Well, as soon as I realized this, my first thought was, "how embarrassing." My second thought was, "If I am to blame, what can I do to save the planet?"
So now you know why, in sixty days time, I will retire this blog. Sorry about that.
For a REAL demonstration of the effects of Global Warming, see this
Posted by: John Hughes at March 21, 2007 08:44 PM (gdtKg)
Posted by: reagan80 at March 21, 2007 08:47 PM (I0gpu)
Think of your loyal posters as insurgents in Iraq.
You try to leave, we're coming after you...
Posted by: shelly at March 21, 2007 09:22 PM (JQe3J)
That's a good analogy Shelly. You know what happens when she pulls out... the guys with the most guns make the rules. Can one of you hold the camera while I cut a few heads off?
Posted by: Casca at March 21, 2007 10:55 PM (2gORp)
she's no good with the poker face, 60 days, bah!
Posted by: Scof at March 22, 2007 01:12 AM (nE8Mg)
If your blog ends in 60 days, we will revoke your membership in the IPP Party as retribution.
Do you want that? I don't think so.
Posted by: Preston at March 22, 2007 04:34 AM (HZZuA)
The alternative to global warming is global cooling. If you end your blog, the planet could end up covered with a one mile thick ice pack! Please think about this.
Posted by: joints at March 22, 2007 05:08 AM (Dh/a/)
The girl has to study for the Bar exam; it is quite understandable to those of us who have facedthis moment of truth.
I suggest we offer her a three month leave of absence and see if she'll consider that.
Posted by: shelly at March 22, 2007 05:20 AM (JQe3J)
Take the deal, Annie.
The alternative is...Jihad.
Posted by: shelly at March 22, 2007 07:32 AM (JQe3J)
Maybe Al Gore can take over the blog in the three month period. I want to hear more about the Lock...Box.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at March 22, 2007 08:21 AM (0Rrlw)
So, when are you going to start selling offsets?
Posted by: BobG at March 22, 2007 09:13 AM (6a2gq)
You're not quite there, but at least examining the data closely is a start. It's a very complex subject, so spin doctors from any angle can put their spin on a lay public.
Posted by: will at March 22, 2007 10:57 AM (GzvlQ)
What about *blogging* offsets? Each *server* uses electricity, not to mention the associated routers, switches, etc, so every blog is using a proportional share of the power sucked down by those devices.
We could have a group of patriotic global citizens who will accept contributions in order to foreswear blogging, and bloggers could then show their environmental bona fides, in the Al Gore tradition, by purchasing these offsets...
Posted by: david foster at March 22, 2007 12:35 PM (/Z304)
Where have you guys been? I've been selling offsets
since March 4th. In fact Shelly was nice enough to buy the first set, and I never thanked him for it. Thank you Shelly, not only are you a sweetheart, you are a great environmentalist!
Posted by: annika at March 22, 2007 07:33 PM (WfR6S)
After much consideration I've decided to live with the increase in temperature and Sea level (I don't own coastal property) in favor of Annika's Journal.
Posted by: Mike C. at March 24, 2007 05:55 AM (fgJCh)
Thanks for solving this global temperature problem. Al Gore looks more like an angry chipmunk everyday...
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
spread hysteria
wildly exaggerate
scare little kids not ready
Posted by: USpace at March 26, 2007 10:40 PM (uJemV)
Is this one of those Michael Jordan retirements? I hope not, but I'll take Annika playing basketball or baseball.
Posted by: Mark at March 27, 2007 12:16 PM (2MrBP)
Oh gosh, does this mean you also had something to do with Anna Nicole's baby girl?
Posted by: NOTR at March 28, 2007 08:43 PM (GCLgj)
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