2005 05:35 PM (pO1tP)
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