I must have missed the President's introduction of the "No Child Gets To Learn About Sex Act." Anybody got a link on that?
Well, she's nice looking; has a great body; and is a good actress. Apparently, she is also an idiot.
Posted by: blu at November 20, 2006 03:24 PM (w2RJn)
Great actress yes, and a potential staffer for John Kerry who also says alot of stupid things.
Posted by: Mike C. at November 20, 2006 05:16 PM (0Co69)
Well, maybe this is just me, but I'd much rather know that the person I'm sleeping with gets tested twice a year for HIV, then not know if he/she ever gets tested. But then, I'd rather not take a chance of contracting an incurable fatal virus. I know, I'm a stick in the mud like that...
Posted by: The Law Fairy at November 20, 2006 07:00 PM (XUsiG)
LF, ya gotta get laid once in a while for it to matter.
LMFAO, I never tire of twisting your nipples.
Posted by: Casca at November 21, 2006 12:56 AM (2gORp)
Casca, I admire your flirting technique. I usually say "biting," and da wimmins, dey just runs.
Other verbs that never seem to work:
"conversing with"
"leering at"
"drooling on"
"shooting Force-lightning at"
Well, OK, that last one sometimes earns me a friendly double-take.
Posted by: Kevin Kim at November 21, 2006 07:22 AM (1PcL3)
I'd still hit it! Again and again and again and again.
When she starts gettting annoying I'll just say "don't talk with your mouth full. Bitch" ;-)
Posted by: Radical Redneck at November 21, 2006 08:44 AM (r7Pgb)
Casca, Kevin raises an excellent point -- jokes about physically harming women never seem to stop being funny, do they? I bet that one goes over real well at the Neanderthal Club.
(it's so funny how the mere sight of my name seems to send you into a conniption fit. Come on, my existence can't be *that* threatening to your fragile little sense of masculinity)
Posted by: The Law Fairy at November 21, 2006 12:23 PM (XUsiG)
LMAO, Harm? I've rarely met a woman who didn't LOVE having her nipples twisted. Pull the blinds, lock the doors, and give it a little try. Astroglide might heighten the experience.
Now that rhetoric about the Neanderthal Club... that's a damned nice attempt at Borking. Now follow me closely, and I'll use small words. Borking & bonking are two different things. Here we are talking about bonking.
There is nothing funnier than the professional virgin opining on sex. Do you have an opinion on breathing through your ears?
Posted by: Casca at November 21, 2006 05:09 PM (2gORp)
BTW, it's the He-Man Women Haters Club, and you've got a good shot at being our next recruiting postergirl. You'll have to put out though, or none of the members will talk to you, but that could solve your other problem too.
Now you've gone and reminded me of a joke one of the members told last night:
"Why do women have pussys?"
"So men will talk to them."
LMAO, it's ALWAYS funny.
Ciao Bella
Posted by: Casca at November 21, 2006 05:26 PM (2gORp)
Alas, Law Fairy has twinkled away into the stardust. Honey, if you want to run with the big dogs, ya gotta be able to piss in the tall grass. Nobody will ever tell you this, but when you play the "I'm a girl card", you lose major cred and style points with men. Oh, we'll all remain silent, and you'll win your momentary point, but you'll never be privy to the inner sanctum of their thinking, and that'll limit you in life.
Posted by: Casca at November 23, 2006 09:57 AM (2gORp)
Have you read the bona fides of the fellow the Bushboy has appointed to be in charge of reproductive health ( I don't recall the actual name of the agency but I think it is a sub to PHS? A madman. A psychotic who has presented papers that assert that women who have multiple partners lose the ability to emotionally bond. He is against all forms of birth control for single and married women and promulgates the debunked theories about abortion and breast cancer, abortion and birth defects etc. No abortion under any circumstances.
So, I don't think Ms. JohanssonÂ’s comments are such a stretch. While they might not be literally true it is no surprised that this administration has been the absolute worst on issues of reproductive health, sex education and so forth. They pander the RR at every opportunity.
Posted by: Strawman at November 26, 2006 12:02 PM (9ySL4)
Can you please let us know how you define a "madman" and a "psychotic"? Now, Castro, for example, is clearly both these things, yet I've never heard you use those terms to describe him or your other left-wing heroes/butchers . This doctor just happens to disagree with you. I'm not certain that is sufficient to earn the labels you've assigned to him.
With that said, he was a terrible choice. His paper trail alone should have made him ineligible for the position, and his comments about "bonding" were ridiculous and anti-intellectiual. The guy is an embarrassment to those of us who consider ourselves Christian, conservative, and intellectual because he is a walking caricature.
Posted by: blu at November 27, 2006 11:34 AM (Wn4WF)
It took one to appoint one.
Posted by: Strawman at November 29, 2006 04:49 PM (9ySL4)
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