June 04, 2005

Democrats Dean Forgot

Howard Dean, on Thursday:

Speaking to the Campaign for America's Future, Mr. Dean called for easier rules for voting, saying it is difficult for working parents to make it to the polls on time and wait to vote.

'Well, Republicans, I guess, can do that, because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives,' Mr. Dean said.


Two words: pot. kettle.

Posted by: annika at 04:26 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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1 best thing to happen to the GOP I have to say. Right now our party has enough troubles what with bloating the budget (anybody recall '94) and new entitlement programs, etc. Dean allows us all to come together still because he makes it easy to realize just how shitty things could be...

Posted by: scof at June 04, 2005 05:51 PM (x8hF4)

2 How can Republicans cater to corporate America (so the accusation goes) unless other Republicans are "working for a living"? Excellent collage there, but it is lacking someone. Can you guess who it is? I'd like to forget him, but he insists on inserting himself in the news every few weeks, like Jesse Jackson and Jimmy Carter, politics answer to Paris Hilton.

Posted by: Mark at June 04, 2005 11:35 PM (jm1lB)

3 True the absence of William Jefferson Blythe is glaring. I prefer his real name as opposed to his chosen one.

Posted by: Casca at June 05, 2005 09:53 AM (qBTBH)

4 Comparison is a weak argument. However, the corruption in Washington is at an all time high, and it includes the Infamous 5 members of the Supreme Court who broke the law to appoint Bunnypants. To think that Democrats as a whole are as corrupt as the Bunnypants Gang is fundamentally absurd. Can we compare the damage, corruption and lies pre-Bunnypants to all that happened since he fraudulently took office? It makes Clinton and Gore look like freaking saints. And, I don't like them either. It seems a waste to rant and rave about crap you know ain't true, don't you think? Never mind.

Posted by: Citizen Milenko at June 05, 2005 10:06 AM (gINUe)

5 Oh gawd. Not another troll with a three dollar copy of a logic 101 textbook. Do you guys all shop at the same used book store?

Posted by: annika at June 05, 2005 11:36 AM (wNjyE)

6 Get over it, Milenko. Bush won Florida fairly in 2000 and his re-election reaffirms the predominate "redness" of Florida's electorate. If it will help Milenko's logic skills out, he can have my old differential eguations solutions manual.

Posted by: reagan80 at June 05, 2005 12:44 PM (hlMFQ)

7 Comrade, throw yourself on the bayonets of the capitalists! I have a few that I reserve for unwashed ignoranimi, that I'm prepared to lend out for this sort of thing.

Posted by: Casca at June 05, 2005 03:24 PM (qBTBH)

8 Milenko, The only law the Supreme Court broke in 2000 was "Liberals must always win at all costs." Yes, that law was broken. See also "Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment" as well as the one which forbids a state supreme court from extending deadlines by fiat.

Posted by: Mark at June 05, 2005 03:38 PM (Vg0tt)

9 I must say I am astonished that a Bunnypants supporter would know anything about logic and/or advanced math. I thought that stuff was, you know, fuzzy. Fortunately, I know that any thinking person, even with conservative, non-progressive tendencies knows that the 2000 election was a con job,...and for documentation could read "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast. I am, of course, referring to the minority of conservatives who actually read;...I'm not talking about those folks who buy an Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, or Bill Bennett values book and set it in the center of their coffee table to collect dust. Better for a working mind that these books aren't read anyway, I suppose. Anyway, the rambling point I am trying to make is that any effort to learn about anything from a news source which isn't Yell TV and Hate radio would do wonders for the inquiring mind. Critiques I've just read remind me of watching Fox News...(whose viewership is down by 58%. Phew.) I will give you all the benefit of the doubt by assuming you don't always believe what you're saying;...you just merely want to be on the winning side...and for now, Bunnypants wears the crown. Regrettably, there's not going to be room for all the Bunnypants apologists under the tent. It's by invitation only.

