November 19, 2006

Who Gets To Go To Glendale

I'm very disappointed that the Bears will not be going to the Rose Bowl. A few close calls going the other way, and they might have beaten USC, but it was not to be. Despite Cal's explosive offense, and a defense that kept them in the contest until late, USC clearly has the better all around game.

I also watched the slugfest between Ohio State and Michigan, one of the best games of this college football season. Michigan stayed in range, but they never could get over the top. And afterwards, the announcers debated whether there should be a rematch in Glendale for the National Championship.

Some good arguments can be made for Michigan being the second best team in the country, but I don't want to see a rematch. I saw no fear yesterday on the part of the Buckeyes. I honestly think the team that plays OSU should be a team that makes them a little bit scared. I don't know if USC is that team, but if they beat ND and UCLA, I want to see that matchup.

Posted by: annika at 10:32 AM | Comments (41) | Add Comment
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1 You freakin' PAC10 homer. I'm happy to take another scalp, but Ohio State & TSUN (That School Up North) are the top two teams in the country. Everybody else is an also ran. A rematch would be a historic climax. Beating USC... a mere denouement.

Posted by: Casca at November 19, 2006 10:51 AM (2gORp)

2 Michigan lead, what, once? 7-0? And then they were down 14 most the rest of the way, right? (I'm asking because I didn't get to see much of the game, had a meeting) I'd be happy with OSU against Florida (assuming they win the SEC) or USC (assuming they win out), I'd even take Notre Dame (again, assuming they win out).

Posted by: KG at November 19, 2006 10:56 AM (dKrWj)

3 BTW, where are those bitches Kyle and Scof? One owes me money, and the other requires public humiliation. C'mon Kyle, speak the truth. Texas couldn't fucking POSSIBLY beat Ohio State in a rematch, lmao.

Posted by: Casca at November 19, 2006 10:59 AM (2gORp)

4 KG, you are correct sir. I'd just like to remind you of one thing though... last year's Fiesta Bowl score, and ND's D which gave the Buckeyes 607 yards, not a very competitive game, and they're basically the same teams, only the OSU offense is more powerful. If USC loses to Charlie the Tuna, Nov 25th will be a VERY dark day.

Posted by: Casca at November 19, 2006 11:05 AM (2gORp)

5 Yes, a disappointing game. Cal has gotten so much better in recent years, but doesn't have the depth that 'SC does. Our run defense looked better than it had all year at times, and it was a sweet safety (when was the last time 'SC gave up a safety at home?) but overall, we were a step behind throughout. Obviously, losing by 3 to the #1 team in the country isn't as bad as losing to Oregon State (whom Cal pounded in Corvallis). Ya gotta ask the question: to whom did each of the one-loss teams lose? The team that suffered the loss to the highest ranked opponent should face the Buckeyes in Arizona, and to me, that means Michigan. I think a USC/Arkansaa Rose Bowl would be very entertaining.

Posted by: Hugo at November 19, 2006 11:46 AM (Yu24L)

6 I'm thinking USC/Wisconsin, the other one-loss Big Ten team. USC might be able to beat them.

Posted by: Casca at November 19, 2006 12:41 PM (2gORp)

7 Casca, BCS rules limit each conference to a maximum of two teams each in the BCS bowls. Wisconsin is SOL.

Posted by: Hugo at November 19, 2006 04:52 PM (Yu24L)

8 What you pundits have overlooked is the fact that young teams mature and become progessively stronger as the season moves toward its completion. USC's Defense is young, but they are big and fast. Tressel's gonna have to bring the A game if those fuckheads at the BCS get it right this year and ask USC. Booty just gets better; Jarret and Smith are at the top of their game, and the running game works with three or four different backfield combos. We are awesome and tough and deep and we will kick OSU's red asses after they fall asleep for 50 days or more. Casca, we meet in Glendale; keep Arizona green, bring money. P.S. WE have a center, not a tackle with a broken arm...

