December 23, 2005
i give up. i really give up.
Why don't we just propose a new law next year to quiet all the critics? The Unconditional Surrender Act of 2006. It might look like this:
AN ACT</sarcasm>To restore the United States of America to the safety of its pre September 11, 2001 status. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
Congress makes the following findings:
(a) Life in the United States of America was easier when we didn't realize that there were people out there trying to kill us.
(b) Protecting the citizens of the United States from future terrorist attacks necessarily requires that difficult choices be made.
(c) Certain interest groups, including the news media, are very quick to criticize
anyevery action taken by a Republican president, no matter how sensible such action may be.(d) The elected members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America lack the collective guts to do the right thing in the face of media criticism or opposition by various nut-jobs such as Michael Moore or Cindy Sheehan and their ilk.
(e) By returning to a strategy of doing nothing and ignoring its enemies, Congress can invite a future attack on the territory and citizens of the United States of America.
(f) Such a future attack can be blamed on the President of the United States of America, thus allowing the Senate and House of Representatives to escape blame and responsibility therefor, and making it more likely that a change of political party control will occur in the executive and legislative branches of the government of the United States.
Section 102 SENSE OF CONGRESSIt is the sense of Congress that:
(a) People who have nothing to hide, generally do not complain about surveillance as much as those who do.
(b) People who oppose the use of the United States military are generally louder than those who support the United States military.
(c) Critics in the media, academia, and the entertainment industry will be satisfied only when the government of the United States gets out of the way of the people who want to kill us.
(a) Effective immediately, all operations by all personnel of the United States Department of Defense shall cease.
(b) All personnel and equipment under the authority and control of the United States Department of Defense, and located outside of the territory of the United States of America, shall be returned to locations within the United States of America as soon as practicable, and in no event later than thirty days from the date of enactment of this law.
(c) Hereafter, the use of any personnel, equipment or assets under the authority and control of the United States Department of Defense shall be limited to either of the following:
(1) The distribution of food, medicine and currency to the heads of state, or their representatives, of the following countries only: Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Brunei, Chad, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Egypt, Gambia, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. For purposes of this subsection, the phrase "heads of state or their representatives" shall include warlords and/or members of the executive branch of the United Nations General Assembly.(2) The evacuation of American citizens under violent attack or after release from hostage captivity in the above listed countries.
Section 202 FOREIGN POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES(a) Effective immediately, all diplomatic relations between the United States of America and the state of Israel shall be severed and all diplomatic officers withdrawn and returned to their respective states.
(b) The 1949 Recognition of the State of Israel by the United States, is hereby rescinded, revoked and withdrawn.
Section 203 HOMELAND SECURITYEffective immediately,
(a) The United States Department of Customs and Border Protection shall be renamed the United States Department of Welcome and Transit.
(b) Every person located within the United States of America, or within any of its territories or possessions, either now or at any time in the future, who is not already a citizen of the United States, shall be deemed a citizen of the United States with all the rights pertaining thereto. Citizenship conferred to any person under this section shall:
(1) automatically extend to all members of said person's family, whether located within or outside the territory of the United States, and(c) No person travelling on a commercial airliner within the United States of America shall be searched or in any way impeded or delayed from entry into any airport terminal or airplane, unless he or she:(2) shall remain irrevocable in perpetuity, regardless of any criminal acts, including treason.
(1) is over the age of 70 years, or under the age of 10 years, and(d) No interception of any electronic communications by anyone shall ever be conducted upon anyone, ever, for any reason whatsoever.(2) cannot claim ancestry from any of the countries listed in Title II of this Act, Section 201, subsection (c)(1), and
(3) is not carrying any weapon, explosive device or apparatus for remote detonation of an explosive device.
(e) No person shall ever be arrested, investigated, kept under surveillance, watched or glanced at in a sideways manner if that person:
(1) is an immigrant from, can claim ancestry from, or ever spent time in a terrorist training camp in any of the countries listed in Title II of this Act, Section 201, subsection (c)(1),(2) advocates or encourages any act of terrorism against citizens of the United States, or contributes money to any terrorist organization or enemy of the United States.
Section 204 TREATMENT AND INTERROGATION OF PRISONERS(a) No person shall ever be taken prisoner by any member of the United States Military, or any agent of a United States intelligence service, or any officer of any law enforcement agency operating within the United States if such person has committed, planned or conspired to commit a terrorist act, or in any way taken up arms against the military forces of the United States or those of any ally of the United States.
(b) All persons currently in custody for the above listed acts shall be immediately and permanently released, without interrogation, and after a full meal.
