This appears to be the week for me to blog about nipples, seen or unseen.
I, ummm, don't feel comfortable hammering on other peoples' piercable bits. Some would say that my piercing is pretty icky, too.
Posted by: zombyboy at February 02, 2004 12:00 AM (X7Bhq)
Have you seen the site that traces Britney's evolution from A-cup to C (and maybe D) cup - and back again? Her boobies vary over time.
Maybe the girls got inflatable implants...
Posted by: Pixy Misa at February 02, 2004 06:06 AM (jtW2s)
So Annika, in honor of your nipple-blogging week, what are the odds of you posting a topless pic. You know not that I'm asking for gratuitous nudity or anything. I'm just thinking theme here, and what better way to get it going.. Just a suggestion..

I'm thinking logos, promotion, corporate sponsors.. 'Annika's boob week'.
I could be huge..
I'm gonna get banned now, huh?
Posted by: Rob at February 02, 2004 08:00 AM (QDVwP)
So Annika, in honor of your nipple-blogging week, what are the odds of you posting a topless pic. You know not that I'm asking for gratuitous nudity or anything. I'm just thinking theme here, and what better way to get it going.. Just a suggestion..

I'm thinking logos, promotion, corporate sponsors.. 'Annika's boob week'.
It could be huge..
I'm gonna get banned now, huh?
Posted by: Rob at February 02, 2004 08:01 AM (QDVwP)
A stupid comment, and it double posted. I suck.
Posted by: rob at February 02, 2004 08:02 AM (QDVwP)
In the immortal words of Patsy on
AbFab... "Accident, sweetie".
Posted by: d-rod at February 02, 2004 10:40 AM (CSRmO)
Three times is the charm?
Posted by: annika at February 02, 2004 11:04 AM (zAOEU)
just curious, if you really get down to it, just how is it that a nipple shield is that much different than a spike through your tongue?
i asked my little sister why she got her tongue pierced and she said to me, "there is only ONE reason to do it, and if you don't know what that is, i'm not gonna tell ya"
body modification is a very personal thing, and many people do many seemingly odd things for reasons only known to them. does that really make them sick or perverted?
i'm not so sure.
i'd never judge you for that sort of thing (hell, i think it's sexy) but i think you might be exhibiting a bit of intolerance on this one.
i do still luv ya though
Posted by: coyote at February 02, 2004 11:09 AM (cfoFZ)
body modification is a very personal thing, and many people do many seemingly odd things for reasons only known to them. does that really make them sick or perverted?"
Not necessarily, but in the case any member of the Jacko family, the answer is yes.
Seriously 'Yote, i do have my preferences where body art is concerned. i pierced my tongue, my nose and my navel. But i wouldn't pierce my nips, too sensitive. i dated a couple of guys with pierced nips and i did find that a bit sexy. i dated guys with pierced tongues too. That was, um, different. About half of my friends have pierced tongues, too. What you see as intolerance is just a matter of aesthetic taste for me. A guy with a little ring on his nip is sexy, if he has the attitude to match, but i don't think lip rings are attractive in any circumstance. i'm ambivalent about eyebrow piercing on either sex. What's the point of that? i like tattoos, but i think a big hunkin sun tat on the tummy is ugly. i have no prob with nip piercing, per se, but attaching a shield is overdoing it, in my opinion. It makes me cringe to think what would happen if that material had gotten caught on one of the spikes when Justin pulled it off. Yeeoow.
Posted by: annika at February 02, 2004 03:35 PM (zAOEU)
ok Annie-
i must have just misread "That's fucking sick" and "Anyone who thought that Janet might the only normal one in that family... think again."
my bad.
Posted by: coyote at February 02, 2004 04:10 PM (cfoFZ)
Did I call that or what?
Poor woman. You have to pity someone who spends all that money on a boob job and then her nips point not only down, but in different directions.
Posted by: Brant at February 02, 2004 05:31 PM (WfQGW)
I think I'm gonna follow Rob's lead and make this into a world wide effort.
Think of it as Girls Gone Wild:Spring Blog '04
Show your tits!
Posted by: Kin at February 04, 2004 11:22 AM (IDa3v)
Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction, annika?
Posted by: d-rod at February 05, 2004 06:20 PM (GNk2j)
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