July 14, 2006
Mideast Peace Process
One part of me thinks that there's a real opportunity for peace in the middle east if the international community would only do one thing: Nothing.
The reason I've been hearing the phrase "Mid-East Peace Process" all my life is mainly because there has been a Mid-East Peace Process. If the world would just let both sides go at it, winner take all, I think we might see an end to this decades long circle-jerk.
After victory comes peace. So I want to advise Israel: don't bow to international pressure. No cease fires. No negotiations. No more bullshit. Roll up Hezbollah like Stonewall at Chancellorsville. Crush Hamas like Sherman on his way to the sea.
But another part of me senses danger.
The two Palestinian terrorist organizations want to see Israel destroyed. There's no chance in hell that they could accomplish that militarily, so they're trying to provoke this confrontation into a full on Arab Israeli war. Iran wants to see this happen too. They want Israel to attack Syria, so that Iran can jump in. Then, they hope Israel strikes Iran's nuclear research plants, which would be real bad.
For the last few months I've been casually researching whether Israel could successfully attack Iran's nuclear sites. I am now convinced that they have the technical capability to pull it off. They have the right planes, and Iran's air defenses would be no match for the Israeli Air Force. They also have an aerial refueling capability and they recently acquired the BLU-113, which is the most bad-ass of all the bunker buster warheads.
On the downside, Israel really has no good route to Iran. Any way they go would cause political problems that I don't like. The route that makes the most sense would be straight through Iraq, but that would completely fuck up what we're trying to accomplish there by inflaming the Shia. If the Israelis went south through Saudi Arabia, there would be refueling issues, and they could not avoid pissing off the Saudis. Going north might piss off the Turks. I don't like any of those choices, which is why I've always believed that we should be the ones to knock out the Iranian facilities, if it has to be done.
And if we get involved in this thing, well... I don't like to think about it. You all remember where the plains of Armageddon are, don't you? I'm serious, this is scary.
Today Hezbollah's leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah went Scarface on the Israelis: "You want a wahh, you got a wahh." One might wonder how he intends to actually win it. Without an army or air force, he's either an idiot, or he knows something I don't. Maybe he's rolling the dice, or maybe he knows big brother Ahmadi-Nejad is his ace in the hole.
With Korea and India and now the Middle East burning up, I think this is the most dangerous global situation to exist in my lifetime. And of course I picked this time to go travelling. And to Denmark no less!
Posted by: annika at
08:46 PM
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I agree with you that these are perilous times. I remember the height of the Cold War. It was nothing like this. We as a world seem to be spiraling towards world wide war. With N Korea and Iran developing nukes, it may be sometime soon when they give, or sell, one of these devices to a jihadist nutjob who wants his 72 virgins and will blow himself up and take out a major city with him.
By the way, Have a Great time in Denmark. Say 'Hi' to Hamlet. Or is there something rotten in the state of Denmark?
Posted by: JJJet at July 14, 2006 09:29 PM (j1cJ0)
Have a great trip, Annie, but don't draw any cartoons.
And, when you return, get the Hell out of mu.nu and get on to one of the providers that know how to screen spam without having to shut down every other day.
Posted by: shelly at July 15, 2006 02:38 AM (BJYNn)
Try not to have too many lesbian trysts with big boobed scandinavian girls. (Well I have my fantasies ok)
Posted by: kyle8 at July 15, 2006 05:03 AM (7WIhc)
Good points, all, Annie. Puts the US in a tough position. Not to mention the impact on oil prices. Lots of variable.
The Euros and the UN are so fucking predictable and pathetic. "Disproportionate response," blah, blah, fucking blah. (Have any of them blamed Haliburton or Cheney yet?) Chirac needs to kiss the asses of all the Muslim pond scum his effete country let in its borders. Well, there's that and just the plain, rampant anti-semitism prevalent in the far European Left and Right.
Posted by: blu at July 15, 2006 12:26 PM (j8pkL)
All good points but i think that fear inside you is more or less the female inside you talking. Im not a nutjob warmonger but militarily defeating those insane islamists would be easy. What I dont like is my stock holding downward spiral and high gas prices. If there is a real threat to the whole idea of all out war in the mideast it would be with Russia. China depends on America too much economically and wouuld colapse into a depression. It can be done but once again the europeans...... Have fun in Denmark, I just got back from Norway....well I'm back physically anyways.
Posted by: Jeff at July 15, 2006 04:27 PM (njqFN)
Putin is as bad as the rest of the Euro pussies. His comments today are beyond hypocritical considering his country's response to its own Muslim fanatics. How do these clowns get up there and say the crap they say with a straight face? Once again, Israel is attacked and the world blames the victim.
Posted by: Blu at July 15, 2006 04:50 PM (j8pkL)
Have you noticed that no one is blaming George Bush for the price of oil for a change?
Posted by: NOTR at July 15, 2006 05:42 PM (izx0t)
NOTR, He will be blamed trust me......ellection 06 ads will be all over it. blu I couldnt help but to think the same thing. But lets not forget that Russia doesnt sell arms to the chechnyans.....they sell them all over the middle east though. Did you know the biggest export out of russia is their AK47? Look it up.
Posted by: jeff at July 15, 2006 06:08 PM (njqFN)
"Did you know the biggest export out of russia is their AK47? "
No, thanks for the information.
"But lets not forget that Russia doesnt sell arms to the chechnyans.....they sell them all over the middle east though."
Another thing they have in common with the hypocritical French.
Posted by: Blu at July 15, 2006 06:30 PM (j8pkL)
BTW, Michelle Malkin has a post ("I Stand With Israel")that includes an essay by Oriana Fallaci that should be read by all. It's powerful and does an amazing job showing the anti-semitism prevalent amongst(duh)Muslims, but also the Left -especially the Euro Left. It also calls out the Catholic Church for its shameful moral relativism in regard to Israel. I'm not Catholic, but generally find the Church a force for good in the world. But it is dead wrong on this issue. And in its stance, I think, it aids the enemy.
Posted by: Blu at July 15, 2006 06:46 PM (j8pkL)
As a Catholic, I agree with Blu.
Posted by: reagan80 at July 15, 2006 07:20 PM (dFOlH)
Have you noticed that people who talk a lot about "process" are generally not very smart? There are exceptions, of course (as in industries like chemicals which are called "process industries") but in general, blathering on about "process" is an attempt to hide an individual's lack of substantive knowledge and real ideas.
