May 18, 2004
Is it me, or has
Michel Moore gotten fatter? The last time i saw him was at the Oscars in 2003. i don't think he looked as humongous back then. What he needs is a personal trainer. A tough one, like at one of those boot camps for fatties, maybe.
i can almost picture it now:
Holy Jesus! What is that? WHAT IS THAT?!
Sir, a jelly doughnut, sir!
A jelly doughnut?!
Sir, yes, sir!
How did it get here?
Sir, I took it from the mess hall, sir!
Is chow allowed in the barracks, Moore?
Sir, no, sir!
Are you allowed to eat jelly doughnuts, Moore?
Sir, no, sir!
And why not?
Sir, because I'm too heavy, sir!
Because you are a DISGUSTING FATBODY, Moore!
Sir, yes, sir!
And i'd love to see Moore trying to run laps, with the personal trainer alongside to motivate him:
Pick 'em up and set 'em down, Moore! Quickly! Move it up!
Were you born a fat slimy scumbag, you piece of shit?! Or did you have to work on it?
Move it up! Quickly! Hustle up!
The fucking war will be over by the time we get up there, won't it, Moore? MOVE IT!
Are you going to fucking die, Moore? Are you going to die on me?! Do you feel dizzy? Do you feel faint? Jesus H. Christ, I think you've got a hard-on!
Yah, boot camp might do him a lot of good, i think.
Posted by: annika at
04:59 PM
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Heh...Lee Ermey's DI routine from
Full Metal Jacket never does get old, does it?
"Did your parents have any children that lived?! I bet they regretted it!"
Posted by: Dave J at May 18, 2004 08:14 PM (V0Wwd)
It'd kill him. Which would do
all of us a lot of good. (Moore, too. He epitomizes the phrase, "a life not worth living.")
Posted by: Matt at May 18, 2004 10:06 PM (TqPuT)
Yup, he is fatter. Sorry, not a very interesting comment, but I wanted to reassure you. He is, in fact, much fatter.
Posted by: Courtney at May 19, 2004 08:02 AM (tyQ8y)
That ole ticker oughta be blowin'a valve anytime now, hehehe. Just desserts, eh wot? I think I'll have a case of krispy kreme's delivered to his suite. Dammit, stop me before I pun again!
Posted by: Casca at May 20, 2004 06:58 PM (q+PSF)
Maybe he should update his book to "Dude, where's my waistline?"..tie some ropes on him and he'll be in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade..
Posted by: steve at May 25, 2004 01:29 PM (DmFF+)
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May 17, 2004
Sarin Bombshell
Like ants when their anthole has been disturbed, the Bush-haters are running around crazy, not quite sure what to make of this Sarin story. From DU:
Call me crazy but the finding of Sarin gas seems to indicate a spiralling decrease in security. If true it simply proves the point that borders are not secure. WMDs that were not in Iraq before are there now. Note to Bush: Be careful what you wish for.
Nice spin. Why is it so hard to admit the possibility that Bush was right? DU is a laboratory for cognitive dissonance. It ought to be assigned reading in psychology 101 courses.
When it comes to poison gas discoveries, i'm still holding my breath (heh heh). i'll wait and see if any significant stockpile is discovered. You see, unlike the Bush-haters, i had pretty much accepted that my side might have been wrong about WMDs. It's called intellectual honesty.
On the right, guys like Hannity and Medved were always pretty confident that we'd find the stuff. But even John Kerry was hedging his bets, saying last week that the WMDs might still be found. If you asked me, i would have scowled and said that asshole Scott Ritter was probably right. In fact, i said as much over a year ago.
On the right, the counter-argument was always: "If Saddam didn't have WMDs why did he refuse to allow inspections? Why didn't he cooperate fully?"
Two reasons make perfect sense to me. One, Saddam did finally relent. Just before the war started, i seem to remember a report about Saddam's 11th hour offer to allow full, unrestricted inspections, which we refused. If true, i'm not bothered by our refusal in the slightest. He had to go.
The other reason is that Saddam, correctly as it turns out, believed that we were going in no matter what. Knowing that he had an unavoidable fight coming, and that his military was totally unprepared to resist, much less win, he needed the myth of WMD as a force multiplier. If you know you're going to get rolled no matter what, isn't it a good idea to let the other guy think you've got a knife in your back pocket. It might give you that extra second or two you'll need to get the hell out of Dodge.
Another factor i've considered, in my attempt to explain why Saddam acted like he had WMD's while saying that he hadn't, is an often overlooked rationale behind most inexplicable human behavior: simple incompetence. You've seen it at your job countless times, i'm sure. A huge task is given to be completed within an unreasonably short time limit. Everybody scrambles to put it together, but there are inevitable mistakes.
