The prime impetus for modern American liberalism is the opposition to any restrictions on abortion. The prime impetus for European liberalism is anti-semitism.
At a high level, I find this to be true. However, anti-semitism is creeping into the American Left as well. Were any of you privy to the outburst by Cynthia McKinney's staffer? It was a disgusting anti-semitic outburst. Can you imagine the feigned outrage had this been a white, Christian conservative? But, as we all know, there is a different standard applied in the media for liberals and conservatives and whites and non-whites.
Posted by: Blu at August 10, 2006 10:54 AM (j8oa6)
Posted by: john at August 10, 2006 11:12 AM (SpkYG)
Maybe. I think it may have to do with the symbolism of power. The ultimate symbol of power, as with kings & queens, has always been the right to kill. Liberals don't approve of killing in the form of capital punishment or warfare, so they are passionate about euthanasia and abortion as a substitute. These things are the female form of the power of life & death; they are the sceptre of the feminist liberal.
I don't think this is always true; some liberals support abortion or euthanasia for reasons which are less dark. But I do suspect that it's pretty common.
Posted by: john at August 10, 2006 11:16 AM (SpkYG)
Nope. Euro liberalism is based on laziness. Hatred of the Jews is just something to talk about while not working.
Posted by: Bram at August 10, 2006 11:53 AM (x82LV)
Bram, LOL. That's fucking hilarious. Hope you don't mind if I plagerize at some later date while trying to appear both conservative and witty.
Posted by: Blu at August 10, 2006 12:50 PM (j8oa6)
There's a germ of truth in there, but the real answer is more complicated. Euro's have a more pronounced Jew-hatred because they're more homogeneous nationally, and probably more susceptable to group-think. Part of our national faith is the blending of many cultures into one, thus not wanting to culturally stand apart from others, and being suspicious of those who do.
Posted by: Casca at August 10, 2006 03:00 PM (2gORp)
"These things are the female form of the power of life & death; they are the sceptre of the feminist liberal."
Huh? Whatever happened to "money is power"? This sounds awfully close to might makes right. From whence the notion that power is about the right to kill? Power is about whatever it happens to be about. For modern politicians, that's generally a frighteningly disgusting level of greed. Killing people is just a means of getting money, not the other way around.
Feminism and liberalism are far from one and the same. And the notion that anything is a "female form of" anything else is ridiculous. Anything that seems "feminine" about certain causes is only the result of your socialization and bias.
Posted by: The Law Fairy at August 10, 2006 03:31 PM (XUsiG)
"These things are the female form of the power of life & death; they are the sceptre of the feminist liberal."
Huh? Whatever happened to "money is power"? This sounds awfully close to might makes right. From whence the notion that power is about the right to kill? Power is about money. For modern politicians, there's generally a frighteningly disgustingly high level of greed. Killing people is just a means of getting money, not the other way around.
Feminism and liberalism are far from one and the same. And the notion that anything is a "female form of" anything else is ridiculous. Anything that seems "feminine" about certain causes is only the result of one's socialization and bias.
Posted by: The Law Fairy at August 10, 2006 03:33 PM (XUsiG)
Gah, sorry for the double post. Munu was accusing me of spam so I had to try twice. Damn you , Munu!
Posted by: The Law Fairy at August 10, 2006 03:33 PM (XUsiG)
Seriously, Munu sucks ass!
Posted by: Blu at August 10, 2006 03:51 PM (LXOfu)
One major impetus to modern "progressivism" (as its advocates call it) is the emergence of the class I refer to as The Intellectual Lumpenproletariat. These are people who drank the academic kool-aid and got advanced degrees in subjects with poor career prospects. Now they're working in Borders (or equivalent) and they are furious--not at the academics who lured them into making their choices, which might be understandable, but at society as a whole.
Posted by: david foster at August 10, 2006 04:21 PM (/Z304)
Don't try to apologize your way out of it. That's the fem form of posting.
Posted by: Casca at August 10, 2006 04:22 PM (2gORp)
Posted by: Bram at August 11, 2006 05:30 AM (x82LV)
I can't comment on Europe, but I can comment on modern liberalism: annika, I think you're being too specific. I think the impetus for modern American liberalism is to not be held accountable for one's own actions. Abortion slides neatly into that definition.
Posted by: Victor at August 11, 2006 06:05 AM (1oGDT)
You're partly right Victor. The general impetus for modern American liberalism is sexual libertinism. Abortion and contraception are the pillars of the sexual revolution. Without them, personal responsibility become a concrete and necessary thing, not just something to talk about that has no relevance to most people anymore. George Orwell said it way back in... whenever he was writing. I wish I could find the quote. Anyways, he said something like: "the real reason we all joined 'the movement' was sex."
I know it sounds crazy, but it's my theory.
Posted by: annika at August 11, 2006 07:00 AM (qQD4Q)
The prime drivers for the European left are (listed in order of importance):
1. Anti-Americanism
2. Anti-Semitism
3. Passivity towards external threats
Mix those together and you have the left taking some very weird stands.
Posted by: Jake at August 11, 2006 07:39 AM (r/5D/)
Regarding Europe and anti-Semitism...throughout the early part of the 20th century, in most of Europe anti-Semitism tended to be associated with the Right (cf the Dreyfus affair)...but no question that it has now become a left-wing phenomenon. It would be interesting for someone to trace this evolution.
One operative factor is that the European right tended to be opposed to social mobility across class lines in a way that has rarely been associated with the American right.
Posted by: david foster at August 11, 2006 08:39 AM (/Z304)
Hmmmm....annika, tossing our two ideas back and forth, I think it might be a bit of a chicken-or-egg thing.