Posted by: david foster at July 15, 2006 09:34 PM (4oDU/)
Nice blog. I like your writing.
Posted by: Imperial Logic at July 16, 2006 03:34 AM (87PC2)
Good opinions Annika. In mind the world should have learned the lesson of Munich (this was the 1938 Munich/appeasing Hitler thing) the first time. Oddly enough its the people involved with that conference who are once again with their heads in the sand. New words and new issues but the same results. Give us territory or we'll make your life a living hell, maybe.
I hope your trip to Dennmark goes well, my family is going in the opposite direction this summer.
Posted by: drake steel at July 16, 2006 08:18 AM (+vXQY)
Make sure you get some religion while you are in Copenhagen. It's called Christiania.
I don't know what state you live in, but I wonder how you'd feel if the Gypsies moved in and took over all but about 25% of your land. Then took your water. Then got themselves armed with nuclear weapons by the rest of the world. Took away your rights to work. Made you wait at checkpoints for hours just to travel.
I think anyone who looks at this situation rationally and fairly sees that Israel is just as much to blame, actually more so because they more than the other side have more power to change things for the better. They just choose not to because they are as much terrorists as the Arabs.
Don't misunderstand me, I think what the Muslems are doing is horrible and I do not support their agenda either.
I truely believe as Martin Luther King, Jr. did that there is always a non-violent answer.
Posted by: Rastaman at July 16, 2006 12:40 PM (DsPsq)
I'm about as pro-Israel as a person can be, so might as well save your breath.
Posted by: annika at July 16, 2006 03:04 PM (C8Oer)
Rastaman, the "moral equivalency" bullshit that is spouted by you and the NY Times, LA Times, and most of the mainstream media is incomprehensible to normal folks.
The Hezbollah and Hamas thugs are murderers and suicidal maniacs who want to kill Israelis (and us) for living our lives the way we choose, nothing more.
There are millions of acres in the Mid-East and all of them could move to another Arab controlled land and live happily ever after, but they choose to live next to Israel and bedevil it at every turn.
There is no living in peace with these maniacs; they don't want to be left alone, they want to tell us all how to live.
You'd be one of the first to go, as you handed them the olive branch, they'd cut your arm off and beat you to death with it.
Get with it; we are in a global conflict and it is them against us.
Can we all just get along? Ha, they respect nothing but the fist, so Israel is giving them some cause for respect, and if necessary, we'll join in.
Go find another blog where some liberals hang out; none around here.
Annie, I thought you were gone; I was going through withdrawl. Can't you get a laptop?
Posted by: shelly at July 16, 2006 04:31 PM (BJYNn)
Good Gawd, why do you people parlay with the nidgits?
And now for something completely different. I bought a BMW K1100RS this weekend. What a fucking teutonic whore of a machine... OOOOOOAAAAAAA! I'll be busy for a while.
PS Drove it from LA to SD, and those fucktards in LA can't fucking drive to save their fucking lives. It's time to return to public hangings for radical last minute lane changes, and chicks applying makeup, and all fomos yaking in traffic on their mobiles. Yes, I'm entirely serious.
PPS The Israelis have shaped the battle area Next week they'll be driving North. This from Casca Jr, and I quite agree. Just don't let the water get into the wine.
Posted by: Casca at July 16, 2006 05:43 PM (2gORp)
How disappointing; four paragraphs, plus adolescent auto erection masturbation in public.
What is this world coming to?
Posted by: shelly at July 17, 2006 03:50 AM (BJYNn)
You're right, you're all right. MLK was an ignoramous. The right thing to do would be to nuke them Arab freaks into a parking lot then expand the Jewish state until it covers the whole of the middle east.
There you are, problem solved. Next. Global warming? Left wing propaganda. Next. Global hunger? They're poor because they want to be poor.
I just hope I'm dead before you get the world you want.
Posted by: Rastaman at July 23, 2006 08:53 AM (DsPsq)
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July 12, 2006
Meanwhile, Enrichment Continues
It's so frustrating watching this slow dance between Iran and the G-6. You just want to sceam at them: "cut to the chase!" However, as I said before, the delaying game benefits us as well as Iran - but only if we use the time well. And to date I have seen no sign that we are doing anything other than playing patsy to a tin-pot third world dictatorship. Damn it, Bush and Condi. Wake the fuck up!
From AP:
World powers agreed Wednesday to send Iran back to the United Nations Security Council for possible punishment, saying the clerical regime has given no sign it means to negotiate seriously over its disputed nuclear program.
The United States and other permanent members of the powerful U.N. body said Iran has had long enough to say whether it will meet the world's terms to open bargaining that would give Tehran economic and energy incentives in exchange for giving up suspicious activities.
"The Iranians have given no indication at all that they are ready to engage seriously on the substance of our proposals," French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said.
. . .
Any real punishment or coercion at the Security Council is a long way off, but the group said it will seek an initial resolution requiring Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment. Debate could begin as soon as next week.
If Iran does not comply, the group said it would then seek harsher action. The group's short statement did not give any specifics, but it cited a section of the world body's charter that could open the door to economic or other sanctions.
. . .
The group said it could stop the Security Council actions at any time should Iran cooperate.
Make sure you say please, guys. Maybe that will help.
There's always the possibility that the administration is following my advice about supporting Iranian dissidents, and that we just don't hear about it because things are happening behind the scenes. However, by this time in Reagan's second term, the Solidarnosc movement in Poland was in full swing and everybody knew it. I see nothing similar happening in Iran, although I keep hearing that the country is ripe for it.
Posted by: annika at
02:16 PM
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I will never ever ever ever understand the reasons why a bunch of over-educated, extremely pedigreed people cannot simply communicate. The world of diplomats just cannot call a spade a spade, so fuck them. I fucking hate them, even more so than I hate the people responsible for onlooker slowdown. They are endangering the fucking safety of the fucking world so they can continue to draft toilet paper resolutions and get photo ops before they go eat a 200 dollar meal with the other self-important pricks they work with. Fire them all and staff the State Dept with Marines!
Posted by: Scof at July 12, 2006 08:48 PM (iCNOR)
Yes, the pace at which a resolution to the whole affair is taking place is excruciatingly slow. Hopefully, the G6 know that enrichment is hitting a snag, that a rebel movement is in gestation as you suggest, or that another measure heretofore unmentioned is awaiting a triggerpoint. And then there is NK to consider...
