July 19, 2005
Supreme Court Update

Despite early reports today, speculation that right hander Matt Clement was picked to be the ninth man in the Supreme Court rotation are apparently untrue.
Sources within the administration, speaking on condition of anonymity, told annika's journal that Matt Clement was never under serious consideration.

However, some experts say Clement would have been an awesome choice, despite his 4.21 ERA and mediocre WHIP. Said annika: "Heck, he's been on my fantasy team three years in a row. i don't know what kind of justice he'd make, but he's got ten wins and 101 K's this year. And the way my team's been doing, i've needed every damn one of 'em."
Developing . . .
Update: Speculation continues to circulate around Gonzalez as a possible nominee. Some pundits say President Bush is under pressure to nominate another Arizonan to replace Justice O'Connor, who grew up in Duncan, Arizona. However, some conservative activists are wary of the veteran outfielder for the Diamondbacks.
Said prominent right wing blogger annika: "Sure Luis throws right handed, but he bats lefty. And everytime i've seen him, he's way out in left field. Can we really trust him?"
Developing . . .
Update 2: The news is out! It's Roberts! i'm ecstatic. His stats aren't outrageous, but he's got good speed and was a quality guy when he played for the Dodgers. This year Dave's been a solid contributor to the first place Padre team. Democrats who wanted a center fielder should be happy with this lefty batter.
Developing . . .
[If there's a rule about beating a joke to death, you might want to invoke it now.]
Update 3: Preston wanted a justice with strings attached. Or someone who can pull all the right strings. Or something like that.
Posted by: annika at
04:23 PM
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...but he's got ten wins and 101 K's this year. And the way my team's been doing, i've needed every damn one of 'em."
The way your team's been doing, you've needed a bitch of a lot more than ten wins and 101 K's )Not that I've got any room to talk--but at least I'm number one in total K's and I'm making a serious run for W's in the pitching department.).
Posted by: Victor at July 19, 2005 04:59 PM (IBRcA)
Clement??...Come on. We all know Randy Johnson would be picked over him. Let's Go Yankees.
Anyway, I found you via the Cotllion.Nice blog by the way.
Posted by: RegularRon at July 19, 2005 05:30 PM (UXT/+)
Leave it to the Chicago Cubs and the trolls at the Chicago Tribune to let a pitcher like Matt Clement go.
What a truly sorry ass organization.
Posted by: Mark at July 19, 2005 08:22 PM (442Yb)
Personally I would prefer Lindsay Lohan for SCOTUS. Or Boy George. Or Kenny Rogers (the Barona casino hawker, not the fan of photographers).
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at July 20, 2005 05:45 PM (c6rOB)
Roberts was one cool dude; I am sure that it was he, and not Ensign Pulver who stole Queeg's strawberries. Not sure about who tossed the palm tree either.
Will Broadway Chuck ferret this out of him in intense cross examination?
Or, will the Bloviating Senator from Boston take him on with skills he learned in college whilst being caught having others take his exams?
Stay tuned to this station through September...
Posted by: shelly at July 21, 2005 12:40 AM (pO1tP)
Which Bloviating Senator from Boston? The one whose last name begins with a K?
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at July 21, 2005 05:27 PM (bGyIu)
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July 11, 2005
Tour de France Trivia
On this
off day for the Tour, i thought you all might enjoy this bit of Tour de France historical trivia.
Question: What dinosaur was also an excellent biker in the time trial events?
Answer in the extended entry.
Posted by: annika at
06:36 PM
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Lance is proof positive that an American with one nut is better than a legion of Eurotrash.
I'm sorry, was that needlessly harsh?
Posted by: Kyle at July 12, 2005 05:07 AM (7Re84)
Old joke, Kyle. Robin Williams told that one *years* ago.
Posted by: Victor at July 12, 2005 06:27 AM (L3qPK)
Well, I'm as big a fan of Lance as anyone (hell, we flew to Austin last year to do his Foundation ride in the heat of the Texas Hill Country). But he'd never call his competitors Eurotrash... remember, the dude calls Spain home now, spending more time there than anywhere else... and he publicly touted Paris for the 2012 games. In one of his books, he makes it clear that he doesn't see eye-to-eye with President Bush, either, though he respects him as a fellow Texan... Face it folks; with a divorce, Sheryl Crowe and a foreign address, Lance is more "blue state" than "red." :-)
Posted by: Hugo at July 12, 2005 07:25 AM (qldcl)
Yea but it doesn't count when Williams says it, cuz he is such a leftist dweeb.