(c) All persons so released shall be provided legal counsel, at government expense, for the purpose of pursuing civil recovery for torts committed upon them while in government custody.
i'm still trying to think of an acronymic title for this bill.
Posted by: annika at
05:01 PM
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December 22, 2005
These days, whenever something goofy turns up on the news, chances are it involves some fellow called Mohammed. A plane flies into the World Trade Center? Mohammed Atta. A gunman shoots up the El Al counter at Los Angeles airport? Hesham Mohamed Hedayet. A sniper starts killing gas-station customers around Washington, DC? John Allen Muhammed. A guy fatally stabs a Dutch movie director? Mohammed Bouyeri. A terrorist slaughters dozens in Bali? Noordin Mohamed. A British subject from Hounslow, West London, self-detonates in a Tel Aviv bar? Asif Mohammed Hanif. A gang rapist preys on the women of Sydney? Mohammed Skaf.Via Shelly.Maybe all these Mohammeds are victims of Australian white racists and American white racists and Dutch white racists and Israeli white racists and Balinese white racists and Beslan schoolgirl white racists. But the eagerness of the Aussie and British and Canadian and European media, week in, week out, to attribute each outbreak of an apparently universal phenomenon to strictly local factors is starting to look pathological. "Violence and racism are bad," but so is self-delusion.
For more background on Sydney's problem, see The Rise Of Middle Eastern Crime In Australia.
Via A Western Heart.
Posted by: annika at
08:11 AM
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December 21, 2005
I spent a lot of years as a line prosecutor at the Department of Justice, and as the head of the Criminal Division in this building. Many of the tools which we are talking about using in the patriot act against terrorists are tools that have been used for years in the decades against drug dealers, or people involved in white collar crime. And they've been used effectively and they've been used without there being a significant impact on civil liberties.Well put.The question I ask myself when I hear people criticize roving wiretaps, for example, is, why is this something that we use successfully and prudently in the area of dealing with marijuana importers, but yet a tool that people want to deny us in the war against people who want to import chemical weapons or explosives. That makes no sense to me.
Why is it, for example, that delayed notification search warrants, which again, we use in all kinds of garden variety criminal cases, with the supervision of a judge, why should that tool be denied to our investigators when they're seeking to go into a house with a search warrant to see if there are explosives there, or other kinds of weapons that can be used against Americans.
[It's] Common sense [that] the tools that have been used without any significant impact on civil liberties in a wide variety of cases over the last 10 or 20 years, ought to continue to be available here against perhaps the greatest threat we face in this country, which is the threat of terror.
Posted by: annika at
07:27 PM
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December 20, 2005
Apparently ignoring Washington's extradition request for Mohammed Ali Hamadi, German authorities have secretly released the Lebanese Hezbollah member who was serving a life sentence in the country for the hijacking of a TWA jet and for the murder of a US navy diver.Nice going krauts.German prosecutors confirmed the release of Mohammed Ali Hamadi, now in his late 30s, to the Associated Press and said he was flown back to Lebanon last week.
Hamadi was convicted in 1989 by a German court of killing US Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem during the 1985 hijacking of a TWA flight diverted to Beirut. He was sentenced to life without parole. His sentence is one Germany reserves for the most serious and cruel crimes. It is difficult but not impossible to release someone who receives such a sentence after 15 years.
Two observations occur to me. One, this secret release is not so secret, is it? Nice to see that leaks are not something unique to the American government.
Second, this guy was supposedly sentenced to the worst sentence you can get in a place without the death penalty: life without the possibility of parole. Except NOW HE'S FREE!
That's kind of an argument for the death penalty, don't you think? At least in cases of international terrorism, where the continued earthly existence of the criminal becomes a blackmail opportunity for terrorists.
Germany, an entire nation with no balls.
Posted by: annika at
09:07 AM
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December 19, 2005
Posted by: annika at
08:19 AM
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December 18, 2005

Christiane Amanpour delivered the Democratic response to the president's speech on the Iraq War tonight. In a nutshell, she said we're losing.
Other democratic responses included the following:
Halliburton Halliburton. Bush spied, people died. Iraqis flying kites. Need specifics specifics timetable timetable pullout pullout. No WMDs.
blah blah blah blah zzzzzzzzz clunk.
Posted by: annika at
08:03 PM
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December 14, 2005
Teaching The Ape To Write Poemsby James Tate
They didn't have much trouble
teaching the ape to write poems:
first they strapped him into the chair,
then tied the pencil around his hand
(the paper had already been nailed down).
Then Dr. Bluespire leaned over his shoulder
and whispered into his ear:
"You look like a god sitting there.
Why don't you try writing something?"