Posted by: will at July 13, 2006 02:39 AM (h7Ciu)
Iran and KN are both alarming and unfortuately both present few good options for the US. While both are obviously extremely important, the most important thing going on in the world is happening in Israel. Israel is at war. Why? Because they suffered yet another unprovoked attack from sub-humans. Of course, the usual suspects (W. Europe, Kofi, etc) are acting as if Israel is the problem. "Disproportionate reponse" and all the sanctimonious BS. Even the US support is tepid.
Can you imagine the response if Mexicans fired rockets in San Diego, stormed across our border and killed our soilders, kidnapped people, and acted as if the US was responsible?
To make things worse, the cowards hide amongst their own populations. BTW, the terrorist rocket attacks are targetting purely civilian populations with no military value.
Posted by: blu at July 13, 2006 12:31 PM (j8pkL)
Hopefully, the Israelis' search goes better than our search for Pancho Villa did.
Posted by: reagan80 at July 13, 2006 12:45 PM (dFOlH)
Unfortunately, Russia will be no help to us on the Security Council, as they're cementing a massive joint venture with Iran by proposing a natural gas pipeline version of OPEC.
Posted by: will at July 14, 2006 03:38 AM (h7Ciu)
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July 11, 2006
Breaking News

MUMBAI (AJN) - A coordinated series of seven exposions ripped through several commuter trains in Mumbai, India yesterday, killing at least 160 people and injuring more than 400. And now the repercussions of this latest apparent terror attack have begun to affect the once revered Mainstream Media.
One day after the attacks, which appear to bear the signature of Islamic terrorists, many observers are asking why the Mainstream Media did not act to prevent these deaths beforehand.
"It is horrible," said one man who asked not to be identified. "I ask myself why? Why did not the New York Times do something about this? Why did they not stop these bad men? Do they not care about the lives of innocent Indians?"
News analyst and terror expert Annika, of the blog Annika's Journal, told AJN that questions are being raised about the Mainstream Media's failure to detect and prevent the Mumbai terror plot.
"A lot of people are scratching their heads today," said Annika. "They wonder how the MSM could have fucked this one up so badly. They have more than adequate resources to detect a plot like this [the Mumbai bombings]. They're always patting themselves on the back about their investigative reporting, yet they couldn't stop these terrorists. And now hundreds of people are dead."
The Mainstream Media has recently come under attack from far right conservative groups for releasing information about secretive American anti-terrorism programs, which some say are designed to uncover information about future terrorist plans.
"When the New York Times spends all it's time investigating the programs that are meant to stop terrorists from killing, you got to ask why they can't spare just a little effort trying to investigate the terrorists," said Annika. "It couldn't hurt, and it might just save lives."
Media representatives responded to Annika's criticisms, on condition of anonymity. "It's not our job to be law enforcement," said one television news executive. "That's the government's job, to stop terrorists. We're just there to report news, not make it."
Yet Annika and other media watchers argue that the Mainstream Press has unique capabilities that the government does not possess, which could be used to unearth terror plots before they occur.
"For instance, covert government investigations can always be revealed by members of the press, often destroying months of hard work," said Annika. "But if the same investigation were conducted by reporters, who's going to rat on them? We all know reporters would rather rot in jail than give up one inch of their precious First Amendment rights."
A former New York Times reporter recently served 85 days in jail rather than reveal the identity of one of her journalistic sources.
"The New York Times, The Washington Post... These guys are so proud of how they brought down Nixon, and he didn't even kill anybody," Annika continued. "The L.A. Times didn't have any problem finding every chick Arnold groped back in the seventies. How come they can't find Osama? Bill Keller seems to think he's got better judgment on national security issues than the freakin' Department of Homeland Security. Let him put that superior judgment to use... fighting terrorists instead of helping them."
Bill Keller is the executive editor of the New York Times, which has come under fire by far right wing extremist groups such as the Republican Party for allegedly revealing details of secret U.S. government anti-terror programs. He could not immediately be reached for comment.
"And CNN? Don't get me started," Annika concluded. "It's unconscionable for CNN to wash their hands of these continued terrorist attacks. They consider themselves 'citizens of the world.' What a fucking joke. They're such hypocrites. The people in Madrid and Bali and London and Baghdad and now Mumbai are all citizens of the world too. The MSM is a disgrace."
AJN's Annika Becker contributed to this report.
Posted by: annika at
08:29 PM
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Post contains 653 words, total size 4 kb.
Why can't they investigate the terrorists instead of the people trying to catch the terrorists- the age old question.
Posted by: jane at July 11, 2006 10:45 PM (Ffvoi)
Posted by: blu at July 11, 2006 11:29 PM (j8pkL)
I have no problem with the reporting of abuses. It may be the dream of conservative Republicans to make non-GOP news outlets the paragon of evil, but the only people who are going to fall for that are conservative Republicans. So an article like this can be viewed as an attempt to retain/enforce this scenario among those who already believe it.
Posted by: will at July 12, 2006 02:49 AM (h7Ciu)
The term "non-GOP news outlets" is redundant.
Posted by: shelly at July 12, 2006 03:35 AM (BJYNn)
Nice one, Annika, but you need to throw in some "root causes" to help justify this act, such as India's Kashmir policy.
BTW, Drudge lists the death toll at 190+ now.
Posted by: reagan80 at July 12, 2006 04:14 AM (dFOlH)
Posted by: Jake at July 12, 2006 08:27 AM (CT8rN)
What abuses are those, Will? Perhaps you are speaking of the perfectly legal and very successful financial tracking program that the NY Times decided was crucial for terroists to learn about? Yeah, that really helped the American people out didn't it? Or how about when NY Times reporters call suspected terrorists money laundering groups (otherwise known as Muslim "charities") and tip off planned FBI raid by means of the questions they ask? - I suppose that is "reporting" on abuse as well.
The MSM is a one-sided joke. And as you well know, Will, every credible study ever done on the media and its members demonstrates that an extreme left-wing bias exists. It is not something that can be debated. It is fact. By the way, how does NPR function now that Pravada is no longer around to provide its material? Do they check in with Castro and Chavez to make sure they are getting the story right - making sure all those "abuses" are being covered fairly?
This is kinda off topic, but how much you want to bet that the ever so fair and open-minded MSM will be doing its best to draw a moral equivalence between the Muslims human debris in Lebannon and "Palestine" and the Israel government trying to defend itself? You think the Muslim abuses will covered? Don't hold your breath. No, their abuses will be cloaked in language related to Jewish "oppression." I gurantee that any collateral damage caused by Israel in its defense will be covered and a fucking UN Resolution condeming it will not be far behind.
