December 31, 2004
Happy New Year!

What a year it's been. i almost hate to see 2004 go. But it's time to celebrate an even more exciting year to come. Wow, 2005 already!
Have a great NYE everybody! Be safe. You know the drill: designate a driver and don't forget to bundle up when you're out in the weather. Don't want to start the year off with a nasty cold.
Thanks for all your many kindnesses this past year, and for just stopping by to read my nonsense. i love you all and i'll see you next year!
Posted by: annika at
01:37 AM
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And Happy New Year to you too, Annika.
And you're has been a remarkable year, filled with more big moments (good:Bush and Republican vicotries) and the devastatingly bad (Asian tsunami) than almost any other year I can remember.
Oh, and tonight is my wife and mine's 3rd wedding anniversary!
Posted by: Robbie at December 31, 2004 05:20 AM (AAqv2)
How come the chick in the martini glass is wearing clothes?
Posted by: Casca at December 31, 2004 07:03 AM (cdv3B)
Congratulations Robbie!
And Casca, i'll leave that for you to guess. Or should i say "olive that for you to guess!"
Posted by: annika at December 31, 2004 08:33 AM (bpSIb)
A most wonderful New Year to you Annika.
Posted by: Serenity at December 31, 2004 09:18 AM (qoFsi)
And likewise to you, Serenity.
Posted by: annika at December 31, 2004 09:21 AM (bpSIb)
Happy New Year! Love the graphic.
Posted by: other Annika at December 31, 2004 11:49 AM (50v65)
I dont have to make resoletions for new year, liberals
NEVER get fat!
Posted by: Um Yeah at December 31, 2004 08:13 PM (lXA9J)
Happy new year!! All the best sweet Annika for 2005!!!
Posted by: maizzy at January 01, 2005 06:15 AM (NgODS)
Have a great 2005, Annie. Thanks for all the right thinking, entertaining blogging.
We are all pulling for you to do well in midterms, so at least give us a clue once the grades are published.
Remember "Eat out, di et (sic.) home".
Posted by: shelly at January 01, 2005 06:16 AM (fLlQ8)
It's been a bad new years for me already. Mom caught me masturbating to a picture of Michael Jackson.
Posted by: Robert Mac-Lelland at January 01, 2005 07:16 AM (7XTy8)
Good Gawd, the things that the wind blows in here.
Posted by: Casca at January 01, 2005 02:48 PM (cdv3B)
oh ho ho, we are
more than happy to hang around. happy new year annie!
Posted by: candy girl at January 01, 2005 05:19 PM (96am4)
Not really wishing you a Happy New Year. Just wanted to be Commenter #13.
Posted by: Kevin Kim at January 01, 2005 09:28 PM (4uHYC)
Happy New Year to you, too, Annika!!!
Posted by: greg at January 01, 2005 09:31 PM (30GQ0)
That olive is highly suggestive...
Posted by: Desert Cat at January 01, 2005 10:06 PM (c8BHE)
I always eat the olive first.
Posted by: d-rod69 at January 02, 2005 09:52 AM (fH4n3)
Unfortunately, things at my house have gotten worse. After 45 years, mom finally gave me the ultimatum. I have five days to pack up my crappy laptop and my 75 boxes of Michael Jackson memoriabilia, and move out. Either that or get a job, so I guess I have to move.
Oh what a cruel cruel world. I hate George Bush.
Posted by: Robert McClelland at January 02, 2005 12:27 PM (7XTy8)
And many thanks for visiting this blog. Happy new year to you: Annika, Um Yeah, Maizzy, Shelly, Candace, Kevin, Greg, D-Cat and D-Rod!
Posted by: annika at January 02, 2005 04:50 PM (a4hFR)
Happy New Year to you, too, Annika! Keep on blogging!
Posted by: Desert Cat at January 02, 2005 06:12 PM (c8BHE)
Geez, I hope that wasn't really an unaltered McClelland post. Yeah, he hates Bush since his policies are actually conducive towards economic growth and job creation. Keep an eye out for the global unemployment numbers in the coming days. Let's see how we stack up to the "glorious" socialists of the world........
Happy New Year, folks!