Posted by: Victor at August 11, 2006 09:31 AM (1oGDT)
I think the impetus for zoos or rather the movement that become known as zooism is the tendency all amimals have toward exhibitionism, fish included of course otherwise why would aquariums have been invented.
MAkes about as much sense as your therory of "liberalism"
Posted by: Strawman at August 11, 2006 05:58 PM (G2Zzw)
actually, i think that zoo theory has a lot of merit!
Posted by: annika at August 11, 2006 06:04 PM (C8Oer)
I don't believe she posited a "theory." Rather, she suggested an impetus or driving force behind the modern movement of American liberalism. It doesn't explain the movement itself. As a charter moonbat, perhaps you can provide some insight, Straw.
Posted by: Blu at August 11, 2006 07:41 PM (LXOfu)
Modern American Liberalism (MAL) is a position on the political spectrum that was cleared for it by KArl Rove and Co. It only exists as a figment of his and your imagination. THe boys cooked it up as a strawman for what ever ailes America. They made liberal = democrat. It was a clever strategy that had little trouble confusing the essentially uneducated, well maybe they are somewhat educated but easily confused, American electorate. SO, in the RW scheme permissiveness (like thinking it is OK to get blown by interns) became a liberal position since the "liberals" while loathing his behavior, were still defending Clinton sinsce they didn't think sex rose to an impeachable offense but no matter:
LIBERAL=Blowjob lovers (actually not a bad motto but it stood for a denigration of the PRESIDENCY and American decency!)
THey did it again last week when they set up the bougus minimum wage bill they knew could not pass because of the estate tax attachment, but dems voted against the min wage so:
Liberal=no friend of the working man.
They did it with the first vote on Iraq. They had just finished hammering home the nuke card (a lie of course) so the dems would have to vote for the appropriation or
Liberal=welcomes nuclear attack on our nation
The second vote the dems voted against.
liberals=flip flop on security
The RW has this strategy down pat and the dems have been floundering on the deck developing a counter to it.
They say tax cuts spur growth, the schmucks on the plains belive it, dems oppose the estate tax repeal so;
Liberals=no economic growth
ANd on and on.
There is MAL as defined by the R nothing more. A useful tool to construct fallacious positions and then paint you opponants with the belief set and then lob the bullshit. I actually thihk it started with that numb brain Reagan. "There you go again" (being a liberal and btw have you stopped beating your wife Jimmy?)
Posted by: Strawman at August 12, 2006 03:24 PM (G2Zzw)
Here's a macro econ lesson for ya, Straw: Tax cuts do spur economic growth. I know the truth hurts, but the sooner you accept it, the easier it will be to stomach.
Anyway, pretty inventive post. Bullshit of course, but still well done.
Posted by: Blu at August 12, 2006 06:09 PM (LXOfu)
Gee Blu,
If this kind of high praise becomes a regular thing I better don knee pads to protect my tired old joints as I genuflect.
Posted by: Strawman at August 13, 2006 11:22 AM (G2Zzw)
Straw - Arthur Schlesinger Jr used the term "modern american liberalism" in the late 1950s. He stated the ideological roots for "mal" came from Dewey-Veblen:
"a liberal ideology did begin to crystallize, deriving its main tenets from the philosophy of John Dewey and from the economics of Thorstein Veblen. Dewey, with his faith in human rationality and in the power of the creative intelligence, gave this ideological liberalism a strong belief in the efficacy of overhead social planning; and this bent was reinforced by Veblen, who detested the price system and the free market and thought that the economy could be far more efficiently and sensibly operated by a junta or soviet of engineers."
Schlesinger went on to say the New Dealers (Roosevelt democrats) turned the ideological basis to more of a Niebuhr-Keynes basis. You can debate whether Schlesinger's (and others) ideas about Kennedy/LBJ "identity politics" contributed to the liberalism = democrat label, but if you want a boogeyman, try Lee Atwater who effectively turned Dukakis' "I'm a proud liberal" statement against him and the party..
Posted by: Col Steve at August 14, 2006 10:33 AM (pj2h7)
Col Steve,
I have no doubt that the dem use ruthless and hypocrital tactics to win elections and Atwater's swipe at Dukakis was an attempt to run Duk a bit to teh left of where he wanted his guy to be. All this is in response to the various polls that they get. The true political philosophy of Liberalism, like all rational(or not) but none the less thoughtfull discourses that higher level thinkers put out about how best to goven is really moot when you get into the swamp of electoneering. Phrases and philosophy's are tossed around like popcorn with little or no regard as to the true meaning but only how it plays to the base they are trying to reach.
I stand by all I said about the one dimentionalizing of LIBERAL by the right in an attempt to make the dems squirm under a word that the R has made nearly as corrosive as radical or soclialist was in the 60's or 70's. The politcal philosophies of the right and the middle and the dems and the liberals are far less profound than any one of these groups would have the world believe. I always thought the wise Mr Vidal said it best when he said "America has one political party with two wings." I personally think they all have their heads up their asses but the Republicans always think they see the light at the end of the tunnel and the dems smell it but are happy they didn't step in it.
Posted by: Strawman at August 15, 2006 10:23 AM (G2Zzw)
"the wise Mr Vidal."
The fact that you used the word "wise" in the same sentence with that idiot would inform even those that have never read one of your posts how far out in Left field you are. Gore Vidal is the "intellectual" version of Michael Moore. Two truly vile people.
Posted by: Blu at August 15, 2006 06:07 PM (K0h0f)
Posted by: sTRAWMAN at August 16, 2006 10:50 AM (G2Zzw)
Posted by: Blu at August 16, 2006 11:08 AM (j8oa6)
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