Anyway, say hi to Alice, the Mad Hatter,and the Red Queen. And remember: keep your head.
Posted by: blu at July 12, 2006 09:03 AM (mv0lx)
"So an article like this can be viewed as an attempt to retain/enforce this scenario among those who already believe it."
sure it can, Will, if you want to ignore the point of the article.
Posted by: annika at July 12, 2006 09:55 AM (zAOEU)
>every credible study ever done on the media and its members demonstrates that an extreme left-wing bias exists.
Please reference the studies you consider to be credible. Oh, and 'hi!'.
> sure it can, Will, if you want to ignore the point of the article.
The point of the article seemed to be advocacy for news organizations to perform covert operations, frequently in foreign countries. In other words, to investigate organizations that are currently under investigation by the FBI, CIA, and others. Though you criticized one news organization for doing just that. So now you are the one cornfusing me...
Do I think that exposing conditions at Abu Ghraib and similar situations was appropriate? Certainly. Don't forget, I became a Republican years ago because of liberal bias in the media.
Posted by: will at July 12, 2006 11:46 AM (GzvlQ)
Have you ever thought of being an appellate lawyer?
Your writing skills really make you a great candidate for that kind of a job.
Most of them never put on a suit or tie except to argue a cse in the court, opting for shorts and sandals, etc.
Give it some thought.
Posted by: shelly at July 12, 2006 12:28 PM (BJYNn)
Will, Will, Will always so pedantic. There are a ton of studies - not that it is even necessary to cite them. Anybody with a 3-digit IQ who pays attention to the MSM know this. It reminds me of the Time cover that so astutely informed us stupid peasants that men and women are "different." Yeah, no shit Sherlock. That's kinda what I think when somebody says "the media is liberal."
Anyway, I just did a (literally) 30 second search and found a UCLA study cited in the Quarterly Journal of Economics at the beginning of '05 that found distinct liberal bias in the MSM. And guess what - it also found that FOX isn't nearly as conservative as much as the MSM is liberal.
If I say 2 + 2 = 4 will I need to cite a math professor to prove to you that I am correct?
Posted by: blu at July 12, 2006 01:02 PM (mv0lx)
> Will, Will, Will always so pedantic. There are a ton of studies - not that it is even necessary to cite them.
Only trying to understand if you mean what you say or if you are loose with your words, which were, "every credible study ever done on the media and its members demonstrates that an extreme left-wing bias exists." This article does not support that assertion.
> it also found that FOX isn't nearly as conservative as much as the MSM is liberal
It doesn't actually say that. It says that, "The most centrist outlet proved to be the NewsHour With Jim Lehrer, CNN's NewsNight With Aaron Brown, and ABC's Good Morning America were a close second and third. The fourth most centrist outlet was Special Report With Brit Hume on Fox News..."
This seems to confirm my assessment of The NewsHour, which I like to either watch or listen to on the radio, depending on the day's schedule. But the actual metrics they use in the study are crude and ignore placement, emphasis, ommission, and order arrangement of compound statements joined with a "but". So while such a study can give the most rudimentary of indications, it completely misses subtle and not-so-subtle bias.
While there are many good discussions on this subject, I encourage you to read the wikipedia article on media bias and review it;
> If I say 2 + 2 = 4 will I need to cite a math professor to prove to you that I am correct?
You are attempting to overly stretch a metaphor as damage control.
Posted by: will at July 12, 2006 07:08 PM (h7Ciu)
Hardly need to do damage control, Will. I told you that I found that one study in 30 seconds. No effort. And the point about Fox is that it is most certainly not as conservative as MOST MSN news media is liberal. To listen to some (and you've made this argument yourself), Fox is some right-wing version of Pravada. It is not. Indeed, it appeared to me that the researcher was surprised.
And, Will, I don't mean to underestimate you, but can you kindly tell me your credentials for determining whether a study is "crude." (For example, I have 4 years of graduate school and a career heavy in quantitative analysis. This doesn't make me a PhD in stats but it does help me be a good consumer of data.) I'm not going to go back and analyze this study because frankly I don't care. So, I can't refute your analysis of it as crude. You seem like a smart guy, so I'll take your word for it. Moreover, I know that my fundamental point is accurate. The MSM leans heavily Left.
You already knows this to be true, Will, but feel the need for somebody to go a find you a "link." So, I tossed out something I found in a few seconds that, "crude" or not," makes my point - as have numerous others. It's silly and, yes, pedantic. As silly as asking me to find a link demonstrating simple math.
The end.
Posted by: blu at July 12, 2006 08:15 PM (j8pkL)
> can you kindly tell me your credentials for determining whether a study is "crude."
Simply put, they "tallied the number of times each media outlet referred to think tanks and policy groups, such as the left-leaning NAACP or the right-leaning Heritage Foundation." Fox is well known for selecting general quotes from left leaning organizations while selecting the most appropriate quote from a right wing shop. And it doesn't show how much time they devoted to one side or another, nor the credibility given by the journalist in facial and speech inflections. Note that I previously gave several other examples of metrics that would help to determine bias.
So by any measure, the UCLA metrics were crude. I invite you to speak in support of this study's approach, if you consider it to be a exemplar.
> I told you that I found that one study in 30 seconds. No effort.
And it wasn't hard finding the Wikipedia article either, though you haven't commented on it yet. Your original quote was ""every credible study ever done on the media and its members demonstrates that an extreme left-wing bias exists." I don't see that you've supported your assertion yet, only that you simply want us to believe "the MSM leans heavily left" now. If that's the case, the most Left wing MSM would be the Wall Street Journal, according to this study, which we know to be an absurd conclusion. And many MSM papers or news segments were determined to be neutral, so your blanket statement is not supported by the study you quoted.
Posted by: will at July 13, 2006 02:33 AM (h7Ciu)
I take it by your response that you have no expert credentials in this area. Well, I guess then you are going to have to send me a link proving your analysis is correct. And since I do have the academic expertise to be a good judge, I'll decide whether your study actually holds water. Remember, I'll need that link....and, most certainly, another link to prove this statement: "Fox is well known for selecting general quotes from left leaning organizations while selecting the most appropriate quote from a right wing shop." Says who? Again, I'll be the judge as to whether any study is credible should you decide to present any links.
