<shameless self-promotion>Well, fash-ism problem solved. Here is my brand new tuff t-shirt design, incorporating the Maltese Cross so popular these days with the biker crowd; and the URL is in a grafitti style font:
i honestly don't know about the quality of the t-shirts from cafépress, i've never bought one, but i do have some mugs and they came out beautifully. These shirts are $15.00 to $18.00, depending on the style. Seems pricey, but i only get a couple of bucks out of it; the rest goes to those pimps at cafépress. (Anyways, you know i'll put the money to good use. Gambling debts, sex toys, court-ordered restitution, and the like.)
If you're reading annika's journal every day, like you're supposed to,* there's no reason why you shouldn't have your very own a's j t-shirt.
Now if i could just get Brittany or Lindsay or Paris to model one, i could retire wealthily.</shameless self-promotion>
Couldn't I just write you a check and skip the middleman?
Posted by: Casca at May 30, 2005 12:59 PM (qBTBH)
Brittany or Lindsay or Paris? Who are they?
Posted by: Mark at May 30, 2005 02:13 PM (+4/Id)
Monday, May 30, 2005
They used to laugh at Canada.
It is now that of United States which is world that joke.... Canadians are voice of reason. I think that California has more people than Canada, is however me kind of curious, how much radical live unRightwingnuts, of - inbreds and - greedheads there. national sport of Hockey partially cancelled held with indifference by majority of Americans...... that which prefers really sport, in players troepfelnden... miteinschliessen and, because of this development of play, Hockey in these new is called unspecified mainly, description not identified of sport... which I quote play of disturbance. It forms really gulf to pay attention examment and in an unforeseeable way. It had something of goalie even, Patrick Roy was called which persisted that it its last names, Waw discussions. I say, waawaawaa. I always thought that he was a baby. Even Arundhati Roy which comes from India, expresses with its last names manner which it is spelled. * but, its name to accept French, and I, contrary als much of stupid American sprechenkoepfe on Yellfernsehapparat and radio, to take into account a small top American history. If it were not for French, we were would lose revolutionist... and all we would be of Hooligans with a shitty and we would find, bag of Prime Minister for Scheisse... in place of a shitty and we would find, bag of Scheisse Bunnypants. And since Mister. "blowjobs sex" is not recognized with cord... akarechnung... us American to become gebumst ass of NAFTA, and to even become countries, like Germany which 10 percent of still selected unemployment temporarily..., ass by new European constitution of connection gebumst... it has, is pleasant to see that French voters declared new yesterday - Chirac and world contract, etc..... to go Bumsen says to me far three applause for French.... They eat cheeses and wine and always live, there for. * us fucken cubic von all, which...... overpriced to use us, not necessary Verordnungmeds, to lunch, formaldehyded beer, propaganda, unjust war, which radical unRighthass speech... okay, I to estimate, who us not in manner of using. But, I mean that shit... we drink coffee... which does not contribute you to scheissen..., him not as tea is however favorable. And surplus beer consumption is more harmful than wine. And wine is well in to your body with cheeses. * Scheisse ... us they right on Paprikakaese fries... and crap that that. And French of maintenance holidays and work like 35 hours week in place fifty... and have care of health... and Scheisse which could have each normal industrialized country. We pay a ton of money for of Scheisse which we never receive... like care of health of quality and schools... etc..... what was also always able at idea to convert infrastructure of America and to cause employment? In place of right tax cuts for of Bunnypants and Darth Cheney and their friends. Tax cuts for Rich, if dollar descends toilet. These people invest obviously this impact of cash wind extra one apart from United States. Before I forget... Greenspan fucking Arschloch is. I continue. Each time if I see a pothole in road, I think to which domocrats. If I believed, devil wished it that I would say that all they are that to hell goes. Anyhow. It was a pleasant capacity of hearing of a friend. Apparently, my adventures did not go rather as badly in wasted country, as me feared themselves. My social adventure of weekend did not go ideally also, and certain places rose of my presence... Tired Ah, is however thus sometimes my everyday life. I carry blogged some articles interesting to other practises place of installation I. It is durable with intelligent titles comes in top sometimes. "chicken labelled for crossing of road" was large title that I last week read. That is our Homelandsicherheit with work for us. They now appears all cases of implementation of law under this Dumbrella. It would explain a last employment which went towards south on me. Admitted under a protocol I read you on "Internet" (dummyspeak) Bunnypants... can of each possible employment under this Dumbrella to criticize of Stupidity of group Bunnypants congédié being. * to seem i-Ende good each to record with a von kind negative rant, therefore to test I, my band www.sheisspussy.com to modify
I am gay.
