I thought Peter and Glowee broke up...so I just went back and pretty much read all the past PPTSP.
There's some funny shit in there, annika.
Posted by: Victor at February 09, 2007 02:09 PM (1oGDT)
Get a life loser.
I hear that Ballentine
Has got him five to nine,
And the Farmer's brother's
A Friend of mine.
Posted by: Casca at February 09, 2007 06:30 PM (2gORp)
OK, for youse guys what never hoid of Guys and Dolls, this here's the original lyrics to "Fugue for Tinhorns".
I got the horse right here
The name is Paul Revere
And here's a guy that says that the weather's clear
Can do, can do, this guy says the horse can do
If he says the horse can do, can do, can do.
(Benny starts singing his part at this time, while Nicely continues

Can do - can do - this guy says the horse can do
If he says the horse can do - can do, can do.
(Rusty starts singing his part as the time, while Nicely and Benny continue

For Paul Revere I'll bite
I hear his foot's all right
Of course it all depends if it rained last night
Likes mud, likes mud, this X means the horse likes mud
If that means the horse likes mud, likes mud
Likes mud.
I tell you Paul Revere
Now this is no bum steer
It's from a handicapper that's real sincere
Can do, can do, this guy says the horse can do.
If he says the horse can do - can do - can do.
Paul Revere. I got the horse right here.
I'm pickin' Valentine, 'cause on the morning line
A guy has got him figured at five to nine
Has chance, has chance, this guy says the horse has chance
if he says the horse has chance, has chance, has chance
I know it's Valentine, the morning work looks fine
Besides the jockey's brother's a friend of mine
Needs race, needs race, this guy says the horse needs race
If he says the horse needs race, needs race, needs race.
I go for Valentine, 'Cause on the morning line,
The guy has got him figured at five to nine
Has chance, has chance, this guy says the horse has chance
Valentine! I got the horse right here.
But look at Epitaph. he wins it by a half
According to this here in the Telegraph
"Big Threat" - "Big Threat"
This guy calls the horse "Big Threat"
If he calls the horse "Big Threat",
Big Threat, Big Threat.
And just a minute, boys.
I've got the feed box noise
It says the great-grandfather was Equipoise
Shows class, shows class.
This guy says the horse shows class
If he says the horse shows class
Shows class, show's class.
So make it Epitaph, he wins it by a half
According to this here in the Telegraph.
Epitaph! Valentine! Paul Revere!
I got the horse right here!
Posted by: shelly at February 09, 2007 07:53 PM (SLFj+)
All in all you're just a dick with no balls, casca.
Posted by: Victor at February 09, 2007 08:11 PM (l+W8Z)
Tsk, tsk, Victor.
When one is reduced to name calling, certainly one has reached the bottom of the barrel; I'd say about three fathoms lower than whaleshit.
Posted by: shelly at February 10, 2007 03:23 AM (SLFj+)
Glass houses, Shelly...unless "mental midget" is a term of endearment to you.
Posted by: Victor at February 10, 2007 05:44 AM (l+W8Z)
I don't know why the word "gourd" is so funny--but it is. This reminds me of Freshman year at Princeton High School in New Jersey. I had a huge crush on the senior who was playing Nicely Nicely Johnson, Jon Tenney. I never spoke to him--just worshiped him from afar. He was an awesome performer.
Fast forward 20-some years and he's a Broadway, t.v. and movie actor who used to be married to Teri Hatcher. One day in the late 90's I turned on the t.v. and realized that the guy playing the lead on a new (short-lived) cop show was that guy I liked in 9th grade.
Posted by: Joules at February 10, 2007 05:49 AM (u4CYb)
Alright, there are two bloggers at Annika's Journal: Annika and Victor. From now on, I'm declaring a moratorium on all unprovoked attacks on the management. Up to now, I've allowed things to be pretty rough and tumble in the comments, but this schoolyard bully shit is getting on my nerves, so cool it.
Posted by: annika at February 10, 2007 09:52 AM (JBltT)
Posted by: Brad at February 10, 2007 10:03 AM (9ADYb)
How'd you do in Con Law?
Did you get to the 1st Amendment yet?
Posted by: shelly at February 10, 2007 11:24 AM (SLFj+)
Ah, now I understand the IM conversation. To tell the truth, I'd completely forgotten the comment, and it had nothing to do with our resident cell-block-punk, Victor being the author. ANYONE who'd go back and reread the Peter Pumpkin chronicle is by definition not engaged in a productive life.
Posted by: Casca at February 11, 2007 07:50 AM (2gORp)
Now you've got me wondering... has the management synchronized menstrual cycles yet?
Posted by: Casca at February 11, 2007 08:05 AM (2gORp)
So, here's a good law school final exam question:
Was that "unprovoked"?
For extra credit: What difference does it make?
Alternate question for extra credit: Outside of a crowded theatre, where can one yell "Bullshit" without being censored? (Knowledge of the existence of the 1st Amendment is required for this option)
Posted by: shelly at February 11, 2007 09:40 AM (SLFj+)
Was that unprovoked? Not by your definition. Hell, it's obvious your and Casca's petty jealousy is such that if I were to open a window on a hot summer day, you'd consider that sufficient provocation to start slinging insults around.
As for what difference it makes--not much, I concede, because your definition of provocation gives you the right to attack if I so much as blink. It does, however, demonstrate a total lack of respect for annika and for the spirit of her rules (if not the letter, for reasons discussed above).
As for your last question--C'mon, Shelly. People give up their right to total "Freedom of Speech" all the time (court orders, non-disclosure agreements, being asked, "Does this dress make me look fat?") under threat of a sanction of some sort. If that isn't censorship, I don't know what is.
Posted by: Victor at February 11, 2007 11:03 AM (l+W8Z)
You don't know what is.
Like all liberals, the rules don't apply to you, since right is on your side.
Me, I stopped hiding behind skirts a long time ago.
Posted by: shelly at February 11, 2007 11:26 AM (SLFj+)
OUCH! LMAO! Dammit Shelly, I was saving that one for later. Since some here have been likened to "Bullies", to continue the analogy, maybe others wouldn't get their ass beat if they didn't have their mommy walk them to school? I'd suggest moving to a new neighborhood where the big boys aren't so mean. lmao
Posted by: Casca at February 11, 2007 02:29 PM (2gORp)
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