Posted by: reagan80 at January 02, 2005 06:38 PM (HoEO9)
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Los Angeles Dog Trainer Year In Review
This and
this is not just an example of masterful blogging, it's an entire year's worth of masterful blogging. And i'm not just saying that because i hate the L.A. Times.
Bravo Patterico.
Posted by: annika at
01:00 AM
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December 30, 2004
New Years To Do List (Subject To Updates)
Let's not call them resolutions. It's a to do list. Resolutions are so guilt-driven.
Blog related:
- Figure out CSS and clean up all the redundant HTML code in my template
- Go to three columns
- Move to the upgraded Movable Type system
- Add that Bear Flag blogroll
- No more posting about that racist skank Paris Hilton
- Interview Hugo
Personal related:
- Give up cigarettes
- Work harder
- Do moot court
- Take a weekend trip for the sole purpose of writing poetry
- Start that fucking book
- Get back into regular exercise, including strength training
- Watch more TV
Maybe that last one is counter-productive, i don't know.
Posted by: annika at
10:06 AM
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Cigs are the first to go for me, hopefully this weekend will be the last with nicotine...
Posted by: Scof at December 30, 2004 11:41 AM (+OiAc)
OMG, i can't even think about quitting in two days?! i need some time to mentally and emotionally prepare.
Posted by: annika at December 30, 2004 01:29 PM (zAOEU)
#5) Is there a new sex handbook?
Posted by: d-rod at December 30, 2004 01:45 PM (CSRmO)
Just don't buy anymore, and don't bum them either. Think of all the money you're saving, and put that rubber band around your wrist and plink it hard everytime you crave one.
Posted by: Casca at December 30, 2004 06:12 PM (cdv3B)
I'm happy to share my CSS and HTML template for a 3-column layout (it helped Jen Lars with her FrankJ and History 'n Stuff sites).
Re cigs, Zyban is awesome. As they say, "talk to your doctor." Give those up and exercise will be a lot easier. Good luck!
Posted by: JohnL at December 30, 2004 09:25 PM (gplif)
If you really want to have a great year, you should abandone MT and just port over to WordPress.
Oh, and today marks my 584th day without a cigarette. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be...the
decision to quit was harder then actually quitting.
Goood luck with all that!
Posted by: Robbie at December 31, 2004 05:24 AM (AAqv2)
Remember, if you watch
Law & Order and
West Wing, it counts as studying. Really.
Posted by: greg at January 01, 2005 09:30 PM (30GQ0)
Annie, dear, happy new year!
I will be back in Cali on the 5th... and will have a lot of free time for an interview.
But we must'nt speak about the Holiday Bowl.
Posted by: Hugo at January 02, 2005 05:41 AM (62QFN)
Posted by: annika at January 02, 2005 04:52 PM (a4hFR)
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Useless 70's Music Blogging
Why was the band on the run anyway?
Why indeed.
Posted by: annika at
09:25 AM
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Posted by: Casca at December 30, 2004 06:13 PM (cdv3B)
Ask Paul McCartney, it was his band.
Posted by: Keith at December 30, 2004 11:30 PM (lRq/d)
That's SIR Paul to you, ya bloody commoner!
Perhaps they owed people money?
Posted by: Casca at December 31, 2004 07:18 AM (cdv3B)
i heard that the county judge held a grudge.
Posted by: annika at December 31, 2004 08:41 AM (bpSIb)
They were on the run, and then two band members quit because they were on the run. The decimated trio went on the run to Lagos, where reportedly the bass player in the band was nearly killed.
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at December 31, 2004 11:09 PM (k9zwi)
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December 29, 2004
Hannes Bergstroem's Story
The story of
how Hannes Bergstroem was found really got to me.

A 2-year-old boy who was found dazed and alone on a roadside in the wasteland of a tsunami-devastated Thai resort was reunited Tuesday with his uncle, who spotted the child's picture on the Internet.
The boy, identified by his uncle as Hannes Bergstroem, was found Sunday night on a road in Phang Nga province near the beach resort of Khao Lak, about 60 miles from the island of Phuket. He was taken to Phuket International Hospital where the staff posted pictures of the blond-haired boy with red spots all over his face from mosquito bites on its Web site on Monday. They also published his photo in a local newspaper.
. . .
A man, who identified himself only as Jim, told the Associated Press on Tuesday in a telephone interview that he found his nephew after he saw his picture on the Web.
