over the internet? The ad got pulled by eBay, possibly because the product may produce involuntary stomach spasms.
As to any other disclaimers, I disclaim them.
two major dissapointments with this
1) the auction is over
2) you read malkin
ps i totally would have paid 7.99 Buy it Now plys the 2.50 shipping.
heck i would have paid 8.99
Posted by: tony at February 11, 2006 01:42 PM (vRj+9)
Well, you might be pleased to know I bought two songs by Tsar today.
Posted by: annika at February 11, 2006 01:48 PM (fxTDF)
Perhaps we should go into the speaking business together, Annie -- we could debate and spout poetry at each other.
Posted by: Hugo at February 11, 2006 02:14 PM (Yu24L)
im very pleased to hear that
and if you like them, email me yr mailing address and i will send you a nice mix cd of tsar throughout the years
Posted by: tony at February 11, 2006 08:46 PM (vRj+9)
What would it cost for a speaking engagement in Seoul at one of the larger hotel conference rooms? I'm sure the South Korean youth would love all the nice things you'd have to say about their brothers to the north.
Posted by: Kevin Kim at February 12, 2006 06:56 AM (1PcL3)
At first glance, that picture sort of looks like you're holding up a valentine heart. So that would be a different auction entirely.
Posted by: Jim Treacher at February 12, 2006 11:06 AM (/fbjZ)
Why would she want to go there, the South Koreans hate us. They openly discriminate against our troops:
They think General MacArthur is a war criminal:
And, they think we are the evil bullies for "picking on" the poor little commie shits that have hundreds of artillery pieces aimed at them north of the border.
Posted by: reagan80 at February 12, 2006 11:20 AM (K9tdw)
Precisely my point. I live in Seoul.
Posted by: Kevin Kim at February 12, 2006 07:20 PM (TDwc6)
Sorry about that, Kevin. My sarcasm detector wasn't working at the time, and I didn't know you were even over there.
Posted by: reagan80 at February 12, 2006 08:43 PM (BfbMq)
Even if I had a group to which she could speak, I wouldn't want to ship Annika down to southern California for $2.50 or whatever, even if she poked air holes in the box. A speech is not that inspiring when the speaker has been bouncing around in a UPS truck for several hours.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at February 12, 2006 09:12 PM (62+YC)
BTW, the Sheehan auction has been yanked. I'm kinda curious as to why.
Posted by: Victor at February 13, 2006 06:41 AM (L3qPK)
Victor, that's easy. She's shacked up with Jesse Jackson and can't be bothered.
Posted by: shelly at February 13, 2006 02:46 PM (BJYNn)
Ouch. There's a mental image I could have done without.
Posted by: annika at February 13, 2006 07:01 PM (fxTDF)
Roger that, annika *shudder* OTOH, I've now got something that pushed tubgrl to the rear...so to speak...
Posted by: Victor at February 14, 2006 09:44 AM (L3qPK)
You're right, Victor. That's worse than tub girl meeting goatse man.
Posted by: reagan80 at February 14, 2006 10:26 AM (K9tdw)
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