The better the workers, the fewer mistakes, of course. But in the case of Iraq, these people were all short timers, who knew they were going to be out of a job soon. So the 1441 report they had to do contained a lot of errors, things they just didn't have time to check out for consistency. A lot of it might have been cut and paste. They probably didn't proofread it properly. Then when we got the report we interpreted it as being evasive; they had something to hide. When in fact they didn't. They were simply incompetent.
But, now that i've given my reasons for thinking that there were in fact no WMDs, it appears that i may be wrong again. Hopefully, i am wrong and we will uncover a cache of the stuff, if only to get it out of the hands of the enemy.
Update: According to Michele, now the Bush-haters are saying sarin is not a WMD? That's one for the Huh? files!
Posted by: annika at
08:47 AM
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Great post, Annika. I love the line about DU being a laboratory for cognitive dissonance--no kidding!
Posted by: ilyka at May 17, 2004 09:55 AM (UUmio)
Excellent post. The spin on this story is making my head ache.
Posted by: Michele at May 17, 2004 10:05 AM (ONsnV)
If anything, this proves (yet again for the umpteenth time) that even if we'd literally found Saddam and Bin Laden in bed together with the trigger for an ICBM pointed at the US, there actually are people for whom that wouldn't be "enough." The mind boggles.
Posted by: Dave J at May 17, 2004 11:17 AM (VThvo)
Once we find more than 1 shell from pre-GWI erra that even the insrugents didn't know conatined sarrin then we'll have found something. But this is just grasping at starws.
Posted by: Zip at May 17, 2004 12:23 PM (sLwYT)
Excellent post. ISG has already found plenty of evidence of WMD capability, as well as scattered elements of actualy WMD. The whole argument, when it is conducted at a rational level, is a semi-useless debate over AMOUNT/QUANTITY, and whether said amount/quantity means Bush lied or not. Oddly, when it's conducted at an irrational level, might it decide a Presidential election?!
Posted by: gcotharn in Texas at May 17, 2004 12:30 PM (0GNJF)
Zip, I can understand the age objection if this were unitary Sarin, but it was described as binary, which would mean a considerable shelf life.
Given what the US was trying to avoid (Iraq becoming an ammo dump for international terrorists, among other things), the discovery of even one unmarked shell looms large. Imagine what that would do if properly mixed and detonated in a train station or mall or school -- if it happened here or in Europe, it might change behaviors for decades. One terrorist proxy with one shell and a few ideas about how to use it could terrify millions, even if they only killed hundreds. Aren't those the numbers the terrorists are looking at?
That shell is Madrid 10 times over, if "used properly."
Posted by: DrSteve at May 17, 2004 03:16 PM (LFL7X)
From what do you conclude that it's pre-GWI stock? And
who cares if it is?
Old WMDs don't count? A WMD is a WMD, my friend. As long as it functions, it counts. The danger was never that he'd
make them, it was that he'd
use them. I don't care if the "sarrin" that's released in Grand Central Terminal is ten years old or newly-minted, if it performs as it's supposed to. And what does it matter whether the "insrugents" knew what it was? The question is whether Saddam's boys knew what it was -- and I'd be terribly surprised if they didn't. Even
that bunch of incompetent assholes must've had a separate pile for the chem rounds.
Also, it's two chemical artillery shells that've been found: One mustard, one "sarrin."
No, this doesn't prove that "Bush was right." We're still a ways from knowing with any certainty what it means. But methinks thou doth protest too much, at such an early stage of the game. "Grasping at straws?" Gimme a break!
Posted by: Matt_Rustler at May 17, 2004 03:40 PM (CF/QI)
Let's see - where to start:
DrSteve - if the administration were concerned about existing stockpiles and ammo dumps, they would've taken the obvious steps to secure the several thousand open air sites where shells like these and others are just sitting around for anyone to pick up. As for the shell... this type of binary shell can only be mixed in flight after firing. Attempting to dismantle and then physically mix would fail or at the least kill the perpetrators... where would they find the facilities to do that anyway?
Matt - can I remind you of AUM Shinrikyo? You know , cult in Japan that tried to unleash a coordinated Sarin Gas attack on the tokyo subway system in '95... they used more Sarin than was present in the shell (mixed).
It's a tragedy anytime innocent people are killed for anyone's political/social/religious agenda... and we've had more than enough already - though I feel fairly sure we're not even close to this opera being over. You think Zip "dost protest too much?!" No, give me... and yourself a break - as soon as this story broke - the right wing propaganda machine, and those merely duped by it rushed to trumpet it as proof... "here are the WMD's" - get real.
Posted by: rainlion at May 20, 2004 12:17 PM (zkjrJ)
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May 11, 2004
This Is Not A Religious War Bullshit
This is not a religious war like the Civil War was not about slavery. When the enemy prays to God while slicing off the head of an innocent civilian, you bet your ass it's a religious war.
We just don't want to admit it.
The enemy has no problem admitting it.