Lance might like the Euros, but I dont, At least not the ones I have met and had to work with. But then again, I'm just a little package of hate.
Posted by: Kyle at July 12, 2005 10:09 AM (7Re84)
IÂ’m a little torn about supporting Lance Armstrong. On one hand, it is great the French hate him so much because he dominates their big event. It must make them stew to know that an American is the best at what they hold so dearly. On the other hand, when I have heard him talk he comes across like a typical Hollywood liberal (IÂ’m sure dating Sheryl Crowe doesnÂ’t help my perception). Also, IÂ’m unsure if he is an atheist but IÂ’ve never heard him attribute any of his success or his overcoming cancer to God. This may be a bit hypocritical of me because it irritates me when athletes thank God for letting them win, but you would think that a man who came back from the brink of death would thank more than the doctors and the medicine. Perhaps I should just ignore the politics of it all and appreciate an American dominating Europeans.
Posted by: Jonathan at July 12, 2005 04:26 PM (oegEw)
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July 06, 2005
le Tour Update
DMC at Ridgecrest Blog has a couple of really good Tour de France updates.
The first is something Tour fans already know. Lance Armstrong is a class act.
Today Lance Armstrong showed up for the big roll out wearing his normal Discovery Channel jersey, not the yellow jersey of the race leader that he was entitiled to wear.
. . .
After the rollout the race referees told Lance that he would have to wear the yellow or risk being disqualified from the race. So Armstong is racing with the yellow jersey pulled on over his discovery jerset. Let's hope it doesn't get hot today.
So there you go, in a day of overpaid, over egoed proffesional athletes we have one here that tries to take the high road and do the right thing and the race officials have to get involved and drag him back into the muck.
The second update concerns
a questionable judgment call on the part of David Zabriskie's team leader, Bjarni Riis.
To Bjarne Riis, you made a tough call ordering the team to ride on withour Zabriskie. But was it the right call? YOu should have left a rider behind to help him. To bad you don't respect the yellow jersey as much as the guy who was wearing it and the man today who is reluctantly wearing it today.
Go check out
Ridgecrest Blog. It's good stuff.
Posted by: annika at
10:10 AM
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Bjarne Riis made a tough call, but the right call. The man CSC is setting up to win the General Category of the Tour is Ivan Basso, not David Zabriskie. In order for Basso to do that, it was imperative that he, and CSC, lose as little time as possible against DSC and Armstrong in the team time trial, preferably none at all. And in the end, remember, CSC only lost to DSC with two seconds. Had CSC won, they would have received a time bonus, but also proved to the world, and themselves, that Armstrong's team was not invincible; both points would have given CSC a considerable moral boost; both points were well worth 'sacrificing' Zabriskie's yellow jersey for. In essence, Riis was faced with the choice of trying to keep Zabriskie in the yellow jersey for an extra day
now or giving Basso a chance to win
the entire Tour de France.
As for Lance Armstrong's refusing to wear the yellow jersey out of 'respect' for Zabriskie's plight: it's funny, but I don't remember Armstrong having any problems whatsoever with donning the maillot jaune in 2003 after his main rival Jan Ullrich had a nasty fall in one of the individual time trials thereby screwing up his (Ullrich's) chances of winning. What's the difference?
Last year, Armstrong eschewed the tradition which has the previous year's winner wearing the yellow jersey in the prologue/first stage, claiming that he wanted to 'earn' it.
Puh-lease! My theory is that hanging around Sheryl Crow is rotting his brain. I had much more respect for Armstrong when he was a brash and upfront and somewhat sense-of-humour deficient Texan rather than some lovey-dovey and somewhat sense-of-humour deficient Hollywood type.
PS. You wrote somewhere that you were thinking of buying Robert Ludlum's book
The Bourne Identity because you really liked the film. If you haven't already, don't. While the film is excellent, the book is a sorry waste of space ... unless one is a die-hard fan of Alistair MacLean or airport novels with funny embossed fonts on the cover. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with either, but neither has the sass and class of the film.
Posted by: bettiwettiwoo at July 06, 2005 09:43 PM (ZGQP0)
Betti makes a good point about Riis's logic for abandoning Zabriskie. Zabriskie was going to lose it sooner or later and CSC knew this. Zabriskie winning the yellow jersey during the prologue was a bonus for CSC, but it wasn't in CSC's master plan for the Tour. A CSC rider in the yellow jersey was a bonus battle won at the beginning of the three-week war.