Posted by: shelly at November 19, 2006 05:37 PM (SLFj+)

9 Hugo - USC pounded Arkansas 50-14 at the beginning of the season, I'm not sure it would be any better in January. I'm thinking OSU vs Florida in Glendale and USC vs Michigan in Pasadena would be pretty good match ups. I just don't like the idea of a rematch in the National Championship game, it reminds me of when Nebraska got in without even winning it's conference. Doesn't seem right.

Posted by: KG at November 19, 2006 09:28 PM (dKrWj)

10 No shit Hugo, my tongue in cheek point is that there is one undefeated, and two one-loss teams in the Big Ten. First we had to listen to shit from the stupid longhorn fucks whose road team officials cheated us out of the national championship last year, about how Colt McCoy was going to rip us a new asshole. Then it was Iowa who would humble us... lions and tigers and Iowa, oh my! Then Michigan was going to expose us as a team who hadn't really played anyone with talent. Ohio State has beaten the number two team in the country twice this season, and it wasn't the Trojans either time. At this point, enough of the fools who get a vote may jump USC over Michigan, but that won't make them a team that hasn't lost to punkass bitches in Oregon. They don't rate.

Posted by: Casca at November 20, 2006 12:42 AM (2gORp)

11 C'mon Kyle, speak the truth. Texas couldn't fucking POSSIBLY beat Ohio State in a rematch, lmao. Honestly? Yes they could, about a 20% chance, but thats better than most teams have. I would give Florida about a 40% chance, and USC maybe 45%. Michigan is overrated, they were never really close in that game.

Posted by: kyle8 at November 20, 2006 03:54 AM (Q+SJk)

12 Kyle, when you're in a hole, QUIT DIGGING! Michigan did a LOT better than Texas did. At least they were in the game at the end. UofM beat the little green weenies at ND. Where is UT's quality win? USC's big win against Arkansas could easily get deflated big time this Saturday when the Razorbacks play LSU. If USC doesn't blowout ND, they have no claim on the two-spot at all.

Posted by: Casca at November 20, 2006 09:39 AM (Y7t14)

13 Sorry Casca, got sick over the weekend, been out of it. Email me your paypal info...

Posted by: Scof at November 20, 2006 11:03 AM (a3fqn)

14 After a mid-season lull, SC has started peaking while Cal peaked with the Oregon game. It's a good thing the Bears have Stanfurd to help regain their strut. SC is really playing good football now. I wouldn't want to be Notre Dame or UCLA in the next couple of weeks. The only possible claim Michigan would have for a re-match is that they were beaten in Columbus, and maybe with a neutral site the outcome would be different. But how boring would that be? I think SC will the Luckeyes a run for their money in Arizona.

Posted by: DHammett at November 20, 2006 01:33 PM (J7BEJ)

15 All the talk about defense is history, right Nutmeg? OSU's vaunted D looked like a sieve against Michigan. This is just typical Big Ten Blow hard talk. As usual, the Pac Ten will cook their butts and serve it to them for lunch . USC 20 OSU 9.

Posted by: shelly at November 20, 2006 05:30 PM (0Co69)

16 Wow, that's pretty bold, Shelly. I'd put the over under on that game at 45.

Posted by: annika at November 20, 2006 06:57 PM (qQD4Q)

17 Gentlemen, gentlemen, please leave that "typical Big Ten Blow hard talk" at the door, and bring your money to the Casca betting window. I'm prepared to take all even money bets against the Buckeyes. That of course is based on your willingness to let your money talk. Actually, I think Shelly is a little drunk, because he knows better than to try that sort of shit talking, lol. The rubbers have a pretty good chance of losing TWICE in the next two weeks (soto voce: AND HE KNOWS IT).