How many of you realize that when the Ottoman Empire entered WWI on the side of Germany and Austro-Hungary (that's the losing side, for those who slept through history class), they did not do so by "declaring war," like any normal country would. No, the Ottoman Empire entered WWI by declaring "jihad."
It's always a religious war for those fuckheads.
The ultimate goal of the terrorists is religious. It is the establishment of a pan-islamic empire under religious rule according to shari'a law. It is the destruction of all jews. And by destruction, they mean slaughter. It is the forced conversion of Christians and Hindus, etc. to their evil bastardized religion.
They sliced off a guy's head.
They're barbarians. Brute animals. Worse than devil worshippers. At least devil worshippers only kill cats. These fucks kill innocent humans, and blaspheme the name of God while doing it. What awaits these pig-fuckers when they die? Eternal fucking fire, you can count on it. Hotter than a million mutha-fucking suns.
What does it take to slice off the head of another live, conscious human being? An innocent human being. With a knife. What is involved in that procedure? Could you do it? Do you think Private England would be capable of such a thing? Or Specialist Graner? Or General Karpinski even?
i bet even Scott Peterson couldn't do it. Not while the victim was still alive. Not with a knife.
Cutting through a fellow human's neck while they're still alive, with a knife, means slicing down through skin, severing arteries and veins, loosing a torrent of pulsing blood, sawing back and forth through thick muscle and tendon, crunching through the hollow, wheezing, screaming windpipe, hitting bone and disk, sawing again, pushing down, hearing it crunch, pop, putting your weight into it, slicing through the spinal cord, watching the body go limp, gripping the handle tight in all the slippery blood, sliding the blade through the last cords of muscle and tendon, blade striking the floor, watching the head roll forward, now just an inanimate object, though its eyes are open, then raising it, still warm, up to the camera.
Could you do that? Can you imagine the mind of someone who could? i simply can't fathom that kind of evil.
They chanted to Allah while they sliced off an innocent man's head. You can say this is not a religious war. You can say that God, assuming you believe in Him, doesn't take sides in a war. i say bullshit. God will deal with these unholy bastards. They will die someday, as all men must, and they will be shocked when they are finally confronted with His just punishment. His divine retribution. i pray too, that the United States will become the instrument of their death.
Posted by: annika at
06:53 PM
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RIGHT ON. I am right there with you on every word. Fun modification-
"... a million MULLAH-fucking suns."
Posted by: gcotharn in Texas at May 11, 2004 08:32 PM (b/7hi)
Terrorism Snow Globe-
The claim that Nick Berg was retribution is a metaphor for all past claims of Islamic victimhood that were used to justify all past acts of Islamic terrorism: from the Iranian Hostages and Leon Klinghoffer on through a litany of acts that include the Marine barracks and the Foreign Embassies and the Palestinian bombings and the WTC attacks and the IEDs that all lead straight through to Nick Berg.
Tonight many Americans and many Middle East Muslims went to sleep believing Abu Ghraib was the cause of Nick Berg's death. The lack of understanding- the naive belief that Nick Berg would be alive if not for Abu Ghraib, constitutes a major threat to a peaceful future for everyone.
Nick Berg's murder, along with the cover story and the millions who believe the cover story, is a history of Islamic Terrorism in microcosm. Watching it play out is like watching the action inside a miniature snow-globe: shake it and watch the same scene over and over and over and over and over and over, until a backwards culture repairs itself or a series of nuclear blasts brings an end to the cycle.
That is the cold reality of the situation, and that is what Americans and Middle East Muslims must think about, if we are to preempt the unthinkable.
Posted by: gcotharn in Texas at May 11, 2004 11:17 PM (b/7hi)
Every American needs to read this post. As a matter of fact, this post needs to be translated into every language so the whole world can read it.
Posted by: ginger at May 12, 2004 05:25 AM (BgaW7)
Nice comments, Annika. It's about time someone else is seeing this war as I see it.
Posted by: Jason H. at May 12, 2004 07:03 AM (yDD8m)
Honestly? You want the truth? If the people I was decapitating were the five fucks from that video, not only do I think I could do it -- I think I could do it with a dull pen knife. Really.
Posted by: Matt at May 12, 2004 08:04 AM (CF/QI)
Is this a religious war because THEY claim it's religious? Is it a religious war because GW Bush thinks he was chosen by God to lead the country? Is it a religious war because the majority of the country is Christian?
Gulf War I was a religious war according to S. Hussein. Nobody mentions that now. I'm curious as to your rationale for deeming this a "religious war."
Posted by: glenn at May 12, 2004 08:09 AM (1oqLe)
Good question Glenn. My opinion on the matter will probably be controversial, maybe not, but i should do a post rather than put it in the comments.
Matt, i don't think i could do it, even to those fucking animals, but i would watch will you did it.
Posted by: annika at May 12, 2004 09:22 AM (zAOEU)
The scandal of prisoner abuses by U.S. soldiers in Iraq has dealt a bigger blow to the United States than the Sept. 11 attacks - Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, Vatican foreign minister.