I'm certain that the Quarterly Journal of Economics regularly includes "crude" analysis. You might want to ask them to provide a link to demonstrate their competency.
And, finally, asking somebody to prove everything they say is simply silly on an internet site. Espeically when you have a tendency of demanding proof and then discounting whatever is provided. Tell you what, Will, you prove to me that the MSM isn't liberal. The overwhelming consensus is that it is. I've never seen any proof to the contrary.
Hint: busting out Wikipedia as a source probably won't score you a lot of points in academic circles. So, I'm going to have to insist that you do better. I'd prefer something peer reviewed if possible.
Posted by: blu at July 13, 2006 08:50 AM (mv0lx)
Annika, it's true that the MSM was responsible for the deaths of these people, but they were not solely responsible.
The senators from New York should obviously be concerned about terrorist acts anywhere in the world. Why did they refuse to stop this carnage?
Similarly (or not so similarly), one would think that an organization with a name like "Focus on the Family" would want to protect families. Where were they when families were (literally) torn apart?
And don't get me started about the failures of the cast of Ocean's Twelve or Ocean's Thirteen or Ocean's Twenty or whatever.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at July 13, 2006 02:12 PM (OeJic)
> Well, I guess then you are going to have to send me a link proving your analysis is correct.
By all means, I'll be happy to provide you examples of criteria that can be used to assess bias. These will run the gamut from liberal to conservative examples, though the techniques they describe can be used independently;
> And, finally, asking somebody to prove everything they say is simply silly on an internet site.
I merely asked you to support your bold assertion, "every credible study ever done on the media and its members demonstrates that an extreme left-wing bias exists." You then provided an example that said that the WSJ was the most liberal MSM, even more so than CBS Evening News, the NYT, and the LAT. The most centrist outlet proved to be the "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." CNN's "NewsNight With Aaron Brown" and ABC's "Good Morning America" were a close second and third.
> I'm certain that the Quarterly Journal of Economics regularly includes "crude" analysis.
Oddly enough, this was not an economics article, so you would need to ask them how they determined the veracity of the study based on the application of economic theory.
Still looking for your thoughts on the wikipedia link. Seriously.
Posted by: will at July 13, 2006 06:33 PM (h7Ciu)
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Is Castro Dead?
American Princess, and apparently
Jonah Goldberg have heard rumors. Nothing on Drudge yet. E.M. says she heard it from a Wall Street friend, as does Jonah. I checked the stock market and it did rally around 12:00.
Update: Still nothing from any reputable news source. Or from Drudge for that matter.
If it turns out to be true, I for one will question the timing. Is Castro's death simply the Bush administration's attempt to deflect attention away from their failure to unh...
Oh I got it. It's the Bush administration's attempt to deflect attention away from the impending indictment of Barry Bonds, who I hear, is a Republican.
Culture of corruption! Culture of corruption! Halliburton! Halliburton! Sis-boom-ba!
Posted by: annika at
12:25 PM
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If so, I hope it's declared a national holiday. In California, we are forced to pay for our lazy, unionized state workers to take a day off for a that fruit-picking commie, Caesar Chavez. I'd much rather have my tax money going to celebrate the death of a vile commie bastard and everything he stands for.
Posted by: blu at July 11, 2006 02:15 PM (mv0lx)
Ah the wheels of justice grind exceedingly fine. No doubt he's finally chomped down on one of those salted CIA cigars. Hasta La Vista asshole. Give the devil my best!
Posted by: Casca at July 11, 2006 03:17 PM (2gORp)
They will just break out FidelBot number 5
Posted by: k at July 11, 2006 03:32 PM (PwBqG)
uuhhhmm that was me,
BTW Annika, Casca, and Shelly, what do you think about this years College Football? My pick to win it all is Notre Dame. They were dam good last year and return most everyone.
Texas and USC will both have new QB's so you might get a downturn there.
OS will be an offensive powerhouse but has a nearly all new defense, that could be trouble.
Miami will steal the ACC, but I predict a few losses.
SEC, too much parity, they will beat each other up as usual.
Posted by: kyle8 at July 11, 2006 03:36 PM (PwBqG)
Bonds as a Repub reminds of a Charles Barkley story:
Barkley told his mother he was going to vote for a Repub. His mom said "Don't do it. They only pass laws that help rich people." Charles said "Mom, I am a rich people."
Posted by: gcotharn at July 11, 2006 06:44 PM (bkSeR)
Bonds is a rebub? he better go dem like yesturday if he wants jese jackson to screan racism! Oh and Whats this college football crap??? Notre Dame??? Please how pathetic. Wait a minute......am I trapped in the 1960's?? Wisconsin Badgers all the way. You guys went to queer schools get over it!
Posted by: jeff at July 11, 2006 07:01 PM (njqFN)
Castro was only taken down and Zidane did it!
Posted by: jcrue at July 12, 2006 02:48 PM (ZDQoM)
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July 10, 2006
Nothing To See Here, Move Along...
From the
Houston Chronicle:
[A] man with a Middle Eastern name and a ticket for a Delta Airlines flight to Atlanta shook his head when screeners asked if he had a laptop computer in his baggage, but an X-ray machine operator detected a laptop.
A search of the man's baggage revealed a clock with a 9-volt battery taped to it and a copy of the Quran, the report said. A screener examined the man's shoes and determined that the "entire soles of both shoes were gutted out."
No explosive material was detected, the report states. A police officer was summoned and questioned the man, examined his identification, shoes and the clock, then cleared him for travel, according to the report.
A TSA screener disagreed with the officer, saying "the shoes had been tampered with and there were all the components of (a bomb) except the explosive itself," the report says.
The officer retorted, "I thought y'all were trained in this stuff," TSA officials reported.
The report says the TSA screener notified Delta Airlines and talked again with the officer, who said he had been unable to check the passenger's criminal background because of computer problems.
So what did they do? They let the guy on the fucking plane!
Now of course, since the plane didn't blow up we can assume one of three things: a) that it was a test run; b) that the plan involved hiding the explosive somewhere else on the plane, or with an accomplice who aborted the mission; or c) that this poor innocent man with the middle eastern name was unfairly hassled while scores of evil grannies were allowed to board the plane unmolested.
I tend to think that it was just a test of our defenses, since a clock and battery do not seem to be necessary components of a shoe bomb. In any case, I hope someone is raising holy hell over this incident.