Posted by: Casca at November 20, 2006 07:14 PM (2gORp)

18 Nah, just wishful thinking by the Big Ten Cool Aid Drinking Society. USC has no chance of losing either of the next two. Touchdown Jesus doesn't travel with the team, and we having lost in our house in five years. UCLA will be lucky to answer the bell in the fourth quarter. Pasadena isn't home, but we've played there so often it is beginning to feel that way. Why would anyone want to bet at even when we can get points? Do you pay the money line? Let's wait for Glendale; can your boys stay out of jail until January 8?

Posted by: Shelly at November 21, 2006 05:29 AM (0Co69)

19 Shit Shelly, the Tuna has the same team he almost beat you with last year. SUC isn't as good as they were last year. This is the season-maker for both teams. If SUC blows out the domers, they just might talk their way ahead of Michigan, because all those $35k a year sportswriting geni who get a vote want to come to LA to write about former Buckeye Pete Carrol's curls before the big game, and fry their pasty, bloated, expense account supported, post holiday, white asses in the California Sun, but Arkansas has to beat LSU too, or the gators jump your ass. One is reminded that there are an infinite number of angles at which one may fall, but only one where one might stand upright. If you don't mind, we'll do this Tressel style, and play one game at a time. UCLA will hold til next week. Why bet even when you can get points? There is presently no line for any Buckeye action, so you can't get points yet. PLUS, bilious gasses are escaping your cakehole making noises as if you want to bet against the Buckeyes. I'm willing to accomodate you by putting my money where my mouth is. Finally, you've clearly lost your mind. Give your son your car keys. You want to compare the moral character of my God-fearing Buckeyes against your incense-burning, mantra-chanting, dope-smoking, wife-murdering Trojans? At least our Heisman winners are fit to attend games, and hold a sideline pass.

Posted by: Casca at November 21, 2006 08:16 AM (Y7t14)

20 LOL. After they published the Simpson note, my daughter phoned from MIssoula to ride me about him being a graduate of USC; I told her her graduated Summa Cum Laude. The man is a degenerate. fuctional illiterate. We have tgaking his number down from the museum. We'll see about Saturday night; my grandson has convinced me we need to drive in from Palm Springs to catch the game. My guy has it at 7 1/2. We are looking good, but that seems like a lot to me. FIGHT ON!!

Posted by: shelly at November 22, 2006 08:16 AM (SLFj+)

21 Never bet against the Irish. I'll be watching every minute of this thing. Sadly, I won't be watching LSU/Ark on Friday, because it's not televised, unbelieveable.

Posted by: Casca at November 22, 2006 08:52 AM (Y7t14)

22 Are you sure about LSU/Ark not being TV'd? Usually you can buy that stuff on Satellite and watch the local cast. Which game will the Nutmegs be watching? Better believe it; they'll be glued to the set at 5:00 P.M. PST when ND takes it's latest and best whipping. This game has been sold out since last year and will be nothing like playing in Touchdown Jesus' church. USC fans plain do not like Notre Dame; I think they'd rather beat them then UCLA, but, hell, we'll slap both of them around, then come gunning for the Nutmegs in Glendale, who will be on their 50 day vacation. We'll see how that goes.

Posted by: shelly at November 23, 2006 04:50 AM (Eodj2)

23 Still more bilious gasses, yet not a round number? Seems to me you credit your losers as eleven point favorites, and here I am offering you even money. Turns out LSU/Arkansas is on CBS, but who could know since they don't seem to feel like telling anyone about it, and the queers at ESPN/ABC/Disney won't. Last Saturday was a piece of history. This Saturday is an item of curiosity, like a wrecked car on the side of the freeway. January 8th will be a piece of history, but not because an 11-1 Trojan team limps into town.

Posted by: Casca at November 23, 2006 10:11 AM (2gORp)

24 Were you offering even money on the Domers to beat USC? That I'll take. I thought you wanted even money on OSU v. USC. OSU will be a favorite because of the Midwestern Kool-Aid contingent. The first real test they'll have will be USC...and, after a 50 day layoff, even Woody, himself could not get them going fast enough to survive. Nah, OSU is going down. I'll probably bet the money line in that game.