I'm outraged. Could you please tell the Vatican to shut the fuck up? Is the Catholic church actually evil or just stupid?
Posted by: d-rod at May 12, 2004 10:03 AM (CSRmO)
How idiotic.
The Vatican seems
want to become irrelevant. Who are they to be talking about scandal?
First remove the mote in your own eye, pope.
Posted by: annika! at May 12, 2004 10:29 AM (zAOEU)
The biggest ideological problem I see in America is that America has NOT identified the enemy. It's not terrorism, because terrorism is a tool the enemy uses. Islamofascism IS the enemy; Jihad IS the enemy; anyone who wants to establish sharia is the enemy - and folks like this enjoy civil rights protection in the US?
I am sick of the purists for who cry about the First Amendment, while supporting those who are seeking to throw the Constitution out in the garbage. Where will your First Amendment be then, professors?
Screw political correctness, and screw the whole "religion of peace" bullshit. It is time to kick organizations like CAIR out of the country, and put their leaders behind the bars. It is time to go after the ideologues of Islamofascism, in the US, in Saudi Arabia, and everywhere. It is time to go after Al-Jazeera, and to fight treacherous anti-American propaganda at home. Blogging is just a beginning. Time will come for the traitors in the media to find out what Americans think about them, or else those elites will destroy this country, just like the French elites destroyed theirs 200 years ago.
Posted by: Ivan Lenin at May 12, 2004 03:04 PM (j3KG7)
Matt, Matt, come now, that would be just plain exhausting, and we're a far more technically sophisticated people. It's time to dig out some of those old flame-throwers that we retired at the end of Vietnam. There's a nice collateral effect too. I'm betting that your average Arab fireman isn't really up to the task of keeping the shithole from burning to cinders.
On a literary note, Anni, ever notice the question to Lt Joyce in "Bridge on the River Kwai"? "Can you kill a man with a knife?" It's a euphemism for can you deal with the reality before you without hesitation.
Posted by: Casca at May 12, 2004 05:42 PM (q+PSF)
Casca, you must remember this exchange from the movie Untouchables, which i have been thinking about lately:
Malone: You said you wanted to get Capone. Do you really wanna get him? You see what I'm saying is,
what are you prepared to do?
Eliot Ness: Anything and everything in my power.
Malone: And THEN what are you prepared to do? If you open the can on these worms you must be prepared to go all the way because they're not gonna give up the fight until one of you is dead.
Eliot Ness: How do you do it then?
Malone: You wanna know how you do it? Here's how, they pull a knife, you pull a
gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send on of his to the
morgue! That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get Capone! Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that?
Eliot Ness: I have sworn to capture this man with all legal powers at my disposal and I will do so.
Malone: Well the Lord hates a coward. Do you know what a blood oath is Mr. Ness?
Eliot Ness: Yes.
Malone: Good, cause you just took one.
Posted by: annika! at May 12, 2004 06:14 PM (Bqwch)
Posted by: Rae at May 12, 2004 06:37 PM (Y4u3V)
We can't be deaf, dumb and blind to the fact that Muslim terrorists are killing us because we do not bow down to Allah. That alone makes this a religious war. But religion (Christianity, in particular) has been so dumped on in this country, its place in the context of world events is forgotten. Make no mistake: Islamic terrorists are driven by their desire to obey Allah.
Posted by: La Shawn Barber at May 13, 2004 11:32 AM (Qa+f/)
I look at the Nick Berg thing this way... He went to Iraq to "help" in the reconstruction. That is he went to service the Capitalist Imperial Institution by stealing business away from the Iraqi people themselves so he could make money off of thier backs. Does it occur to anyone that Iraqis themselves are able to reconstruct thier own country that the Americans helped destroy in the first place? But at every turn they are kept out of the reconstruction unless KBR needs to have the bathrooms cleaned. The Companies are importing thousands of foreign works to do things that Iraqi people should be employed to do but arn't because they are deemed a security threat. I wonder why the Iraqi's are not included? Might be becuase the vast majority have been shut out by the CPA. This Berg guy is a vulture, no wonder they cut off his head. Address what the greivence is first and then make an objective judgment about what the video is about.
Posted by: fredhero at May 13, 2004 11:40 AM (hOFFp)
Fred, what you wrote is so idiotic, i'm tempted to say it's a hoax intended to embarass liberals.
Do i gather you believe:
1. Nick Berg got what he deserved.
2. His killers sawed off his head because some Iraqis couldn't get a job.
When trying to explain why the devil does what he does, it's important to actually listen to the devil's own words.
They killed Nick Berg because they hate all non-moslims. They express their hatred by killing. They like to kill. They want to kill. If confronted with two options for conflict resolution, one of which does not involve killing, the terrorist will always choose killing. Because they are worse than animals. They are pure evil.