Posted by: annika at
08:12 AM
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This country, led by the left and PC zealots, is well on its way to being lulled back into the a "9/10" mindset. Until another plane or building is blown up, we will continue to have people more worried about offending Muslims than stopping terrorists.
Yeah, somebody (or possibly many) better lose their job(s) and America better start waking up.
Posted by: blu at July 10, 2006 08:24 AM (j8pkL)
Yes Blu,
Why not hang them? Airports have lots of exposed beams and rope is no problem in Houston once you scrape the cow shit off of it. And you must, because cow shit is giving off methane and that coupled with a hollowed out shoe, match book and duct tape are the makings of a bomb. Send that cowpoke to Cuba!
I think anytime a laptop, sneakers with holes in them and a travel alarm clock with a spare battery taped to it are in the same room together, or even in two different airports at the same time, the occupants of both airports should be sent to Gitmo as enemy combatants and put in a dark room for eternity.
Now that, Blu, would keep us safe and prevent us from the hedious 9-10 mentality where NO ONE had or could have imagined a plane flying into a building. Or where "determined to attack" mean't let's go on vacation.
Posted by: stawman at July 10, 2006 11:19 AM (G2Zzw)
Hanging seems extreme, Straw.
I just say keep the fucker off the plane and asked him about his hollowed out shoes and alarm clock/laptop. Heck, you might even run a little background check since he felt the need to lie. I guess that might trample on his civil rights, however.
And, what's up with your too often bigoted caricatures regarding anything southern? It weakens your already weak agruments.
Posted by: blu at July 10, 2006 01:42 PM (iC+6O)
Oh, Blu,
I love the south. The home of Nucular Fishing one of my favorite pastimes.
You are, however, correct. He should have run a basic background check. I, you will be surprised to hear, believe in the power of profiling in certain circumstances. I don't think it necessary to strip search every semitic looking person but I do think that it is a waste of time to search my parents when they travel or a charter of 16-18 year old girls going to St. Bart's for spring break.
Posted by: Strawman at July 10, 2006 02:48 PM (G2Zzw)
Your mangling of "nuclear fission" was cute, 'Nam Warts.
Posted by: reagan80 at July 10, 2006 03:03 PM (dFOlH)
I'd almost vote for option d) - just a crazy guy incapable of doing anything - but he wasn't quite crazy enough. He wasn't carrying a Playboy magazine, which he would use to select the appearance of his 72 virgins.
I happen to be of the belief that mankind is fundamentally incompetent. Richard Reid comes to mind, as do the Watergate Plumbers. There are probably clowns like this one who want to do something bad, but forget minor little details like explosives.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at July 10, 2006 05:19 PM (FPdMX)
I can't take credit. It was Lenny Bruce over 50 years ago commenting in a routine of his how SOutherners could be talking high energy physics and they would still sound dumb.
Posted by: strawman at July 10, 2006 07:22 PM (G2Zzw)
Shouldn't we take a positive spin on this? I mean, we caught someone who appeared to possibly have a bomb. He didn't, so there's no reason to detain him, period. What this means, though, is that maybe TSA will keep doing a good job and in the future catch people who *actually* pose a threat, whether or not they are grannies, middle easterners, southerners, or midgets?
If he's not a threat, why detain him? Others in the future might be threats, and if so, we can hope they would be detained. But he didn't do anything illegal. If I wear a Freddy Krueger mask (all plastic, of course) onto the plane, I might scare people (little kids anyway) -- but I haven't done anything illegal. I cannot get behind detaining people because they scare us.
So I choose to look at the positive side of this -- they caught someone who might have been a bad guy, and did the right thing by letting him go. Now they'll be even more vigilant to catch actual bad guys. Seems like something both libs and cons can get behind, no?
Posted by: The Law Fairy at July 10, 2006 07:39 PM (954g7)
You said 'fuck'! Don't worry, I won't tell.
Posted by: Kevin at July 10, 2006 08:21 PM (++0ve)
well just for FYI the local radio and TV stations here in Houston are raising holy hell over this one.
But thats what you get in any job like that, a bunch of mindless "by the book" drones and farking bureaucrats.
BTW thats just the kind of people who strawdog wants running our Medical industry, and everything else really. As for Southerners sounding stupid, Uhh no not to us, Its the yankees with that nasal twing who sound stupid.
Posted by: kyle8 at July 11, 2006 03:38 AM (S9dGj)
Ah Lenny, that epitome of wisdom.
Posted by: Stew at July 11, 2006 04:18 AM (2LMpg)
"industry is the key word. I want medical care delivered without a profit motive. Medicare seems to be able to administer itself for less than 10 cents on the dollar and all the hospitals are getting paid, while the CEO of The Equitable flies each morning by helo to Hartford from Manhattan and gets 8 mill a year. WHo's getting taken care of and who's not. All that needs to be done id for the federal medical program that takes care of ALL federal employees and is not administerd by a private company, offered to ALL americans for a price that will keep the program solvent. Betcha, it cost less than your HMO, dosen't restrict you to plan doctors, provides wider coverage with fewer restrictions and pays doctors better rates than the current programs. Oh, it also won't make a lot of suits rich.
Posted by: Strawman at July 11, 2006 07:46 AM (G2Zzw)
That's called socialized medicine and it's a miserable failure everywhere it's tried. The quality of care is horrible and the system is inefficient. Talk to somebody from England or Canada about getting even basic surgery.
Why do you people always bring up the Medicare example? Because admin fees are low that means it is a good program? That's your main criteria for declaring success? The program is infamous for fraud and waste as is Medicaid (called Medi-Cal in my state.) And, on a philosophical level, somebody explain to me why I should have to pay for the health care of rich old people or, for that matter, lazy poor people? There is no fucking "right" to healthcare. BTW, should I be responsible for feeding them too? How about clothes? Hey Straw, should the government buy everybody a car too? After all, it is nearly impossible to exist in a modern society without a car. And you need to be able to communicate: So how about free mobile phones for everybody? Is anybody responsible for themselves, Straw?
Posted by: blu at July 11, 2006 11:09 AM (mv0lx)
Dopey, dopier, and stupid. I did not mention socialized medicine and your wish to construe single pay as socialized is just the red in your eyes blinding you. All delivery institutions remain the same as do private doctors and your option to opt out of the system so you can prove to yourself you are a self reliant man if you need that sort of thing.