'When I saw Hannes on the Internet, I booked an air ticket to come here in less than five hours,' said Jim, who rushed to the Phuket hospital on Tuesday from Chonburi province in Thailand, hours away from Phuket, where he was staying. 'This is a miracle, the biggest thing that could happen.'
Hospital staff said the boy had been babbling but workers did not know what language he was speaking They thought he might be Swedish because he was enthusiastic when a man spoke Swedish to him.
Little Hannes was
reunited with his father today. That's them in the heartbreaking picture above.
On Wednesday, a Swedish toddler, Hannes Bergstroem, was reunited with his injured father at a Thai hospital, days after being found wandering alone in the wreckage. The 2-year-old's uncle had spotted the child's photo posted on the Web by another hospital and claimed him Tuesday, setting up the reunion with Hannes' father, Marko Karkkainen.
But Hannes' mother, Suzanne Bergstroem, was still among some 5,000 people missing in Thailand.
Posted by: annika at
07:29 PM
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It got to me too. I also have a two-year-old boy.
Posted by: David Boxenhorn at December 30, 2004 08:04 AM (kZ9/D)
Posted by: MARILOU C. ONG at February 25, 2005 06:13 AM (XiJoD)
it was so sad and i prayed for him
Posted by: bianca olmberg at April 08, 2005 08:59 PM (uKMyw)
y realy sorry for this tragedy and sow much love for your son
Posted by: diego at May 16, 2005 02:36 PM (DfZMG)
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Wednesday Is Poetry Day
Here is a poem by a third grader in Tempe Arizona named
Michelle, who happens to be a very gifted poet. This poem, written in January 2004 is a fine example.
The Tsunami
I silently aim
towards the land where I'll pour
I send myself to the city
Here comes the crash that I hate
I brush the sand
I cover and say goodbye
to the homes, buildings and cars
I sink back in the ocean
and offer thanks to the earthquake
Michelle introduces her poems by saying: "These are the poems I have been making. I hope you like them. I am in the third grade. My poems don't rhyme."
How sweet. Honey, don't worry about the rhymes. i think they're wonderful. Keep writing, Michelle.
P.S. Another sad note: i just heard that Jerry Orbach passed away. So weird that i just wrote that poem about him. i didn't even know he was sick until i read Matt's comment.
Dawn Summers (guest posting at Alarming News) has a personal remembrance.
Posted by: annika at
12:01 AM
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Well I have a silly resolution to stop wasting time watching law & order reruns. Now with Jerry's passing it seems fittimg to carry on with that.
Posted by: Matt at December 29, 2004 06:50 PM (9lWXc)
Oh, and I think my little brother went to that very elementary school a few years back. You are right, Michelle's poems are fun to read so anyone reading this comment should go read them, it's a nice lil' break. especially "there's a clever fox inside me"
Posted by: Scof at December 29, 2004 06:53 PM (9lWXc)
Speaking of Tsunamis, the Buckeyes are KICKING ASS!!!
Posted by: Casca at December 29, 2004 07:37 PM (cdv3B)
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December 28, 2004
Useless Health Blogging
Can you get a stye in your lip?
Would that be called a slip?
Do squids have lips?
Posted by: annika at
09:50 PM
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thx for my x-mas prezz... heee... i just got it... that's how long it took me to open my msn...haa... sorry... have a wonderful day! ..
Posted by: maizzy at December 29, 2004 05:54 AM (NgODS)
With deepest apologies to Langston...
What happens to a scrote de-spermed?
Does it dry up
like the tits of an old nun?
Or groan like a whore--
and then run?
Does it stink like Britney's feet?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
(beware the scrotumnal equinox)
Posted by: Kevin Kim at December 29, 2004 07:37 AM (4uHYC)
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Useless Ice Cream Blogging
Dreyer's now makes an excellent
spumoni flavor.
excellent spumoni flavor.
Posted by: annika at
09:09 PM
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Y'know, I've said "spumoni" to myself about half a dozen times now, and it still doesn't sound any more appetizing.