Posted by: shelly at November 23, 2006 08:46 PM (SLFj+)

25 All I hear is clucking; I guess no one wants to back The Touchdown Jesusless Domers. OK, guys, keep an eye on a guy named Booty. (Not the song girls)

Posted by: shelly at November 24, 2006 07:12 AM (SLFj+)

26 Now you try to play the "addled senior citizen" card. Why would I bet ND? They're an extremely mediocre team with a talented Quinn & Samardjia. They were crushed at home by Michigan. Let's see what the Trojans can do. If LSU beats Arkansas today, USC will take a major computer hit, as they should. Shit they wouldn't be ahead of Florida if it wasn't for the herd mentality of the humans who vote. Most, particularly the sportswriters, have no capacity for thought.

Posted by: Casca at November 24, 2006 09:23 AM (2gORp)

27 Casca, as usual, you've got it wrong about USC. The sportswriters do not like USC, or for that matter, any Pac 10 teams. That is why we consistantly beat your Midwest and Eastern asses in "upsets". We get as much respect from the mainstream media as George W. Bush does. The entire time that we were negotiating for a return of NFL football to the Coliseum, I could not get Bill Dwyre, the Sports Editor of the Los Angeles Times, to go to the Coliseum. He was such a ND fan that he wouldn't even go for the USC/ND games, he hated USC so. I doubt he ever voted for us to be number one, or even number two. Nope, according to the sports hacks, there is no quality football West of the Mississippi. But we still kick everyone's asses, as you will see in Glendale. BTW, Vince Young's knee was down; I saw it then, and the new videos prove it. They should send the third trophy to Figueroa Tech.

Posted by: shelly at November 25, 2006 02:40 AM (SLFj+)

28 You're reasoning from the specific to the general. That's a mistake. Plus, you're on crack.

Posted by: Casca at November 25, 2006 12:30 PM (2gORp)

29 Is the Glendale question still under debate? Notre Dame votes for USC.

Posted by: shelly at November 25, 2006 11:45 PM (Eodj2)

30 Typical lawyer... seeking a dismissal. If you make it to Glendale, it will be on the back of Michigan, which is a slightly better team, but not nearly the popular choice like pizza, romance novels, and USC. When Big Ten teams play, there's no Hollywood crowd on the sidelines, or media clamor for them to be annointed. Michigan has earned their shot at the national championship. The team that lost to Oregon State has not. I have no dog in this fight, either scalp will do. However, national championship teams don't give up safetys, or have punts blocked.

Posted by: Casca at November 26, 2006 10:07 AM (2gORp)

31 Hey, Cas, you act as if you didn't see the game. The little Green Weenies were never in it. We kept them close with two fumbles and an interception in the first half, but when Carroll got through discussing the turnovers, they came back with a vengence. The only credible win Michigan has was against ND and we did it too, although "...the Tuna has the same team he almost beat you with last year." Yeah, but we have faster, taller corners and a real Tressel type D, something OSU apparently lacks this year, judging from the way a hapless Michigan picked it apart. Our guys got a wake up in Oregon; we got way behind in the first half. Then we came back strong, almost all the way. We haven't had a bad half since and and have credible wins over Arkansas, ND, Cal and others, and will add UCLA for good measure before we come a'hunting for Nutmegs in Arizona. BCS computer will have us ahead Monday and we will add to that next week. Them start quivering...

Posted by: shelly at November 26, 2006 05:36 PM (Eodj2)

32 BCS has USC at number 2 now. I guess that answers that question.

Posted by: annika at November 26, 2006 11:13 PM (qQD4Q)

33 And for good reason; ask your buddies in Strawberry Canyon who they'd rather not face. USC is young, but they are big, fast and well coached. Pete Carroll emphacizes one thought always "FINISH". Granted, they let down up North against Oregon State and woke up too late to catch them. Granted, they thought all they had to do was show up on the field in uniform and the other team would get out of their way. But that was then and this is now. First, a short stop in Pasadena to pay our respects to the hapless Bruins, and to regret our being unable to make it for the Rose Bowl in January, 'cause we be goin' to Glendale to kick some Midwest Butt. And, Annie, unless my calulations are off, that puts Cal, who is in second place in the Pac Ten, into the Rose Bowl - or. does the BCS screw up that stuff as well? (well, that assumes you can squeek past Stanford)