As for her asking, "What's the difference?" about Armstrong pulling on the yellow jersey after Ullrich's crash during a TT-that was in 2003 and there are two huuuge differences between that incident and this year: It was the final TT of the Tour and it was seen as Ullrich's last chance to take the race lead from Armstrong. Further, and more important,
Ullrich wasn't in yellow at the time and Armstrong already was.
There is precedent for a rider refusing to take the yellow jersey after the race lead has crashed out: During the 1971 tour, Louis Ocaña crashed out in the mountains while in yellow; Eddy Merckx refused to wear the yellow jersey the next day as a sign of respect to both Ocaña and to the Tour. I believe that also happened once in the fifties, but I may be mistaken. Merckx did wear yellow the second day after Ocaña crashed out.
Going back even further in the Armstrong-Ullrich rivalry, you might remember when Ullrich endoed in the mountains--Armstrong held up the lead group until Ullrich got back on his bike and rejoined the group, instead of chosing that moment to take advantage of Ullrich's accident.
When Armstrong said he wanted to 'earn' the yellow jersey I believe he meant it but not the way you think--I think it was a way to pump himself up and play some mind games with his opponents. We'll never really know for sure, so all we can do is speculate.
One thing that *is* known for sure is when Armstrong was going for his second victory, the TDF refused to let him wear the yellow jersey for the opening prologue, claiming the very short route (less than ten k, as I recall) wasn't actually an opening prologue but the true opening of the race. Another French class act, you bet.
Posted by: Victor at July 07, 2005 06:04 AM (L3qPK)
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July 05, 2005
Fantasy Baseball Update
We're a week away from the All-Star break, and i'm sure everybody's wondering how annika's A's are doing in annika's own fantasy baseball league, MLBloggers.
i suck.
Every other owner has been in first at least once. i've set a record for being in last place the most consecutive weeks.
Yep, pretty much all of them.
i drafted poorly. i built my team around Eric Gagné, who went on the DL almost immediately, came back briefly, and is out again. i got no runners except for Podsednik, with his sub-par offensive stats.
But that's only for starters.
i'm in the bottom three in the following stats: runs, home runs, runs batted in, stolen bases, batting average, on base percentage, wins, saves, strikeouts, earned run average and walk+hit ratio.
Yep, pretty much all of them.
i'm even behind Ted, who doesn't even like baseball. i'm way behind gcotharn, and he's never played fantasy baseball before. (In fact, gcotharn is in first place!)
Victor and Matt tried to help me out with some very generous trades, and yet i still suck. While Dawn and The Maximum Leader never make a roster change and they're beating me.
i'm losing to Paul, who apparently gave up his blog so he could devote more time to kicking my ass!
Even a Geek knows more about baseball than i do.
It's hard to believe, but i'm even losing to a bunch of Zombies and Rats.
Yes, as Charlie Brown said: Rats.
Posted by: annika at
09:25 PM
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The race is not always to the swift, nor the contest to the strong, but that's the way you bet.
Posted by: Casca at July 05, 2005 09:49 PM (qBTBH)
I'm working hard to meet you at the bottom, though.
Which, if you weren't paying attention, almost sounds naughty.
Posted by: zombyboy at July 05, 2005 09:52 PM (jMD7w)
fantasy football is even more fun. I am looking forward to Football season. I have a big HD tv and I got NFL total package HDTV from Direct TV. ITs gonna be so sweet.
My wife plans on visiting me in the living room a couple of hours each week.
Posted by: Kyle at July 06, 2005 05:31 AM (7Re84)
Accept the grim reality honey. How can you compete against adversaries who drink rat blood, eat nuclear waste, control human thought, breath fire and even regenerate?
Posted by: d-rod at July 06, 2005 06:38 AM (Lsghx)
You might have noticed that I, too, almost never change my roster. Two children vying for daddy's attention: do I give in or go update my roster? Ehh, fantasy baseball loses out most of the time.
Don't worry about being in last. I have an almost unique ability to come roaring into the back. On the other hand, I'll bring beer when I come, so at least we won't be thirsty in last place.
Posted by: physics geek at July 06, 2005 07:37 AM (Xvrs7)
This is only my second experience with fantasy sports, the first being fantasy hockey a couple of years ago. I have no idea what's going on most of the time.
And it's not that I hate baseball, I hate what baseball has become.
Posted by: Ted at July 07, 2005 03:41 AM (blNMI)
Ted, for a while, the traditionalists at Major League Baseball were pondering putting advertisements on the bases.
On the bases.
My guess is that Bud "What Steroids?" Selig got an avalanche of hate mail because the idea died a quick death.