Posted by: Christopher Cross at December 28, 2004 11:14 PM (ruAMg)
Spumoni, bleeeeeeeeech! I'd rather lick the bottom of your mouse, or your bottom for that matter. Try the Safeway Select Butterfinger flavor. I could do the Howard Hughes thing, and live on it exclusively. BTW, does that fucking fruit gilbert grape do that part of the bio in the movie?
Posted by: Casca at December 29, 2004 03:36 PM (cdv3B)
Spaghetti ice cream, anyone?
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at December 31, 2004 11:10 PM (k9zwi)
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Useless Parental Blogging
To my dad, great comedy = Jeeves and Wooster.
To my mom, great comedy = Dumb and Dumber.
How they ever got together i'll never know.
Posted by: annika at
09:05 PM
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me= Meet Wally Sparks , wife= effminate english men gaffawing with peanut brittle dry senses of humor.
Posted by: joey the nose at December 29, 2004 07:28 AM (dO3Ek)
I've got Jeeves & Wooster on DVD. I KNEW I liked pops.
Posted by: Casca at December 29, 2004 03:38 PM (cdv3B)
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Useless TV Blogging
Tonight i happened to watch a replay of Kiki Kourik asking Hilery Clinton twenty questions on CNBC. i only saw about thirty seconds of that love fest but it was enough...
i think my brain has now been permanently fucking damaged.
Where's a gun?
i want you to kill me.
Kill me...
kill me
Posted by: annika at
08:42 PM
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I've gotten to the point where I don't allow Hillary's name to be spoken in my house...I guess the fact that I just typed it doesn't count...
Posted by: spydrz at December 28, 2004 08:52 PM (Daf7X)
Does Dreyers have
Devil in a blue dress flavor?
Posted by: d-rod at December 28, 2004 10:37 PM (s/oh4)
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Useless Mouse Blogging
Of what substance is the crusty black shit that collects on a mousepad and on the bottom of a mouse made of? It's hella gross.
Posted by: annika at
12:41 PM
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Lint, bits of sandwiches, eye boogers, and assorted other gross shit.
Posted by: joey the nose at December 28, 2004 01:15 PM (dO3Ek)
And not just EYE boogers! Put an optical mouse on your wish list.
Posted by: Casca at December 28, 2004 04:37 PM (cdv3B)
It's dirt. That's all, just dirt...mostly from your hands. An optical mouse will also get dirty at the teflon pads on the bottom.
Posted by: Victor at December 28, 2004 06:38 PM (etHvD)
I'm sticking with boogers, mwahahahaha! With the optical you won't notice.
Posted by: Casca at December 28, 2004 07:24 PM (cdv3B)
i use optical mouses exclusively. the gook collects on the four feet of the mouse anyway.
Posted by: annika at December 28, 2004 08:16 PM (46l3T)
Then refrain from nosepicking while blogging.
Posted by: Casca at December 28, 2004 08:30 PM (cdv3B)
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Useless Sandwich Blogging
i honestly don't see how Subway can stay in business with Quizno's out there.
Posted by: annika at
12:38 PM
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On nutrition: comparatively, the Quizno's sandwiches are way fattier and loaded with nutritional nasties.
That's the only reason why, because Quizno's is so much better.
Posted by: candy girl at December 28, 2004 12:41 PM (AIQSK)
Posted by: annika at December 28, 2004 12:43 PM (zAOEU)
Quizno's is way better. Subway leaves a lot to be desired.
I've noticed Subways are beginning to install toasters in their shops. Most likely in response to Quizno's.
Posted by: Jonathan at December 28, 2004 01:22 PM (iIEgQ)
I have to drive by the Subway World Headquarters on the way to and from work every day. I think really bad driving is a job requirement. I don't go there because if they can't manage to navigate the turn into the driveway how can the possible make a decent sandwich.
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at December 28, 2004 07:53 PM (U3CvV)
Quiznos loses the essential advertising battle with their lame and obnoxious commercials. I think they hired the Burger King agency.
Posted by: Ted at December 29, 2004 06:18 AM (blNMI)
Apparently, Burger King was hoping to attract the customers who would enjoy an oddly costumed stranger showing up in bed.
