December 04, 2005

U.C. Extracurriculars

At Berkeley, we had "the naked guy." Not to be outdone, U.C. Irvine can now boast about its "couple fucking in a professor's office."

Way to go aardvarks!*

Via Darleen.

* Or whatever they call themselves.

Posted by: annika at 08:46 AM | Comments (38) | Add Comment
Post contains 41 words, total size 1 kb.

1 This is unbelievable! When I lived and worked down in Irvine people were always hooking up in the office and the fucking went all the way to the top. The president was busted with his secretary on the kitchen table one Saturday. It was a fun place to work.

Posted by: d-rod at December 04, 2005 09:29 AM (raaYV)

2 Only in California.

Posted by: Mark at December 04, 2005 11:04 AM (Vg0tt)

3 I wouldn't want to live somewhere where it wasn't possible to fuck in the office. As for this guy and his site... what a pussy. Other people fucking in MY office is a different story. I'd have taken his license, after all, he knows where I live. I want to know where he lives. Actually, I have more stories than I can remember on this front... indoor fire escapes in public buildings make excellent fornicatoriums.

Posted by: Casca at December 04, 2005 01:41 PM (qBTBH)

4 Couldn't agree more with Casca's assessment: What a pussy! I like to think that I'd have had the presence of mind to say to the dude, "if you didn't bring enough to share, get out."

Posted by: Matt at December 04, 2005 03:57 PM (O2NXM)

5 Why take his license? Hell, I'd take hers.

Posted by: shelly at December 04, 2005 07:53 PM (6mUkl)

6 Suppose for a moment the couple had been guys? Would the professor then backed out quietly? Afterall, one must respect diversity on campus right?

Posted by: NOTR at December 04, 2005 09:03 PM (izx0t)

7 What if it had been 2 girls? Cue the waka waka guitar and lock the door behind you.

Posted by: annika at December 05, 2005 11:04 AM (zAOEU)

8 A couple of remarks in my defense: I didn't want to exacerbate an already awkward situation by casting them out into a public space. They deserved it, no doubt, but the students I had on the way also deserve to not have to deal with half-naked people scrambling to get dressed in public...esp. when the male student seemed enraged. What would have happened if I threw them out and he came at me? Would I take a swing at a student, even though I'd have every right to? Esp. when I know that just because, in a common sense way, I would have had every right to, I'm also smart enough to know that in a legal sense, I may not have. After all, that office isn't actually "mine" but the university's; could a lawyer have made the argument that the student had every right to use the facilities as I did, and that I therefore had no right to take a swing at him, &c. I don't know how plausible this is, but since the student didn't strike me as being all that bright, I knew that if I did anything drastic I'd probably have to fill out MOUNTAINS of forms, attend a few hearings which, even if they exonerated me, would involve time better spent doing other things, &c. With all of this running through my head, I opted for the action which would result in the least number of forms filled out (zero to date) and amount of time wasted. As for whether I'd react differently if it had been a same-sex couple, I can answer that one quickly enough: No. I wouldn't have. The only situation in which I imagine acting differently is if I had known the couple. Or if there had been toddlers in the room. I would've sheparded those toddlers out of there lickity-split. All children have the right to learn about porn from internet like we did.

Posted by: The "Pussy" in Question at December 05, 2005 01:21 PM (MOIDT)

9 Thanks for removing all doubt.

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 02:51 PM (qBTBH)

10 Geez, the Internet has changed. Usedtabe you could call a guy a pussy on the Internet and he'd never even know. Now he follows a Technorati link or a trackback to its source and the next thing you know you're feelin' all guilty an' shit. Truth is, I don't actually know what I would've done under the circumstances. I do know that the male student's outrage would've outraged me, because I have a demonstrated tendency to react badly to unwarranted claims of right by wrongdoers attempting to paint me as the bad guy. (E.g., Neighbor A, who recently chastized me for merely asking Neighbor B if the barking of neighbor A's dog bothered Neighbor B as much as it bothered me. A and I were having a calm, reasonable discussion until he decided to express his outrage about that. Oops. There goes the adrenaline. Ah, shit ...) But that isn't necessarily a good thing. All-in-all, discretion is often the better part of valor. So I may've been a little quick with the name-calling. Sorry, dude. Annie, Re two chicks and a waka waka guitar: now I'm going to have to go to confession or something. And I went the weekend before last! Thanks a lot! ;-) (Not that I've ever had much trouble generating my own, er, impure thoughts.)