Posted by: Shelly at November 27, 2006 12:37 AM (Eodj2)

34 Further research tells me that the old deals between the Pac 10 and Big 10 are off and Florida or LSU may face Michigan or whoever in the Rose Bowl. I think the BCS sucks. Anyone else?

Posted by: shelly at November 27, 2006 01:20 AM (Eodj2)

35 The BCS has merely camouflaged the flaws of letting sportswriters, who are ignorant, and coaches, who are too busy, to chose the best teams. USC with the #3 Strength of Schedule? Stanford #1? Give me a fucking break. Three teams ranked above Wisconsin lose, and Wiscy moves up one place? Give me a fucking break. Moving USC ahead of Michigan on the basis of an ND self-destruct in the Coliseum? Give me a fucking break. "The only credible win Michigan has was against ND and we did it too" Uh... they survived the Big Ten, a real conference, and beat 11-1 Wisconsin. Give me a fucking break.

Posted by: Casca at November 27, 2006 07:42 AM (Y7t14)

36 Three fucking breaks? Where's the match? Here's the deal: Big Ten football is a bunch of coal miners' kids who can't stay eligible for four years. Pac 10 football is the real thing. Go back and watch Jarrett, or, better yet, show up in Glendale with a lot of cash and pay for the privilege. OSU should be about 7 points favorite. Come to the Shelly table to give away your money. Look at the Rose Bowl histories, folks. Big Ten Football sucks. And Tressel has no D. And, the Emporer has no clothes.

Posted by: shelly at November 27, 2006 09:33 PM (Eodj2)

37 Talking shit, and asking for points... what kind of punkass move is that? This toothless hillbilly prefers action to talk.

Posted by: Casca at November 27, 2006 09:49 PM (2gORp)

38 Must be fun to know that there will be a real game on January 8 that everyone wants to see. Fun for everyone except the Nutmegs. Hell, they were hoping for a laugher, maybe getting Michigan again. This time, they'd leave the bowler who played center home and whack them soundly. How many times has Tressel beaten Carr now? Now, the fun is over; they have to get serious, because they have to play a real team, with real coaching, an explosive offense and a strong defense. Arizona isn't going to be fun for the boys from Columbus. It's gonna be a long ride home to Ohio. And to San Diego.

Posted by: shelly at November 28, 2006 03:12 AM (0Co69)

39 One would think, that at your advanced age, and level of accomplishment in life, that you'd be able to "act like you've been there before". Oh, but wait, you're not there yet.

Posted by: Casca at November 28, 2006 07:21 AM (Y7t14)

40 Been there, done that. Except, no, we've never had to sweat it like this and actually made it. UCLA means nothing; we will have a nice gentle game and win by three TD's. No, we've never played for a National Championship and been an underdog. Not in the Carroll Era, anyway. We are coming to Glendale hungry and impatient; Ohio State, by contrast will be vegged out on 50 days of luxuriating in the wilderness. No matter how you cut it, Ohio State is going down.

Posted by: shelly at November 28, 2006 11:58 PM (0Co69)

41 I have in the past spared your tired old one-trick-pony ass your just deserts; i.e. kicking you while you were down. No more! You couldn't beat Texas with all the weapons last year. You lose to punks at Oregon State (who were in turn THROTTLED by Boise State), and use the USC hype machine that births heismans to bullshit your way into the NC game. At least Boise State would have a real argument for being there. What do ND, USC, & UofM have in common? Their fans are condescending pricks. I'm looking for a signature Buckeye win from that toothless hillbilly, Jim Tressel.

Posted by: Casca at November 29, 2006 07:49 AM (Y7t14)

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