Posted by: Jonathan at December 29, 2004 03:32 PM (iIEgQ)
Real simple how Subways stays in business. They are Open. I will never enter another Quiznos after the one and only time I tried to order a sub. I entered the store at 8:15PM on a Friday night, looked at the menu for a few minutes. I waited another few minutes before I was told that the store was closed. It wasn't even 8:30...and the door was still open and unlocked. When I drove by a half hour later (after stopping at a Subways) the Quiznos still appeared to be open. Never again. (And this story gets told EVERY time some ones asks me about Quiznos.)
Posted by: Aldo at December 30, 2004 11:39 PM (I/h9q)
Women, you tell me - does Jared have magnetic sex appeal?
Posted by: Ontario Emperor at December 31, 2004 11:12 PM (k9zwi)
Posted by: annika at January 07, 2005 07:52 AM (AQeNA)
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December 27, 2004
Paternal Super Bowl Pick
My dad picks Pittsburgh to go all the way this year. Who am i to go against the old man? But i'm not so sure.
Posted by: annika at
11:27 PM
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All skill is in vain if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket, but that's the way to bet.
Posted by: Casca at December 28, 2004 07:37 AM (GYhBA)
Their on a mission from God.
Posted by: Michael C at December 28, 2004 11:51 AM (yAKj9)
Look at it this way: A few former and current Steelers campaigned for or supported Pre Bush( Lynn Swan, Franco Harris, Jerome Bettis) and he won. But then again I am biased!
Posted by: lawguy at December 28, 2004 07:53 PM (NNxWH)
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December 23, 2004
Finals Update
Finals are done. Overall i feel good about it. i tried to avoid the extensive post-mortems that everybody warned me about. i'm just glad they're over and i can relax for a few weeks until grades come out and we start all over again. Yesterday's test was property and i think i really nailed that exam, despite it being such a huge subject.
Afterwards there was much drinking and merriment. We hit the local law school hangout and the night included loud music of course, lots of beer, a few white russians which i made the b/f buy me, some pool, some smoking, more heavy drinking, and a heated but good-natured debate about the relative merits of Divac versus Osterslug at the center position.
Charissa and i are driving to L.A. this morning so Mike drove us home early. i was stinky drunk. We lost track of my roommate Colleen halfway through the night and were a little worried when she wouldn't answer her phone. But we figured she was okay after we saw a strange car in our driveway. As we stumbled towards the door, we also found this on the lawn. i took a picture to preserve the evidence and also because i was stinky drunk.
My environment was beginning to spin, so i went straight to bed. Early this morning, when Charissa got up to make coffee she was greeted by more evidence in the kitchen. Ho ho ho! Way to go Colleen!
What do you do when you find something like that? There are two options: One, pretend you didn't notice and maintain secrecy so as to preserve everyone's dignity. Or two, call attention to it in a way that will maximize embarrassment for the guilty parties. Charissa and i discussed the matter and, quite predictably, we chose option two.
Oh that gossip mill is going to be on fire next semester!
Alright, it's already late and we should have left an hour ago. i wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas in case i don't post before then. May Santa be good to you all! Ho ho ho!
Posted by: annika at
09:08 AM
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congratulations girl. on finishing and on not being so stinky as to leave your stinky feet all over. oh! and for drinking white russians. those are my favorite.
Posted by: candy girl at December 23, 2004 11:01 AM (AIQSK)
I call them Caucasians.
Posted by: dude-rod at December 23, 2004 11:33 AM (CSRmO)
Congrats, Annika! And Merry Christmas!
And dude-rod, as a White Russian myself, in multiple senses, I would object to that change of terminology. :-p
Posted by: Dave J at December 23, 2004 03:23 PM (CYpG7)
"All The Dude ever wanted was his rug back".
Posted by: Casca at December 23, 2004 06:49 PM (cdv3B)
Congrats on finishing your finals.
Your instincts on getting so drunk that sex was impossible was a good one.
Merry Christmas.
Posted by: Jake at December 23, 2004 07:22 PM (r/5D/)
Congrats on the finals. posts on being stinky drunk and quoting isiah...that's why we keep coming back
Posted by: Scof at December 23, 2004 08:08 PM (9lWXc)
Posted by: shelly at December 24, 2004 02:28 AM (fLlQ8)
Broads shoudnt be lawyers! Shoudnt vote eether!
Posted by: Um Yeah at December 24, 2004 06:48 AM (7XTy8)
Hey Um Yeah:
Would it be OK for broads to learn grammar and spelling, or should they be like you?