Posted by: Mark at July 08, 2005 08:40 AM (Vg0tt)
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July 01, 2005
Heroic Cal Football Player
Cal's football team again starts the season highly ranked at
number 15 in the Sporting News Poll. But while the Golden Bears' finish last season was less than heroic, their freshman offensive lineman
Mike Tepper should be a hero in anyone's book.
A University of California, Berkeley, football player was seriously injured when authorities say he was allegedly intentionally struck by a car driven by a group of men leering at a female friend.
Mike Tepper, 19, was walking with the woman near campus during the weekend. The men began taunting the woman, a Cal volleyball player, and eventually cut the pair off with their car, police said.
When the men refused to leave the woman alone, the 6-foot-6, 312-pound lineman jumped between the car and the woman. The men allegedly then ran over Tepper twice, breaking his leg.
'My season's toast,' Tepper said Wednesday as he recuperated from surgery to repair a broken fibula and torn ankle ligaments. He had nine screws and one plate put in his leg and can't walk on it for eight weeks.
Police have arrested Johnny Ray Smith, 33, and Calvin Joe Kelley, 29, for violating terms of their probation or parole, authorities said. Officers also arrested a third man, but prosecutors declined to file charges against him because of scant evidence.
Police are investigating the incident as an assault with a deadly weapon.
Cal football coach Jeff Tedford said he was 'proud of the courage Mike showed Saturday night.'
Thank God chivalry is not dead. i sure hope Mike Tepper gets to play again, he's a real hero.
Update: Mike's dad describes the incident here.
Mike was walking on Telegraph Saturday night. A good looking girl was on her way home just ahead of him and was trying to cross the street (I think at Dwight) and a car pulled up with 4 or 5 men in it. They started taunting the girl, making unwanted propositions. She said she wasn't interested and was trying to get by. As she started to walk ahead of the car to pass in front of it, they sped up and blocked her.
By this time, Mike caught up with the girl and told the guys she wasnt interested and together they walked behind the car to get by.
As they were crossing the street behind the car, the driver put the car into reverse and punched it, intentionally attempting to hit them. Mike immediately pushed the girl out of the way, but could not get out of the way himself. She landed across the street with scraped knees and a scraped up face.
Mike wasnt as lucky, the car hit him, he fell, then the car ran over mike's leg. Then, the idiots put the car in Drive and ran over him again (over the ankle again).
A police lieutenant witnessed the whole thing from about a block away. He was at Mike's side within seconds and called an ambulance. He took statements from 5 witnesses at the scene. The lieutenant put a turniquette on Mike's leg (he has a very deep gash), because it was bleeding fairly severely. The lieutenant also said that it was intentional.
At the hospital, they x-rayed Mike, and found he had a broken Fibula, and ligament damage. He also has a dislocated Tibia. They had to spend a little time trying to stop the bleeding.
He had an operation this morning, where they put a plate and two screws into the broken bones, and will repair the ligament damage. He will be in a cast for 6-8 weeks before they take the plate off. After that he will be able to jog lightly on it, but will not be in any condition to "play hard" at least until November at the earliest.
The lieutenant called for backup and had the guys arrested within 5 blocks of the incident as he came to Mike's aid. The driver was on parole, and another passenger was on probation.
The driver is going to be charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and both of those guys had had their paroles/probation revoked that night. They will both finish their earlier convictions behind bars, and are behind bars now.
. . .
Personally, I think Mike saved a life that night. Had he not been there, who knows what those scumbags would have done to that girl, the least of being run over by a car. I think he deserves a medal for what he did. I am proud of his behavior.... He is a great kid, and an outstanding citizen, and I am constantly reminding him of that.
In his meeting with the surgeon yesterday, he was told that he would heel 100%, and that 4 or 5 CAL players have had similar surgeries and have gone on to play in the "pros." That was great news, and we are looking to a speedy recovery and a fantastic year, next year. He will be working out with the team, but staying off the foot until such time he can play again.
Good news indeed. Get well soon, dude.
Posted by: annika at
02:58 PM
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I was wondering, who is Mikes father? I ask because there is a college football coach named Lou Tepper.
Posted by: Kyle at July 01, 2005 03:32 PM (7Re84)
The message board says "Gus Tepper." so different guy.
Posted by: annika at July 01, 2005 03:37 PM (iqARA)
Not to take anything away from Tepper, but I'll take a preseason #5 Ranking any day. Go BUCKEYES!
Posted by: Casca at July 01, 2005 04:08 PM (qBTBH)
This story kinda got to me. This guy is a fine man, and the world is better off b/c of guys like him.
Posted by: gcotharn at July 02, 2005 11:47 AM (SU2IN)
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