Posted by: Citizen Milenko at June 05, 2005 09:42 PM (gINUe)

10 Milenko: We don't need to read that liberal trash propaganda. We have the Supreme Court Reports to read, and the President of the United States, not to mention a firm 55 to 44 (plus one special idiot on the way out) majority in the United States Senate, and a large un-reversible majority in the House of Representatives. Can you hear the People of the United States talking? We are trying to tell you something; your shopworn tripe and slogans, augmented by citing writers using bootstrap logic don't sell anymore. The battle is joined over IDEAS and you guys are fresh out. So, trot out the Flori-Duh results (which have been over-analysed by everyone, and still come out with GWB WINNING) and mentally masturbate all over the web, but in the end, WE rule and YOU drool. Shelly P.S. It gets harder to increase the majority and easier to close it, so I was preparing to take a few losses this coming election. But with Hootin' Howard Dean installed in the Catbird Seat of the Democratic Party, I find new hope that we may yet net a few Senate seats and a few more House seats. YaaaaHOOOO for Howard!!!

Posted by: shelly at June 06, 2005 01:18 AM (pO1tP)

11 Milenko, with all due respect, please put it to rest. To reiterate what Shelly posted, the American public isn't being suckered by the sloganeering, the illogical pseudo-arguments put forward by certain politicians. The internet has much to do with this; the truth is much more accessible, and BS more easily exposed. True it may be harder to increase a majority, but I have good faith that as long as Dean et al keep talking, 58 Senators isn't such a crazy idea.

Posted by: Mark at June 06, 2005 07:57 AM (Hk4wN)

12 i should add that, like all true Republicans, i adore Howard Dean. Hate his politics, but i love it when the man speaks his mind. Go Howard! Keep up the good work!

Posted by: annika at June 06, 2005 01:31 PM (zAOEU)

13 I sense ideologies on y'all's part which I would categorize as "backwards thinking." Not all conservatives are stupid, but nearly all stupid people are conservative. It's a quote I read somewhere. In a book. Anyway. Conservative ideology...(I guess, it doesn't include balanced budgets or states rights anymore,)...is basically a fear of change. Well,...unfortunately, change happens. It's inevitable. So is losing power. Which is what will happen to the conservatives once the state-run media propaganda machine is exposed for what it is,...and once we have a verified voting trail. Once the masses become educated and all for the most part vote...fairly,...the Bunnypants loyalists will no longer have the numbers to control anything but backwoods towns in former slave states.

Posted by: Citizen Milenko at June 06, 2005 01:42 PM (gINUe)

14 "the Bunnypants loyalists will no longer have the numbers to control anything but backwoods towns in former slave states." Typical Leftist Democratic elitism. The party of the "little guy" my ass.

Posted by: reagan80 at June 06, 2005 02:02 PM (hlMFQ)

15 To reiterate what reagan80 posted, Milenko is of the same league of people who are masters at fuzzy, feel-good sloganeering. 1. We're to honor "diverse" opinions and backgrounds. 2. Similarly, we're to be "tolerant" of those who are different than us. The list could go on. Of course, the above two are immediately null and void whenever a conservative is at issue. Hypocrites.

Posted by: Mark at June 06, 2005 02:53 PM (Hk4wN)

16 A verified voting trail is going to help the Democrats?? Boy are you in for a surprise, Stedenko.

Posted by: annika at June 06, 2005 07:59 PM (wSNSb)

17 I want to know who are these people who claim \\\"they\\\" rule LOL LOL I\\\'m sure they don\\\'t hold office anywhere, because office holders don\\\'t have to time to visit silly blogs like this... Therefore I highly doubt them rulling anything... not even their own lives.. they sound more like puppets bowing to corrupt politicians who just happen to say things that will please their micro egos hehe...

Posted by: ofakind at June 13, 2005 12:34 AM (8c4Q2)

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