You however, are a supreme idiot if you believe that this is about jobs. People in this country can't get jobs. My brother has trouble getting a job. Are you saying it'd be okay if he went out and killed someone? Does that justify sawing an innocent man's head off?
i pity your depravity, i really do.
And please don't respond to this comment. i don't care to argue your stupid logic, not today. Not after that video. i'll delete your ass and ban you, you fucking retard.
Posted by: annika! at May 13, 2004 12:11 PM (zAOEU)
Posted by: fredhero at May 14, 2004 01:55 PM (w/nTu)
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The True Atrocities
The true atrocities are being commited by our enemies, not by us.

But i pray that they will yet know the terrible retribution that awaits them. We must remain strong.
Strengthen the feeble hands,
steady the knees that give way;
say to those with fearful hearts,
'Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
he will come to save you.'
[Isaiah 35:3-4]
Be strong.
Angry Update: What the hell's wrong with you people?! They fucking beheaded one of our guys! They fucking filmed it. i'm looking around the blogosphere and no-one, save Michele (God bless her), has a fucking word to say about it. Instapundit thinks it's only worth a measly line. Where's the Rottweiler? Where's Finch? Where's DuToit? Where's Lucas? i wanna see some rage, something, anything. Is everybody asleep, too shocked to care? The media will let this slip by if they can. i bet it won't be the lead on tonight's news. i bet it won't make tomorrow's front page. It's up to us to publicize this horror, people. Vent the outrage that the vast majority of non-blogging Americans are feeling right now. Just fucking say something!
Update 2: The Rottweiler checks in. Serenity checks in. Moxie checks in. Zomby too. And Reynolds deems it worthy of a few more lines. Sarah groks. So do Peter and Karol. LGF describes the video for those, like me, who can't watch it. Also, go read Will and Stephen at Vodkapundit. Then of course, there's Lileks. Tom draws strength from Churchill. See also Misha's second take, and Paul's take, and especially Banagor's "The Rage."
And many thanks go to my good friends at Candied Ginger for their link. Please read Candace's piece, perhaps the best of the lot on this tragedy.
As always, Wizbang was on top of it right away. But this morning's post disappoints me. Today is not a day for bikinis.
Sadly, the liberal bloggers that i read regularly have all chosen to ignore this atrocity. It's not a matter of left vs. right, Bush vs. not-Bush. Nick Berg was an American. How can anyone ignore his murder? It was intended as a message to all of us. A noteworthy piece at etalkinghead may explain why the only blogs that want to talk about Nick Berg seem to be on the right.
Posted by: annika at
11:51 AM
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Outrage? From OUR press? Are you nuts? They only get outraged when WE cut off someone's fingernail or hair.
Oh, the beheading? They are just misunderstood; we need to treat them a little better.
When will our media get it that these are really, really eveil people and need to be killed. Every fucking one of them, like snakes.
Posted by: shelly s. at May 11, 2004 01:49 PM (AaBEz)
Posted by: Radical Redneck at May 11, 2004 02:18 PM (oTkr8)
Sorry, I just heard about this an hour or two ago (workin' all day, y'know) and then posted something very brief about. I was going to post a more extensive rant, but I figired Misha had already done it better than I could.
Posted by: Tuning Spork at May 11, 2004 04:15 PM (NgWVQ)
Where is the outrage from the Muslim community? I'm not counting on it. The "religion of peace" is the biggest threat to the civilized world...but we are not supposed to say that because it might offend somebody. I don't want here anymore bullshit about Muslims being peace-loving people until I hear one important Muslim religious leader condem this and the thousands of other atrocities these sick, demented people have commited.
Posted by: Blu at May 11, 2004 04:21 PM (lj3Ju)
I watched the ABC news tonight and they are attempting to blame the beheading on the anger the Arab world feels over seeing the pictures of the prisoners. They can't even own up to these people being evil when they behead one of our men. That is just disgusting.
Posted by: Jonathan at May 11, 2004 05:03 PM (8ygiB)
That doesn't surprise me Jon. Did they lead with the story, at least?
Posted by: annika! at May 11, 2004 05:17 PM (zAOEU)
It really is time to introduce these people to Sherman's philosophy of war, i.e. it's hell, and as soon as we make them figure that out, we'll be close to being done.
Posted by: Casca at May 11, 2004 06:27 PM (q+PSF)
Not too shocked to care... trying to find words filthy and low enough to describe the perpetrators of the atrocity done to this innocent being.
People really need to get this and your description of beheading a living human being helps drive home the enormity of the act.
Posted by: Bonfire7 at May 11, 2004 10:58 PM (Ij50v)
Annika, look a Tomfoolery.
Mutted rage, but rage.
Posted by: Chuck at May 12, 2004 06:02 AM (s6c4t)
I have several things to say about it. I also have the links to video if you are so inclinded.