Posted by: Citizen Milenko at May 30, 2005 08:32 PM (gINUe)
Citizen Milenko,
Your rambling, incoherent, illogical, and poorly punctuated rant only underscores your lack of basic civility. If someone stole your slogans and sound bites, you would have virtually nothing left.
Learn to THINK first, because you're so terribly uninformed about 99% of what you ramble about, you're only making a scintilating ass of yourself.
Posted by: Mark at May 30, 2005 09:05 PM (UArmD)
Once again, I agree with Casca.
Can't we just have a "Keep Annie in Law School" drive and send in some money?
I mean, have you really looked at this design, or did someone ghost it for you?
I, as would Casca, I suspect, would happily pay you not to have to wear that ghastly concoction.
Just put a donation box with credit card facility under "If you wanna be nice to me..."
Love your wit and your politics; as far as design is concerned, "don't give up your day job".
Posted by: shelly at May 31, 2005 04:28 AM (pO1tP)
Posted by: annie at May 31, 2005 06:43 AM (otLER)
Shelly doth protest too much. She must be a law student with that arrogance.
Posted by: Mark at May 31, 2005 08:18 AM (Hk4wN)
The Maltese Cross _does_ have a checkered past.
Posted by: anonymous at May 31, 2005 10:06 AM (wkfsI)
"Canadians are voice of reason."
"Citizen Milenko," I'd be willing to bet anyone $1000 that Canada as it exists now won't be around in five years. Voice of reason? No, the voice of a self-righteous corrupt elite in Ontario who define themselves and their venal, petty anti-Americanism (and their barely concealed contempt for western Canada) as the essence of what it means to be Canadian. Not so very long ago, Canada was still a great country that fought nobly in the cause of freedom, but it is now not even a shadow of its former self. The sooner the confederation rips itself apart--and it will--the better for all involved.
Posted by: Dave J at May 31, 2005 02:09 PM (kLLbt)
My "arrogant" comment was not for Annika, who I find very witty and intelligent. In short, I'd "hit it."
Posted by: Mark at May 31, 2005 02:17 PM (Vg0tt)
Thanks Mark, I am flattered to be thought young, and can ignore the rest of the remark.
Design is a matter of style, and you win a few and lose a few. I expressed my opinion of the design while expressing my support for Annie, and willingness to put my money where my mouth (or computer, if you will)is.
I was a young law student once, but that was in 1958-61. Now I am an old senior guy at a big law firm and don't do much but blog away and dabble in a little political stuff.
Now Annie, she's the law student and has the slightly thinner skin. Not for my remark (viz.) owever, which she took in good humor, as did I, her retort.
Mind your OFB.
Posted by: shelly at May 31, 2005 05:30 PM (pO1tP)
Naaaa, I was just hoping to pay for sex.
Posted by: Casca at June 01, 2005 04:00 PM (qBTBH)
"original fancy blog"?
"overly full breasts"?
Posted by: Mark at June 02, 2005 09:56 AM (Hk4wN)
Just the thought that the proceeds could go to pay for sex toys for Annie is quite an enticement to consider buying...
Posted by: Desert Cat at June 02, 2005 10:09 PM (xdX36)
OFB = own f*cking business
Posted by: shelly at June 03, 2005 12:36 AM (pO1tP)
It appears the actual unaltered posting of mine,..."They used to laugh at Canada."... was deleted or something. I might've screwed up the posting. I don't know. Nonetheless...I will reiterate...You can find the real posting once you go to www.hellachoohiccupmonkeyright.blogspot.com
I have an attached site which includes my poorly written essay...but I cannot even list the name here because of language or something.
Whatever. I mean pussy could mean cat. It could mean bush. Bushpussy? Bunnypants.
Posted by: Citizen Milenko at June 05, 2005 10:17 PM (gINUe)
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