I still think she'll win the nomination, but clearly Senator Clinton is in a dogfight. The
I like your blog...
cool design, simple but complicated.
i saw that lindsay letter u've snet to her...
what was the response? what happent?
who sent it, for who , to who???
i didnt get a point

... think is i just whant to contact her somehow, im not some kind of a freaky fan or something , i just what to tell her my opinion about her work, and her as a person, i realy like her on some special way. i would like to be a some kind of a pen friend with her and that kinda stuff if you get me...
i just whant to tell her what i mean

btw that thing with lindsay email is good thing for your blog...
if anyone's looking for her mail trough google he is gona be linked to here for sure...
Like your blog, visit my ( soon im gona make oen on english language ;P)
plz respond
Posted by: Darkie at April 18, 2007 09:59 AM (CospR)
stop it Radical Redneck! you're killin me.
Posted by: annika at April 18, 2007 10:10 AM (zAOEU)

Posted by: Darkie at April 18, 2007 10:14 AM (CospR)
Oh i have been saddened by the distence between us lindsay and i long to feel yor touch
like romeo asking wher juliette was i ask can it ever bee
i feel like when my dog ran away - lonely w/o u
liek a teen band i wana becom famous
Theirs no place like a place with u i want to bathe in yor luv like a flower constantly releasing it's scent this is my feeling for you
whn i cryed out yor name at yor window Why dont you love me I said i feel it beautifully
write me lindsay write me
Posted by: ElMon... er... some teenybopper... at April 18, 2007 10:47 AM (xHyDY)
Hey Annika, what makes you think you'll have to stop blogging just cuz you're taking the Cali Bar? C'mon, it's not that bad. At least give us 'till the standard "I'll get serious about BarBri when July 1 rolls around" grace period.
Posted by: taxlawmax at April 18, 2007 10:50 AM (dLe9c)
Most successful thread hijack, evah!
Posted by: ElMondoHummus at April 18, 2007 10:50 AM (xHyDY)
Posted by: annika at April 18, 2007 11:42 AM (zAOEU)
nvm annika
Posted by: Darkie at April 18, 2007 11:45 AM (CospR)
Posted by: reagan80 at April 18, 2007 04:22 PM (fO04l)
Reagan, I'm beginning to think you've got
a thing for Sean.
Posted by: taxlawmax at April 18, 2007 08:40 PM (P5vpr)
Taxlawmax has a point, Annika. I blogged while I studied for the Cal bar, and turned out mostly okay for it.
Granted, pretty much everything I blogged about was bar exam-related. Which probably bored some of my readers. Or like. Most of them. Erm. Probably almost all.
Hm. Maybe it's not such a great idea after all.
Posted by: The Law Fairy at April 18, 2007 09:13 PM (sfW9u)
That's definitely the worst part about studying for the bar. Your head becomes so grossly bloated with legal morsels that you can't help but spew them out even when, say, your wife tries to gag you every time you get that "holy shit! I actually remember something from BarBri about that!" look.
Posted by: taxlawmax at April 18, 2007 10:35 PM (P5vpr)
I have it on good authority that reagan80 isn't really into those of the phallic gender. His perceived homo-ness is merely a facade to lull women into a false sense of security at clubs. I heard that once he gets close enough, he will then proceed to dry hump some poor bitch's elbow before being forcefully ejected from the premises.
Ladies, wear long sleeves.
Posted by: Spanky at April 19, 2007 07:53 AM (fO04l)
anybody ever see
four words:
Connery in high heels...
Posted by: annika at April 19, 2007 10:39 AM (zAOEU)
Posted by: ElMondoHummus at April 19, 2007 11:48 AM (xHyDY)
Me? A closet queen? What gives you that idea?
Speaking of Queen, they did the theme song to a flick that he starred in, The Highlander, and might I add that he looked
absolutely fabulous wearing that ear ring. Boy, I sure do enjoy a good movie with guys impaling each other.
To answer Annika's question, I barely remember seeing a portion of ZARDOZ on the TBS channel back when I was in pre-school or something. In fact, she has brought back some of my lost childhood memories because, back then, I thought it starred a young Burt Reynolds. That movie kind of freaked me out at the time, but today
it makes me laugh my fucking ass off. That is pure gold! Thanks, Annie!
Posted by: reagan80 at April 19, 2007 06:10 PM (fO04l)
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