Posted by: Tom at May 12, 2004 07:52 AM (eAINt)
i feel better knowing that many of you are angry as i am about this. i'm also surprised to see the LA Times put this story above the fold this morning. i won't buy that rag, and i'm sure the article is sufficiently tilted left-wing, but i truly expected them to bury it on page three.
Posted by: annika! at May 12, 2004 09:29 AM (zAOEU)
Peter told me the news over my graduation dinner and both of us posted as soon as we got home. I'm also surprised at the lack of insta-coverage though I think we'll see more about it in the next few days.
Posted by: Karol at May 12, 2004 10:12 AM (AGo3+)
As one of your readers who is further to the left, I feel the need to speak up. The thing is, I don't know what to say. I don't often blog about the war, because it upsets me to do so. I
do discuss it - on online forums, at home. But I find it easier to participate in a dialogue about things like this than to make a singular statement.
I guess I'm saying that just because something isn't in my blog doesn't mean that I'm not thinking about it.
Posted by: other Annika at May 12, 2004 10:51 AM (hQUF1)
To be honest, I'm not so much angry at the enemy, because you don't get angry at rabid dogs; you just shoot them.
But I am angry at those who exploit the pictures of prison abuse to their political advantage, while saying nothing about this. That's not just hypocricy; that's plain treason, and people who help the enemy should be put to trial. I am sick of the "good guys" on the left who'd rather be politically correct than human.
Posted by: Ivan Lenin at May 12, 2004 02:43 PM (j3KG7)
The bikini pic was an on the way out the door quickie post, which given the tone of the day may have best been saved for later.
Posted by: Kevin at May 12, 2004 03:35 PM (bwshg)
I'm shocked, sad and angered.
There are no words. Except you know what? You said what I think. If anyone had the slimmest notion that this war is NOT about the Islamofascists against anyone who isn't, then the events of this week should prove them wrong.
It's frightening. Damned frightening. And when I'm this numb with rage and grief, I escape.
Sorry, but that's what my blog is about - for me.
Posted by: Emma at May 12, 2004 11:22 PM (kpNlZ)
There is bit of a distinction between state sponsored abuse and the actions of a rogue agents. Especially when the state based its invasion on removing tyranny and introduction democracry. You can't invade a foreign nation and not expect people to live up to your words.
Posted by: jim jones at May 14, 2004 12:05 PM (3vAcw)
Posted by: fredhero at May 14, 2004 01:58 PM (w/nTu)
Please don´t feel ofended.
The video is tricked. I´m video editor expert and FBI veteran for video works. The movie is the worst quality for webcams and reading the file with the most advanced tools for video editing I have four questions:
1. Where is the compression header of file for video files?
2. Not blood flow (maybe in the 326 missing frames on the long video) where is the blood?.
3. The screams is not in movement-audio sincrony (why the voice is in right sincrony but not the murder and the screams?).
4. In the head exposition (where is the blood?). In adition, in this part of video, with the video editing tools reveals most of 100 frames missing.
My personal opinion with forense support is:
This is a propaganda movie with the only goal for "war on terror" support. Please our president is a puppet member of a very powerful gang of killers, but they think about the all american people like an standar serie of Simpson Homer.
If Nick Berg is Dead, God bless him.
If youre are alive, take your money for a complete change of face and give some to your family.
The FBI veterans are not killers
Posted by: Edward Maddox at May 17, 2004 10:42 AM (eDZ9g)
Interesting comment, Edward Maddox. How long have you been speaking English. You should brush up on your grammar, it might help your credibility just a tad. Good luck spamming!
Posted by: annika at May 17, 2004 07:14 PM (CmuaG)
Despite Maddox's grammar... those are very apparent and damning questions? You have no response? Come on... the most obvious one is the blood, or lack thereof of commensurate amounts.
And just to give you something else to chew on (probably me in your response) - Or how about this one... when the first photos and reports of prisoner abuse (in Afghanistan and Guantanemo) were released to the public by the US. government last year why did the administration do nothing about it?
Posted by: rainlion at May 20, 2004 11:58 AM (zkjrJ)
i'm not sure it's true that the administration "did nothing about it." But if it is, you won't catch me defending them on the Abu Ghraib scandal. While i personally don't think we were hard enough on the fucks, there
is such a thing as Geneva.
But in regards to your "questions" about the Berg video. Why do you even have questions. After Daniel Pearl, and everything else, is it so hard to believe that a terrorist would behead a guy? Why are you so eager to play the hoax card on this one? What is the point? You don't give an alternate theory. Are you trying to say that the CIA killed Berg? If so, you're going to have trouble convincing reasonable people of it.
Just because people can come up with questions does not mean that they're always reasonable questions. i can come up with good questions about whether the earth is round, whether evolution is true, whether we landed on the moon. Doesn't mean they're reasonable questions to ask.
i didn't watch the video. i did see stills, and i saw enough blood in the stills to convince me. Then again, i've never seen anyone beheaded before, so i don't have a frame of reference. Do you?