Everybody pays and I will have a means test for social security as well as for the Fed MED Plan, no problem. Don't worry dear boy, you will never have to support someone with more money than you(like you don't do it now!) Yes there is currently fraud as there is with ALL large systems private or federal. Not an issue, just part of the cost of doing business.
This plan is insurance not care delivery. If a premium is charged where do you get off calling it socialized and where do i ever say there is a right to medical care? My business does not provide it and I think the American demand that it SHOULD be provided at work is infantalizing crap. I am however deeply concerned that there are not affordable alternatives for the worker who has 2 young children and one household income. DO the math BLu. I a guy earns 40-50 grand a year- housing in 1500 a month plus food, transportation and sundries how can a family of 4 also afford 1200-1500 a month for a family health plan? Impossible If this country is to consider itself a humane place to live it must not have 40 million people who cannot afford medical insurance and therefore become part of a forced socialized medical system which cannot deliver decent care. It will be cheaper if the feds provide affordable insurance rather than the free medical care it doles out to EVERYONE who is in poverty or claims to be. How many millions of people as they reach their 50-60's divest themselves of all assets so as to be eligible for medicaid and not have their life savings devoured by one hospital stay? A relative of mine in their 70's without insurance has had three major hospitalizations in the last 3 years. Total cost about 400,000.00 dollars. All paid for but about 5% by the feds and state. If they had an affordable policy and 40 million others did and the hospitals charged the real cost to deliver this care, not the inflated amounts that take into consideration all that they are not reimbursed for by the indidgent and the low medicaid rates, this whole mess might be cleared up and far better care delivered.
Ever been to an emeregency room at an inner city hospital Blu? It is the primary care facility for the poor who sit there by the hundreds, hour's on end with their feverish children, sprained backs, congested lungs from bacteria infections, infected ingrown toenails, etc. Isn't is far more cost effective for thse people to see private family practitioners in clinics and private offices with an insurance plan?
Whatever you want to call the plans of Canada, England, France, and many others, they do not force people into poverty before they offer them care.
Posted by: Strawman at July 11, 2006 02:19 PM (G2Zzw)
Yes, I wish to consture single pay as socialized medicine. I suspect most Americans feel the same way. It is one of the reasons that this stupid idea is always rejected by Americans.
Do you really believe the level of fraud in medicare and medicaid are equal to that found privately? Nice try, Straw. But I call BS. The difference between you and me (besides the fact that I'm younger and smarter - just kidding) is that I've actually worked in and around government my entire adult career. And I've been involved at the local, state, and federal levels. Hell, I've even been a Medicaid analyst when I was young and stupid enough to work for a county. The amount of fraud in these areas is staggering and occurs at all levels.
And about this 40 million uninsured crap number - it is meaningless. Most of these people are young and single and choose not to purchase insurance. It is (as it should be) a choice. You and yours make it sound like there are 40 million people out there crying their eyes out because they have no insurance. It is not true. It is another silly left-wing lie to try and get more power and tax money into the hands of government. The more people you folks have on the dole the more power you have.
How can you be so distrustful of the government and still want it to control billions and billions of healthcare dollars?
Posted by: blu at July 11, 2006 03:02 PM (mv0lx)
I hear what you say. Though I am a woodworker I did spend 5 years working in the NYS Dept of Mental Hygiene and have some insight that is not filterd through saw dust into health care matters.
The negatives are not really a big concern of mine since the negatives of the whole system of delivery and afordability of health care drawf the problems of fraud. This is typically a RW paradigm: don't look at the deeper and more profound flaws in a system but rather focus on the bad dealings of a few. THis same cry was always heard around the welfare system. WOmen have extra babies to increase their benefits, women don't care to focus on bith control because the worst thing that can happen is a new kid and more money, women aren't looking for jobs because welfare is giiving them such a grand life. Talk about bullshit.
Blu, have you ever lived in a large city in the North?
The fraud and waste are in each realm different.
In the world of medicaid you have things like hospitals bliing for services they did not deliver, clinics making up patient records and billing and individuals doing the same things but on for smaller amounts. Remember the hospitals that commit the fraud are often private for profit corporations bilking the government. What is the percentage of fraudulant v. appropiate payouts? I really don't know do you?
In the system of insured health care as it now exits the 'fraud" take the form of profit. Every dollar that is removed from the system to pay sharholders dividends, multimillion dollar salalries and high operating costs is money that could otherwise be delivering care. I think Blu, if you totaled the fraud you experienced in medicaid and treated it as an administrative cost you would still be below the percentage that the private sector spends per dollar paid to providers.
I know a woman who delivered psychiatric services for a clinic that had a contract with a union to deliver mental health services. She had to quit because in every case meeting it was clear that limiting the number of sessions to be delivered to a client was a goal regardless of the medical need of the patient. The clinc contracted to provide a fixed number of sessions for a year to the union's health plan and every session under that number was additional profit and every one over was considered a loss. Blu, this is fundamentally wrong and it it the mentality that permeates all of the health plans in America.
WOuld you address the other issue I mentioned of impovershment before medicaid kicks in and the problems with the socialized medicine they now receive? I agree that there are many in the uninsured catagory that may be choosing not to sign up but i doubt the number is significant.
Posted by: strawman at July 12, 2006 08:13 AM (G2Zzw)
Medicaid, in nearly all cases, is based on "deprivation," Straw. So, the idea of having to get rid of nearly all your wealth prior to services is rare - in fact in California it doesn't happen anymore.
And your paragraph on welfare is, frankly, a joke. It is another example of you having no clue about which you speak. Welfare pre-1996 was one of this country's most miserable policy failures. As demonstrated in numerous studies and by intellectuals as diverse as Murray and Moynihan, welfare was a disaster especially for American Blacks. The policy changes implemented in 1996 by the Republicans (and, of course, by "stick my finger in the wind and see which way it is blowing" Clinton) changed the old policy and is actually a huge success story. There were two fundamental changes: time limits and work. (You see, Straw, conservatives understand human nature, which is to take free stuff as long as somebody is willing to give it to you - especially if nothing is asked of you in return.) It takes too long to explain the policy at a lower level. You clearly, though, don't understand very well the mindset of the average welfare recipient. These people are, generally, lazy and unmotivated - and often times (pre 1996) were part of a generational legacy of welfare. It was indeed a lifestyle. And don't forget, though they did not receive much, they were/are provided free medical care, free food, and cash. No bad for doing absolutely fucking nothing.