Posted by: shelly at December 24, 2004 09:23 PM (6krEN)
i dont care what you do just stay on your knees!
Posted by: Um Yeah at December 25, 2004 07:18 AM (7XTy8)
Merry Christmas, Annika! And congratulations on finishing your finals.
Posted by: Leah at December 25, 2004 03:59 PM (0t3Sb)
congrats on finals... and i am wishing you a happy merry x-mas!!!
wow!! crazy party time... goodness... heee... fun!!
Posted by: maizzy at December 25, 2004 04:20 PM (NgODS)
Merry Christmas, Annika!
Posted by: Tuning Spork at December 25, 2004 08:00 PM (f/+LY)
Wow. I'd almost forgotten that, for some people (maybe most people), there's actually a social aspect to law school. After
my last final I always went straight home to bed, so I could get up the next morning and go to work! Quite a contrast! LOL
Congrats, Annie. It's all downhill from here.
Posted by: Matt at December 27, 2004 05:38 AM (SIlfx)
Congratulations on completing yet another semester. Yay!
Posted by: Ron at December 27, 2004 10:04 AM (U0SAC)
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December 22, 2004
Exams Are Over
Let the drinking begin!
Posted by: annika at
06:03 PM
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Post contains 10 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: Hugo at December 22, 2004 10:47 PM (SbPve)
You know, you could've slammed a beer in the time it took you to write that post.
Posted by: Victor and his seventeen pet rats at December 23, 2004 08:06 AM (L3qPK)
Even though I gradeeated thirteen years ago, I remember well both the stress of exams and the exhuberance of finishing 'em. Congrats! And if you can read this comment, you're not drunk enough yet.
Posted by: Robert the Llama Butcher at December 23, 2004 08:28 AM (XBUdh)
Well, you made it.
Reminder: Next year, work to death; third year, bore to death.
We fully expect a listing of grades, by subject, so that we can make meaningless judgments about what you should do after law school.
Cal should crunch Tech. Twelve points is not enough; lay the points. Same with USC over Oklahoma, except that Lendell White has a sprained ankle, but is recovering.
Posted by: shelly at December 23, 2004 08:51 AM (fLlQ8)
Amen, and congratulations, Annika.
Today is my first real, un-encumbered day off in nearly a year. My wife's at work, and I have a gloriously empty day ahead of me.
So, what am I doing? Sitting in one of Austin's best dive coffee bars, having big mugs of hot joe with numerous sides of Irish Whiskey.
Merry Christmas, Annika.
Posted by: Robbie at December 23, 2004 08:59 AM (aWOVQ)
Congrats on completing your exams!
I hated finals in law school. Yes, hated. The grading curve was a sham, some profs were compelled to protect the G.P.A.s of the law review brigade, and it all seemed like more work than it was worth.
I should have went to art school.
Posted by: Mark, J.D. at December 24, 2004 08:01 PM (l1juy)
Posted by: Um Yeah at December 25, 2004 07:41 AM (7XTy8)
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Poetry Wednesday
The most poetic Bible translation is, i think, the New International Version. I don't know anything about its accuracy, but the NIV sure has beautiful rhythm.
Here's Isaiah, chapter 40. Read it as if it were a poem, listen to the meter, and you'll see what i mean. Feel the beauty and power in these words of prophesy, whose fulfillment we Christians celebrate this-coming Saturday.
Comfort, comfort my people,
says your God.
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
and proclaim to her
that her hard service has been completed,
that her sin has been paid for,
that she has received from the Lord's hand
double for all her sins.
A voice of one calling:
"In the desert prepare
the way for the Lord;
make straight in the wilderness
a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be raised up,
every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
and all mankind together will see it.
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken."
A voice says, "Cry out."
And I said, "What shall I cry?"
"All men are like grass,
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
because the breath of the Lord blows on them.
Surely the people are grass.
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God stands forever."
You who bring good tidings to Zion,
go up on a high mountain.
You who bring good tidings to Jerusalem,
lift up your voice with a shout,
lift it up, do not be afraid;
say to the towns of Judah,
"Here is your God!"
See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power,
and his arm rules for him.
See, his reward is with him,
and his recompense accompanies him.