It's hard for me to decipher Maddox's "questions" because his english skills are so poor. Is he saying there are 100 missing frames or is he saying 326? (That's like the number of communists in the state department according to McCarthy. The number keeps changing.) The voice is not in "sincrony" because he's watching it over the internet. It's called streaming video. Someone who doesn't know how to spell "synchronization" probably doesn't make enough money to afford broadband.
On the lack of blood, use your head to figure this one out. The heart pumps blood, not the head. The brain contains tiny blood vessels, blood is not going to pour out of them quickly. Certainly it's not going to gush. The only large vessels coming out of the head are the arteries and veins like the carotid and the jugular. These are going to drain (not gush) blood right away, probably as soon as they are severed. That probably happened early in the process of cutting the head off. By the time the whole neck was severed, the blood from inside the skull was probably dripping in drops too small to show clearly in the low quality video. Even still, i saw evidence of dripping blood in the stills i saw, when they held Berg's head up to the camera.
Look, if it's a hoax, perpetrated by the CIA or Mossad, or whoever you want to blame it on, don't you think it would be more perfect? The fact that there are little flaws (like strange edits) suggests to me that it's authentic. If it were a hoax, the perpetrators would want to avoid giving people reason to doubt the video's authenticity.
And come on. Maddox says he's an FBI veteran? Right. He couldn't even fill out an application, let alone pass a written test. If the very first line in his comment is an outright lie, why give any credence to the rest of it.
Posted by: annika! at May 20, 2004 02:54 PM (zAOEU)
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May 10, 2004
Only Serious Progressives Should Read This
You know me. i'm a staunch Republican. Although i'd never vote for Nader, i can still listen to the man and put myself in the place of someone who opposes Bush, hypothetically speaking. And when i do, i can't see how any principled progressive can say that
the man does not make a hell of a lot of sense.
What do we do as red-blooded Americans who want clean politics and progressive, responsive policies . . . ? We sit around engaging in the 'least worst?' [He imitates a voter, holding his nose.] 'I'll go vote for Gore.' Or do we get out there, like Thomas Jefferson counseled, try to change the paradigm, enrich the dialogue, get more candidates, local, state, national.
Democrats gotta be wishing they had Gore right about now. Kerry makes Gore look like Clinton, and everybody knows it. Including Nader, who offers this strategic criticism and advice:
I'm going to say [to Kerry], look, you're not doing that well in the last month. Here's a chickenhawk . . . making you explain your first Purple Heart, and why you did this and that. You've had Dick Clarke . . . and . . . Michael Moore and . . . Bob Woodward putting Bush on the defensive, and you're getting blurred.
The problem is these consultants who have got their hooks into the Kerry campaign. I mean, $27 million for a Madison Avenue image builder? He's not his own person. If there's one thing the mass of voters can see through, that's someone who is not his own person, someone who has more antenna than brains. They really see through that.
And you peaceniks out there?
You know where Kerry stands on the war in Iraq. How can you support him? Your man is Nader, he
will end it now.
You can take the greatest country in the world into a war quagmire, based on fabrications, deceptions, and lies.... The one thing you don't want to do when you're fighting terrorism is to produce more of it, and he's doing exactly that. He's now turned Iraq into a magnet for stateless terrorists, and we're stuck, because now collective ego is involved.
[People say:] 'We're not going to cut and run. We got to support the troops.' To which I say, I want to to protect the troops, to get them out of there. [emphasis added]
You disgruntled Democrats, instead of talking about how you can dump Kerry gracefully and replace him with another Democrat, why not take this opportunity to really overthrow the tyranny of the two party system? Don't let the old boy network of Democratic party operatives in their smoke filled rooms dictate who you can or can't vote for.
Stop voting defensively, stand up for your principles and for what you really believe. You hate the war? You hate corporate power? You wanna see the environment protected? Gotta have those abortions on demand? Do you really think Kerry shares your principles? A former military man whoÂ’s admitted to shooting civilians in wartime? An elitist snob who's been sucking off the tit of corporations by way of marriage all his adult life? A hunter who owns guns and SUVs is gonna care about the environment? Can you really trust a churchgoing catholic to defend your precious abortion rights?
You progressives. Why would you vote for the status quo? Another Yale rich boy president who, instead of having cronies in Big Oil dictating the shots will simply take his direction from his Big Ketchup in-laws. Don't play that game anymore.
[Democrats] say, 'support us, we have to beat George Bush.' I'm sorry. We played that game for 20 years. We're not playing it.
But isn't a vote for Nader a vote for Bush, you say? Maybe. But not if Kerry's going down anyway. Did you ever ask yourself “why isn't Kerry leading in the polls by 20 points, with all the bad news lately?” Because he sucks, that's why. And people are going to stay home rather than vote for him.