Anyway, Straw, you can't BS me on these types of issues.
Posted by: blu at July 12, 2006 09:39 AM (mv0lx)
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July 09, 2006
Another Danish Themed Post
From the Wall Street Journal, a sensible Danish liberal:
Bjorn Lomborg busted--and that is the only word for it--onto the world scene in 2001 with the publication of his book "The Skeptical Environmentalist." A one-time Greenpeace enthusiast, he'd originally planned to disprove those who said the environment was getting better. He failed. And to his credit, his book said so, supplying a damning critique of today's environmental pessimism. Carefully researched, it offered endless statistics--from official sources such as the U.N.--showing that from biodiversity to global warming, there simply were no apocalypses in the offing. "Our history shows that we solve more problems than we create," he tells me. For his efforts, Mr. Lomborg was labeled a heretic by environmental groups--whose fundraising depends on scaring the jeepers out of the public--and became more hated by these alarmists than even (if possible) President Bush.
Read what Mr. Lomborg has to say about
priorities here. Good stuff.
via Shelly.
Posted by: annika at
11:57 AM
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Post contains 163 words, total size 1 kb.
Lomborg was neither an environmentalist nor a scientist, unless you want to consider his credentials as a political scientist. His material has been debunked and put to rest long ago.
Posted by: will at July 10, 2006 08:52 PM (h7Ciu)
A link to the full article;
Posted by: will at July 10, 2006 08:54 PM (h7Ciu)
Thanks for the link, Will. I will print it out and try to read it all.
By the way, just a friendly tip. I think your credibility is affected when you neglect to mention that the article you linked identifies Lomberg as a political scientist
and statistician. (In fact, the article places the word statistician before political scientist when identifying Lomberg's credentials.)
Either you didn't expect anyone to actually click the link, which i doubt, or you don't consider mathematics a field of science. Having taken a statistics course at Berkeley, and done poorly in it, I can assure you, it is a field of science.
Posted by: annika at July 10, 2006 11:09 PM (fxTDF)
Annika, I was referring to scientists from the direct subject areas, such as climatology, biology, epidemiology, etc. Most scientists take statistics as a matter of course (as have I in my engineering education), and report their results with statistics as one tool.
While Lomborg has a doctorate in political science and has lectured on statistics as it relates to that field, he doesn't have any degrees in statistics or even math, hence my description of him still stands as accurate.
Posted by: will at July 11, 2006 04:34 AM (h7Ciu)
So let me get this straight. you are now disputing the accuracy of the article, which you linked in order to dispute the accuracy of the article I linked, because your article is about people who dispute the accuracy of the guy in the article I linked, who disputes the accuracy of findings by people like those in the article you linked. I'm cornfused.
Posted by: annika at July 11, 2006 06:53 AM (fxTDF)
You pointed out the article I supplied a link to reported that Lomborg is a political scientist and a statitician. He lectures on statitistics, though has no degree in any field of mathematics. So to call him a scientist would be misleading, which was my original contention. If you read the rest of the wikipedia page, you'll see that there has been considerable back and forth on the veracity of his book, which the Demark Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation eventually concluded was not a scientific publication, therefore could not be reviewed and critiqued as such. You would need several days to labor through the critiques, responses, response critiques, explanations of data set variations, artful deflections, dismissive generalizations, etc, etc, ad nauseum, ad infinitum. I plowed through this a few months ago, and it was quite a rollercoaster ride. He makes some valid points, though ultimately he is shown to be slanting his overall thrusts to the detriment of his thesis statement. However, the general public knows little about the application of the sciences involved, and can be easily hoodwinked by soundbites from either side.
Posted by: will at July 11, 2006 07:29 AM (h7Ciu)
If Dr. Lomberg's opinions can be dismissed because his PhD is "only" in political science, can I then dismiss Al Gore's opinions becuase he doesn't even have a PhD?
Posted by: annika at July 11, 2006 11:29 AM (zAOEU)
Yes, "only" poly sci. Unless you are considering that a hard science.
You are shifting away from the original question with the remark about Gore, but I will be happy to provide you the answer;
Posted by: will at July 11, 2006 06:51 PM (h7Ciu)
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Danish Torture Conviction Overturned
A victory in the little known case of Annemette Hommel, the Danish officer accused of "torture" at the Danish Contingent's Camp Eden in Southern Iraq.
Apparently Eden was no paradise for the detainees under interrogation by Hommel and four MPs. They had been subjected to the heinous torture of:
- having to sit down for a long time
- getting yelled at
- not getting a second glass of water when they asked for one
Danish blogger Exile
has background on the Hommel case.
She was tried here in Denmark in the full glare of the press and with indignant left-wing politicians screaming for an example to be made. 'War crimes!' they screamed. And it gave a perfect setting for a left-wing outcry against our participation in the 'invasion and occupation' of Iraq.
Though being found technically guilty of abusing prisoners, Annette Hommel was not handed any sentence, merely left to live with the findings of the court and a ruined career. She was not content with that and appealled the courts decision. And in my opinion, quite rightly so.
And Thursday,
Jyllands Posten's English language site reported that the Østre Landsret ruled in Hommel's favor.
Annemette Hommel and four other military police have been acquitted of breaking Geneva Conventions by the High Court of Eastern Denmark.
Hommel and the four others had been previously been found guilty by a lower court. Due to mitigating circumstances, however, none of them are facing jail time.
Hommel appealed the decision handed down by a Copenhagen court that convicted her of calling detained Iraqis names and expletives while forcing them to sit in stressful positions during questioning.
Following the first trial in January 2006, Hommel said she was pleased and satisfied with being acquitted on some of the charges but felt that the court has laid down an unnecessarily hard line on the other points.
'I can't live with that,' Hommel said after the first trial, adding that she had been convicted of something that was against her principles.
Hommel has yet to comment on the new, not-guilty verdict by the Eastern High Court.
I like Exile's final comment, which puts most of these "torture" cases into perspective:
No hooking their genitals up to car batteries then? No beatings with clubs or heavy duty electrical cable? No tools or other impliments of torture? No pulling of teeth or fingernails? No poking out of eyes? No beheadings?
No, none of that. That is what she went there to put an end to.
Posted by: annika at
11:01 AM
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Post contains 416 words, total size 3 kb.
No exposing her breasts?
Jeez, no wonder they didn't talk.
Posted by: shelly at July 09, 2006 11:21 AM (BJYNn)
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