Posted by: annika at
03:59 PM
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December 13, 2005
Caught with their pants down again. You simply cannot trust the media to report the truth.
The media is on the side of the enemy.
Update: President Bush has now given four major speeches in recent weeks on the Iraq War. i see a new pattern emerging.
1. Democrats complain that Bush needs to explain his Iraq policy.
2. Republicans* admit Bush hasn't done a good job of explaining Iraq policy.
3. Bush explains Iraq policy in a major speech.
4. Media ignores major speech, but pulls one negative quote for headlines. ("30,000 civilians killed" or "Bush takes blame for faulty intel")
5. Go to #1, repeat cycle.
And in the meantime, everybody ignores the fact that Iraq continues to improve every day.
* myself included.
Posted by: annika at
04:04 PM
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December 11, 2005
Q. President George W. Bush has declined to be interviewed by you. What would you ask him if you had the chance?Gee, i wonder why the President turned down an interview.A. What in the world prepared you to be the commander in chief of the largest superpower in the world? In your background, Mr. President, you apparently were incurious. You didn't want to travel. You knew very little about the military. . . . The governor of Texas doesn't have the kind of power that some governors have. . . . Why do you think they nominated you? . . . Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that the country is so [expletive] up?
My first thought was that most of these questions could have been more appropriately directed to President Clinton, or President Carter while they were busy [expletive]-ing up the country in ways that our current President is now trying to fix.
And then, after showing what a blatantly biased hack he is, Wallace had the nerve to wonder why nobody cares about tv news anymore.
The days of Walter Cronkite and Huntley and Brinkley are gone. People still do watch, but it doesn't have the clout that it used to have. I don't know what's going to happen or if there will be an evening news 10 years from now.Totally clueless.
Then Wallace is asked who he admired the most, out of all the people he's ever interviewed.
Martin Luther King. . . . Despite the gratitude he felt for what Lyndon Johnson did about relations between the races, Martin had the guts during the Vietnam War to say this is the wrong war, the wrong time, the wrong place.That's unbelievable. Read it again, because the quote really gives us an insight into Wallace's mind.
Look at the choice of words: "gratitude" and "what Lyndon Johnson did." Wallace doesn't admire Martin Luther King for King's Civil Rights accomplishments. He clearly thinks those were gifts from the "great white father," LBJ.
Wallace thinks the most admirable thing about King was his opposition to the Vietnam War!
i don't know how anyone can gloss over King's great achievements, what he did to bring real voting rights, end segregation and Jim Crow, and change the way Americans think about themselves, and then say duhh, I liked him cuz he was anti-war.
Go away Mike Wallace, you had your day. Now you're just irritating.
Posted by: annika at
10:54 AM
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December 10, 2005
Update: i would like to apologize now to Tookie Williams for predicting clemency. i should have known that i was probably jinxing his chances with the way my predictions have gone this year.
i suppose he can add me to the list of "motherfuckers" he warned at the end of his trial in 1981:
After the jury read their guilty verdict Williams, according to transcripts, looked to jurors and mouthed: 'I'm going to get each and every one of you motherf------.'Nice guy. Good riddance.
Posted by: annika at
08:39 AM
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December 02, 2005
Here, Reuters Foundation Alertnet (i'm not sure what that is, but their slogan seems to be "Alerting Humanitarians to Emergencies," whatever that means.) chose to highlight the latest casualties by celebrating some past terrorist successes in Iraq.
Surprise, people die in a war. Civilians die. Soldiers die. Marines die. It's how wars are fought and won and lost. i understand the political reasons for not focusing attention on enemy body counts. It wasn't really a good indicator in Vietnam either. But i do detect a little bit of glee in these left wing media outlets, whenever some of ours die. How about a little perspective? How about a list of the "Deadliest Incidents" for the terrorists since we began kicking their asses over there? That list would be much longer.
But since the media is on the side of the enemy, they wouldn't want to publicize anything that might hurt enemy morale, or boost our own.
Update: Not all of the media is on the side of the enemy. Thank goodness for the exceptions.
Via Sarah.
Posted by: annika at
09:41 AM
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December 01, 2005
Since early this year, the Information Operations Task Force in Baghdad has used Lincoln Group to plant stories in the Iraqi media that trumpet the successes of U.S. and Iraqi troops against insurgents, U.S.-led efforts to rebuild Iraq, and rising anti-insurgent sentiment among the Iraqi people, according to senior military officials and documents obtained by The Times.So they paid the Iraqi editors to run the stories. So f-ing what. Why is this controversial? Why is this a bad thing? There's a war going on. i guess its only controversial if you don't care who wins. Or if you want the good guys to lose.
Posted by: annika at
08:19 PM
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