He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand,
or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?
Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket,
or weighed the mountains on the scales
and the hills in a balance?
Who has understood the mind of the Lord ,
or instructed him as his counselor?
Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him,
and who taught him the right way?
Who was it that taught him knowledge
or showed him the path of understanding?
Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket;
they are regarded as dust on the scales;
he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust.
Lebanon is not sufficient for altar fires,
nor its animals enough for burnt offerings.
Before him all the nations are as nothing;
they are regarded by him as worthless
and less than nothing.
To whom, then, will you compare God?
What image will you compare him to?
As for an idol, a craftsman casts it,
and a goldsmith overlays it with gold
and fashions silver chains for it.
A man too poor to present such an offering
selects wood that will not rot.
He looks for a skilled craftsman
to set up an idol that will not topple.
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
Has it not been told you from the beginning?
Have you not understood since the earth was founded?
He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,
and its people are like grasshoppers.
He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,
and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
He brings princes to naught
and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.
No sooner are they planted,
no sooner are they sown,
no sooner do they take root in the ground,
than he blows on them and they wither,
and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff.
"To whom will you compare me?
Or who is my equal?" says the Holy One.
Lift your eyes and look to the heavens:
Who created all these?
He who brings out the starry host one by one,
and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing.
Why do you say, O Jacob,
and complain, O Israel,
"My way is hidden from the Lord;
my cause is disregarded by my God?"
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Much as i love the poetry of the NIV, i can't read Isaiah 40 and not hear in my head the music of Händel's
Messiah Oratorio, set to the King James translation.
O thou that tellest good
tidings to Zion,
get thee up into the high mountain.
O thou that tellest good
tidings to Jerusalem,
lift up
thy voice
with strength;
lift it up,
be not afraid;
say unto the cities of Judah,
behold your God!
behold your God!
behold your God!
for thy light is come,
the glory of the Lord
is risen upon thee.
Posted by: annika at
12:01 AM
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Post contains 939 words, total size 5 kb.
Amen. Not many minutes ago I read Chaplain's account of the attack on Mosul, and I began to feel grief and sadness for these soldiers, and their families, and their comrades. I posted a prayer onto my blog, asking for comfort and strength and wisdom for our nation and for Iraq, and for comfort for myself. And I felt a bit better. Not quite willing to go to bed, I came over here, and read this comforting and beautiful verse. Thank you for posting this. Its a lovely poetry Wednesday.
Posted by: gcotharn at December 22, 2004 12:53 AM (6krEN)
I'll have to disagree with you on this one Annika. While this passage of the NIV is quite poetic, on the whole the King James Version is more poetic. How can you get much better than the whole bible written in the English of Shakespeare? It practically drips iambic pentameter. It might be a little hard for some people to get because of some of the anitquated lanuage, but I think it sounds better to the ear when read aloud.
Posted by: The Maximum Leader at December 22, 2004 05:43 AM (jmfvP)
That's why i posted the excerpt from Messiah, ML!
Posted by: annika at December 22, 2004 07:31 AM (OLclX)
Posted by: Dex at December 22, 2004 07:59 AM (kO17P)
I tend to be an NIV guy -- it's my evangelical side coming out. When I am feeling like a liberal Episcopalian, I run to the New Revised Standard Version. But in certain areas, the KJV is lovely.
I remember, long before I was a believer, seeing "Chariots of Fire" (my favorite film EVER) for the first time -- and in that picture, we get a sermon preached on the closing verses of Isaiah 40. When I did my fastest marathon, I had them written on my race bib.
Thanks, Annika.
Posted by: Hugo at December 22, 2004 01:16 PM (SbPve)
I love the NKJV, myself (much preferable to the butchering of the text that was supposed to produce the 'contemporary'
Message translation). In fact, that old language is one thing I really love about the Christmas season with its traditional prayers and hymns. Just love it.
Posted by: candy girl at December 22, 2004 01:50 PM (OFmdd)
Personally, I like the NKJV too.
But, y'know what? The meaning is there shining through whatever the translation.
Isaiah 9:2 "The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined."
Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Romeocat at December 22, 2004 04:27 PM (lVOFk)
Isaiah had a gift for poetic imagery, but it is worth considering that chapters 40 onward are believed to be written by other people. Chapter 45 has a reference to Cyrus who ruled Persia in 6 BC, centuries after the time of the other Isaiah of Jeruselem.