Posted by: Matt at December 05, 2005 03:10 PM (10G2T)

11 I was expecting that response from you, Casca. But damn, you're quick on the trigger.

Posted by: Matt at December 05, 2005 03:12 PM (10G2T)

12 Same thing happened at My wifes office building coupla years ago. We had several couples meeting in the parking lot to go to a party and someone points to a second story office, there are two bodies on a desk going after it. It was quite funny at the time. it really goes on a lot I'm sure. I always heard that the guys who get the most poon on the job (except for porn actors) is Cops.

Posted by: Kyle N at December 05, 2005 03:17 PM (sRVwT)

13 C'mon Matt, you're not that far from your tribal roots. You'd have told the trespasser to get the fuck out, all the while leering at the sperm recepticle. I'd guess that most guys with a hard-on are more prepared for flight than fight. Jeez, I have a great story of standing duty the first night the battalion returned from deployment, and the patriotic hoochie who offered to be the locomotive for bus fare. Truth is stranger than fiction. BTW, don't bother reading this guy's site. He really does squat to piss.

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 03:19 PM (qBTBH)

14 Hey BTW, if you havent seen the Johnny Cash movie yet, It's the best thing I have seen in years. Oscar level performances for both Phoenix and Reese Diddlespoon.

Posted by: Kyle N at December 05, 2005 03:20 PM (sRVwT)

15 Let's just say, if you come to the beach on Coronado north of the Hotel Del, don't eat off the picnic table next to the lifeguard tower.

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 03:24 PM (qBTBH)

16 Matt, not only am I quick... I'm accurate!

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 03:27 PM (qBTBH)

17 Casca, no doubt you'd have been more manly, thrown their asses--which you'd then beat--out of the office and then wasted weeks of your life filling out forms; attending mandatory sessions with university approved sexual harassment and/or anger management counselors; standing in line at the unemployment office; &c. That certainly would have been the manly course of action. I chose the rational one because I have more productive things I could be doing and, to be frank, no real investment in having strangers think I'm masculine. That I'm comfortable with my masculinity says a lot about me, just as the fact that you're not comfortable with yours says a lot about you.

Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman at December 05, 2005 03:56 PM (MOIDT)

18 Eeeeew, Casca. Of course, regarding office hijinx, longtime readers know i'm not the one to be throwing the first stone either.

Posted by: annika at December 05, 2005 03:57 PM (zAOEU)

19 Matt, thanks for that. I find it impossible to believe that some people advocate the hot-headed, potentially-litigious response over the clear-headed, eminently-rational one. Nevermind. I don't find it impossible at all: as you point out, if you're not in the position and don't have to face the consequences, it's easy to say what you would've done and spin your actions in whatever way you think flatters you the most. Exhibit #1: Casca.

Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman at December 05, 2005 04:02 PM (MOIDT)

20 As one who has an office (so filthy that no sane people would wish to copulate in it), let me say that I would be fairly generous about letting the kids finish. I remember being young and desperate for a "place" in my day, and though I have no intention of offering my office for such purposes, I'm immensely sympathetic to the youngsters who simply felt the need and went in the first unlocked door.

Posted by: Hugo at December 05, 2005 04:26 PM (a64wL)

21 "I remember being young and desperate for a "place" in my day ..." Well, yeah. But it is college, after all. Don't they have dorm rooms? Good roommates have arrangements for this sort of thing. If not, isn't there an empty closet somewhere? (I mean, at least the janitor probably doesn't feel much sense of ownership toward his closet.) A rooftop? A quiet study room in the library that can be locked from the inside? Something besides someone else's office?!

Posted by: Matt at December 05, 2005 05:14 PM (nVlQX)

22 SEK, Casca, not comfortable with his masculinity? Gosh, I never noticed. THanks for the heads up. I just thought he was a dumbass x-soldier. Who knew he had any real masculinity to be anxious about although we know he's got plenty of the kind that came in the box with his uniform and gun.

Posted by: Strawman at December 05, 2005 05:17 PM (0ZdtC)

23 I don't know who Casca is, but if he's an ex-soldier, I respect him for putting his life where his principles are. You saying I don't respect the soldier because the person was a little too anxious to declare my lack and his implied excess of masculinity is preposterous. In my experience, a man who feels the urge to impugn another man's masculinity usually has issues with his own. If that's not the case here, then it's not the case. Don't know what else to say that I haven't already said. Except that I have this theory about people who snipe anonymously...

Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman at December 05, 2005 05:37 PM (MOIDT)

24 Not the first time in these threads that Strawman's "arguments" have been declared preposterous. But he is not that anonymous since we know his name is Mike, he doesn't like bush and enjoys pretending to be gay.

