The new bumper sticker for people who can't go five friggin' minutes without pimpin' their third place guy.
If you're back, I'll celebrate!
Posted by: ElMondoHummus at November 27, 2007 12:11 PM (xHyDY)
Posted by: Andy at November 27, 2007 06:01 PM (P8ZAx)
Someone go kick Casca and Shelly awake.

Me, I'll admit to being here because I was too damn lazy to delete this entry from my RSS reader. What's your excuse?
Posted by: elmondohummus at November 27, 2007 08:07 PM (UNQLe)
I still don't know what an RSS reader is...
Posted by: annika at November 27, 2007 08:11 PM (mzyb2)
Puhleeze tell us you are back!
Screw it...I'm blog rolling you anyway. Don't let us down!
Posted by: Nigel at November 27, 2007 10:14 PM (wearR)
RSS reader aka "aggregator" aka "feed aggregator" aka "news reader" or a whole lotta other crap:
"... is client software or a Web application which aggregates syndicated web content such as news headlines, blogs, podcasts, and vlogs in a single location for easy viewing."
Wikipedia article)
Or in other words, it's a program where you can centralize a lot of blogs and other sites that can be accessed through RSS, ATOM, or similar protocols. I personally like
Sharpreader myself.
Anyway, that "what's your excuse" line was a fun poke at Andy.

I don't care what Anni's excuse is, just as long as she's back for even a little while.
Posted by: ElMondoHummus at November 28, 2007 05:33 AM (xHyDY)
I have been checking once every few days hoping you would come back and it's very cool that you have!
Posted by: Andy at November 28, 2007 09:26 PM (P8ZAx)
I'd been checking every few days and took off about a week. It's good to see you back.
Posted by: physics geek at December 03, 2007 07:17 AM (MT22W)
I have a life. I only check once a month.
Posted by: Casca at December 11, 2007 12:52 PM (xGZ+b)
I have a life, too.
But Casca has invaded it by letting on that you are back.
How could you do this without lettig us know?
I have to re-order my world again.
Posted by: shelly at December 11, 2007 04:53 PM (wearR)
Casca let me know, otherwise I'd still be mooning away waiting for you.
How could you start up again and not tell your pals???
Is that any way to run a blog?
Posted by: Shelly at December 11, 2007 04:54 PM (wearR)
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