(Hey, i'm a law student. i'm supposed to know all about laws and shit.)
Although the vibrator laws seem silly today, they were designed to end this medical procedure:
"It meant 'womb disease.'" From the dawn of recorded medical history, healers had observed that women, unlike men, didn't release fluids during sex; as a result, pent-up juices, trapped in the womb, caused all sorts of problems - headaches, irritability, fear of impending insanity, hysteria.
With the same scientific insight that generated this diagnosis, the medical profession lit on a cure. Doctors and midwives massaged the genitals to "hysterical paroxysm," as the orgasm was scientifically termed, to release held-back energies. By the end of the 19th century, some doctors were advising women to come in for such treatments once a week ".
via Wired Magazine
Posted by: Jake at October 21, 2005 07:41 AM (r/5D/)
Of course, California isn't one of them. Go figure.
Posted by: Mark at October 22, 2005 03:36 AM (sqj4/)
God, or the United States government, FORBID that women have some more fun too.
Posted by: Tulip at October 22, 2005 11:11 AM (Ga1+6)
that's because repuke "women" always chip their teeth on them.
Posted by: Kimmitt at October 22, 2005 06:59 PM (7XTy8)
Dang, outlawed here in Texas?
I wouldn't have figured that, considering they sell all that crap at such stores like New Fine Arts, Condom Sense, Condoms to Go, etc. And they're all over the DFW metroplex.
Posted by: Amy Bo Bamy at October 24, 2005 01:17 PM (kxatG)
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