Posted by: d-rod at December 05, 2005 07:26 PM (V+SkO)

25 Oh fuck that d-rod. Strawman's been blowing goats since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. As for all you manly wymin's studies community college professor wannabe's... I'm sorry that you don't have the stones to defend your own turf in a fashion that will deter any and all retribution. I simply have no desire to sit in another man's splooge, and will communicate that message with an appropriate level of force. I will not be run off from my cave by some punk full of spunk. Just keep telling yourself how secure you masculinity is, while you count up all the risks in life you've avoided. I'm sorry, but pussy is the best sobriquet, that I can dig up for you.

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 07:47 PM (qBTBH)

26 This is one of the seminal subjects of what's wrong with our culture. We (neanderthals) make a big deal of how we turn young men into Marines, but the reality is that all we need to start with, is the guys who aren't afraid to get in a fight on the playground. It's that simple. Somewhere along the line of denigrating masculine virtue, we lost site of virtue altogether. We live in a society where being a man is against the law. Taking the downside into consideration is prudent. Hiding around the corner so that tresspassers may exit with dignity is nutless. As an old friend of mine used to say, "Cowards die a thousand deaths... " Heh, anyone notice how SEK threw up a strawman?

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 08:02 PM (qBTBH)

27 Casca, I respect what you were willing to give up for your country, but you're a blowhard. I've known Marines--in fact, I've roomed with two since I've been in grad. school--and you know what? Neither of them thought any less of me for how I handled the situation. Both of them took the "finger the brass" attitude and applauded the way I avoided what would've entailed the involvement of officers in grunt disputes. If you think my attitude is what's wrong with our culture, take it up with your fellow Marines. Then there's the fact that I'm the occasion for you to repeat what's obviously a regularly scheduled diatribe. Blah blah blah, men can't be manly, blah blah blah. Wonderfully rehearsed, but it lacks the power it had the first couple hundred times you mouthed it. For example: Taking the downside into consideration is prudent. Hiding around the corner so that tresspassers may exit with dignity is nutless. Maybe. But I was also considering the feelings and well-being of my student, who shouldn't be subjected to the vitriol or violence this punk might've been capable of. Let's do a thought experiment: pretend that instead of a student, I was there with my child. If I had confronted the student and the student had turned violent, I would've endangered my child. I would not have acted prudently because I didn't have the interests of others in mind. Flip it back to what actually happened: I chose to duck around the corner because I wanted to avoid having a confrontation in front of my student. You can say that I shouldn't consider my student the same way I'd consider my child, but I take my responsibility as a teacher seriously and would no more want to endanger my student than I would my flesh-and-blood. Was that an irrational fear? Thankfully, I'll never know. Here's the thing: I'm a former baseball and soccer player who has, I admit, become a bit of a pussy since I had cancer and am not itching for a fight the way I used to. Before chemo I weighed in around 190 lbs. Now I'm around 140 lbs. I feel, how should I say it, not quite as strong as I used to be. But you know what? Fuck that. One stereotypical standard apply to all. I'm everything that's wrong with our culture blah blah blah. In all seriousness, if you are/were a Marine--something I'm taking on faith, because you never know what nut will claim combat experience when it suits his or her argument--you have my utmost respect and gratitude. You've done my country a service, and for that I can't heap enough praise on you. But if you honestly think that I'm what's wrong with our culture, you're an ideologue who can't see the facts for the dogma. I'd hate to think you're both, but I honestly don't know.

Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman at December 05, 2005 08:38 PM (MOIDT)

28 It was nut cancer wasn't it. Can't they sew a marble in or something? LMFAO, you don't know how hard you've made me laugh. In any case, your writing sucks. It's all over the place, and weak. Fuck, I've been writing this for fifteen minutes and i'm still LMAO.

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 08:54 PM (qBTBH)

29 25 other trackbacks on that post and the flamewar ends up here? What kind of luck is that?

Posted by: annika at December 05, 2005 09:08 PM (xdXob)

30 Shit, if you laugh at Marines and cancer survivors, you're lying about your service and don't deserve my respect. Simple as that.

Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman at December 05, 2005 09:09 PM (MOIDT)

31 Annika, I didn't mean to start something here. I do think that my actions have been misrepresented by someone with an agenda, and I do feel obliged to refute the mischaracterizations since they are, well, mischaracterizations. If Casca would like to take his complaints elsewhere, I'd be more than happy to do so. Of course, I know what my courtesy will be construed as...

Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman at December 05, 2005 09:13 PM (MOIDT)

32 Gawd you're pathetic, just crawl away and live in obscurity with your shame, AND your pathetic blog. Nobody at that estrogenfest will ever challenge you. NUTcancer, LMAO, how did I know? It's a gift.

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 09:27 PM (qBTBH)

33 Casca, I'd come to your defense, but I think you are doing just fine without me. Only one question: Why go back to pussy, when "squats to piss" is just so much more graphic. Stay with a winner. LMFAO, too. Aren't you a little bit embarrassed to be playing with the little kids?

Posted by: shelly at December 05, 2005 09:28 PM (6mUkl)

34 At some point one does begin to feel guilty. Kind of like the Seahawks tonight.

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 09:47 PM (qBTBH)

35 Casca, I protected my student, myself, and preserved the dignity of those who didn't deserve it--which, to some minds, is analogous to defending the freedom of liberals--whereas you have declared me a pussy. I'm sorry, but I know Marines and former Marines, and you lack the gravitas that characterizes them. If you were a Marine--a fact which becomes more dubious with every word you write--from what I know you'd be the "hero," i.e. the idiot there to kill Kill KILL and gets his buddies killed more often than he does anything constructive. That, or your'e a liar and weren't in the service. I'm more inclined to believe the latter, since all the "heroes" I've heard about died (and took half their squad with 'em) the second they entered a combat zone. So would you like to tell us how it is you survived, being that you're such a manly man? Oh, I almost forgot, you're still mocking Marines and cancer survivors. Not that Shelley has an opinion worth listening to, but I'd love to hear why you think you're so better than Marines and cancer survivors. If you respond to this challenge with another post calling me a "pussy," everyone will know you for the fraud you are. Respond to my specific claims and concerns or be branded a fool and coward. Simple as that. I know you're scared shitless to debate this on its merits, since all you have on your side is an inflated sense of your own self-worth, but I'd really love to see you try. Please, discredit the Corp and the people they've vowed to defend it. If you do, you're an unpatriotic hypocrite who would take arms against America if it was considered manly enough.

Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman at December 05, 2005 09:54 PM (MOIDT)

36 SEK, in this situation your acts were cowardly. Now that doesn't preclude you from ever NOT being cowardly, but if you don't learn from the lesson... you probably will continue your downward spiral into a life where you'll never write your name in the snow. Also, as others have noted, you're a child. You're arguments are childish, and you badger like a woman so I'll throw the towel in and let you have your way. Aint gonna happen, not to some guy with no marbles in his sack.

Posted by: Casca at December 05, 2005 10:07 PM (qBTBH)

37 I offered a very specific challenge: refute what I said or be proved a liar. You chose to not refute what I said, so you've been proved a liar. If it ever snows in southern California, as a Southerner I assure you I'll piss my name in well as my wife's, all my friends and everyone I've ever known. Besides, who else has said I'm a child? You're flinging straw at me with the hope it'll become a man. It won't. Let me repeat: I've known Marines. You strike me as a little shit who likes to claim he's a Marine because he's worked at Pizza Hut his entire adult life. Prove you're a Marine by words, actions or plaudits and you'll earn universal accolades. As it stands, you're all masculine talk and no action. In fact, according to thems that stand over my shoulder, I should call you out as a fraud who wants to hijack the authority of the Marines for his own personal gain. But you know what? Real Marines shit on posers like you. So deal or be dealt with. Tell me your name, rank and service or disappear into the night like every other crank who's lied about their service. Because, and I know you'll think me a pussy and possibly a fag for saying this, but I love anyone who puts on the uniform to defend my rights and my freedoms, and you seem like a spineless fuck who wants to piggyback on their sacrifice for your own personal gain. Sorry if I don't respect you, but there are actual heroes out there to pay tribute to...or what? Do you think your posturing is more important than their sacrifices? Please, enlighten me as to their worthlessness. I'll send them some emails. Sure, they're in Iraq, but I think they'd love to hear how much better you are than them. Again, I apologize for going on at length, but people I love are putting themselves on the line in Iraq, and this guy is sitting at home talking about how great he is. You'll have to pardon me if I don't think he's hot shit.

Posted by: Scott Eric Kaufman at December 05, 2005 10:37 PM (MOIDT)

38 Sorry, I'm not really susceptable to rhetorical trickeration. I'm sure that it works all day at UC Irvine, but among the travelled grownups of this world. It doesn't wash. This is all about your inability to stand up for yourself as anyone with gumption would. That girl wasn't crying when she left your office, she was laughing at your pairing of man-bag with your skirt and pumps.

Posted by: Casca at December 06, 2005 05:50 AM (qBTBH)

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