In October there will probably be a last minute surge in support for Nader when people realize KerryÂ’s going to lose, and Nader will get blamed for blowing the election again. In reality, a surge in Nader votes will be a protest of people who realized that Kerry was going down anyway and they felt free to vote their conscience.
So why not follow your conscience right now and tell everyone that you're voting for the guy who agrees with you the most? Suggest to your friends that they do the same. Build momentum for Nader now, don't wait until it's too late. If Nader starts polling high early in the summer, one of two things might happen. Either his support will snowball and he might win, or Kerry will realize that he needs to move closer to Nader's ideology to have a chance. Either way, you progressives come out ahead!
Seriously. ; )
Posted by: annika at
08:32 PM
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Dead on political analysis. The key to Kerry is getting the voter turnout in states like Ohio and PA and Michigan. Unless he does something to excite his base and the swing voters, he's toast.
And with the economy doing fine and not too many folks--except for the ABB types--really getting too outraged about the war, Bush wins. Voters vote the economy. And I don't think the prisoner abuse thing will get a lot of traction among average Americans.
Posted by: albo at May 11, 2004 07:34 AM (ZPx7m)
Kerry blows. Gore blows. Nader would never get elected.
There really is no good option for the election this year. I'd never vote for Bush and Kerry is a tool.
Posted by: glenn at May 11, 2004 08:30 AM (1oqLe)
Nicely put.
I believe the technical term for this would be Dive and Conquer.
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at May 11, 2004 03:54 PM (4819r)
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Should He Stay Or Should He Go?
The calls for Rumsfeld's resignation seem to be nearing the point of critical mass. i'm as yet undecided on the issue. i've always liked the guy, and i think he's been a great Secretary of Defense. i think it's unfair to blame him for what happened at Abu Ghraib, yet i understand the doctrine of accountability. The demand that he resign is mainly hardball "gotcha" politics, in my view.
Yet i don't see the demands lessening any time soon. Rummy did not make friends among the uniformed elite, with his abrasive management style. i doubt they'd go to bat for him. The left is salivating at the chance to force a resignation, because they so desperately want to recapture the power they think they had back in the days of Vietnam.
Ideally, i'd like to see Rumsfeld stay, but CENTCOM go, along with a lot of the top brass over in Iraq. Sacrificial lambs? Maybe, but i think there's plenty of legitimate criticism regarding the post "end of major combat" phase, which would justify an overhaul of the leadership now. Often in war -- and you saw this in WWII a lot -- turnover at the top is the only way to get younger, more effective officers into command positions.
However, i'm afraid that the chant "Rumsfeld must go" may get so loud that politically, Bush may have no choice but to get rid of him. Unfair as i think that would be, it might also be the best thing for our country.
Posted by: annika at
12:04 PM
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Well, I dislike his politics, but I think he's a great entertainer -- and would love to have him to run against, too. Liberals get energized by dislike of him; it would be a loss if he left.
Posted by: Hugo at May 10, 2004 05:10 PM (jdBQm)
If he does resign, I wonder how that will affect the dynamic of the administration. The aggresiveness of Cheney and Rumsfeld tended to balance out against the studied pacifism of Powell. Rice has managed to stay in the background through most of this, and I think people underestimate President Bush's peacable nature. I get the impression that he'd rather be friends with the world, but since it isn't possible, he'll make the hard decisions and stick to them. Like I said, it's a balance, and it'll be interesting to see how it shakes out if changes are made.
Posted by: Ted at May 10, 2004 06:47 PM (ZjSa7)
How, pray tell, do you know what's going on inside a group of which you are not a part? Only those on the inside know. This remains true in all human endeavor.
Rumsfeld is clearly the best SecDef this nation has ever had. The only mistake here was firing Karpinski too fast, and I don't think that call was made in country.
BTW, where's the foul here? I thought you folks were all for homo-eroticism?
Posted by: Casca at May 10, 2004 07:30 PM (q+PSF)
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May 06, 2004
Excellent News
Here's a bit of good news out of LAX, if you can believe that.
Six French journalists were arrested and deported when they tried to enter the country to cover a trade show.
Six is definitely a good start. Now, how quickly can we round up the rest of the journalists and Frenchies and kick them out too?
Posted by: annika at
11:42 PM
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Post contains 62 words, total size 1 kb.
You need to prioritize. First the French, _then_ the journalists.
Posted by: Tony at May 07, 2004 08:41 AM (QwFky)
Or, per Gen. Sherman's advice, we could always just shoot them instead. It's probably cheaper than deportation. ;-)
Posted by: Dave J at May 07, 2004 09:13 AM (RhlLQ)
Posted by: Robert McClelland at May 07, 2004 06:12 PM (oaT5K)
I hope you know just what a hilarious self-parody you are, McClelland. Thanks for the laughs, as always.
Posted by: Dave J at May 09, 2004 07:23 PM (RhlLQ)
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