That the different chapters are probably the work of a number of men was not conceded by the church until around 1970.
Posted by: d-rod at December 23, 2004 11:23 AM (CSRmO)
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December 21, 2004
Has Anyone Seen Chuck Hagel Lately?
Really, where has he been? i haven't seen Specter either. Where can they be?
. . .
Oh never mind, i found 'em.
Posted by: annika at
01:21 AM
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Post contains 35 words, total size 1 kb.
Was that really called for? Shouldn't this picture at least include anal violation?
Posted by: Kin at December 21, 2004 07:39 AM (L0Jaw)
Yah, yah, yah...
As I often have to remind my more conservative friends, take away Specter, Hegel, Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, Lincoln Chaffee and John McCain, and what do you have? Harry Reid as Majority Leader, and every single Standing Committee and Subcommittee gavel goes to the D's.
Let's see, that means: Byrd chairs Appropriations; Levin, Armed Services; Biden, Foreign Relations; Leahy, (my favorite) Judiciary; etc.
I rest my case.
Posted by: shelly at December 21, 2004 07:51 AM (ywZa8)
Maybe they're partying with Terry McAuliffe??
Posted by: spydrz at December 21, 2004 11:08 AM (IDZWi)
Laura Ingraham does a great bit on "McHagar". As for the tyranny of the minority, it's time for a little blood in the streets. Shelly, they're on the wrong side of the demographics. No pain, no gain.
Posted by: Casca at December 21, 2004 09:36 PM (cdv3B)
Look, Casca:
I've been in the majority and I've been in the minority; I like the gavel better than the stick up my ass.
When Newt Gingrish pulled off the "Contract with America", life changed on the Hill.
As the Chair of the US Senator's Committee on the Selection of US District Court Judges in my district, for me,life suddenly went from begger to to Prince. It later went back to begger. I've lived with Orren Hatch as Chair of Judiciary, and I've lived with Leahy.
I would support the Devil himself, if he had a "R." after his name and it was the 51st vote. Everything changes; the gavels, the offices, the parking places, the numbers in the committees, the staff, and the power.
Do not be deluded; power is not the only thing, it is EVERYTHING. A lttle stint under Leahy would make you a believer, but I hope to Hell it never happens.
Meanwhile, like I said, I'd support the Devil himself, if he had a "R." after his name.
RINO? I love 'em. I sent checks this year to Arlen, Olympia, and to several others. Thune was my main man, but he is mainstream R. and we'll all be happy with him. I hope he is on Judicary.
Don't be a doctrinaire idiot; keep the power.
Posted by: shelly at December 21, 2004 11:18 PM (+7VNs)
What Shelly said. I couldn't add a single thing more.
Posted by: Dave J at December 22, 2004 07:23 AM (CYpG7)
Look, Shelly:
I am neither doctrinaire, or an idiot. However, had the forces of politicl nature been allowed to run their course unimpeded Specter would be saying his goodbyes, and someone akin to Santorum would be hiring staff.
As hard as it is to believe, you're not the only one who has participated in the political process in the last half century. Shit, of the two of us, I'd wager that I'm the one who has been publicly elected to office, been a legislative candidate, and run a couple of campaigns.
That Susan Collins should be battling Barbie Boxer for "Dumbest Bitch of the Senate", and forging national security policy is an abomination.
Political Science has laws that mirror the physical sciences, and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ronald Reagan would never have been elected without the nightmare of Jimmy Carter. RINO's simply hand one's thunder to the opposition, and lookout when the D's figure out how to run from the right ala Clinton.
Posted by: Casca at December 22, 2004 08:11 AM (cdv3B)
Um yeah, we still hold the majority of state governorships. Have fun grasping at straws.......Um kay
Posted by: reagan80 at December 22, 2004 08:17 AM (1UJfi)
Actually, although appointed (by RWR) I have held an elective office (Judge) and have won two contested elections, one for President of the largest voluntary bar in the United States, and one to the Board of Governors of my state bar association, which is a mandatory integrated bar which now has 198,000+ members.
I still know how to count, and despite the fact that doctrinaire appeals to some, it does not appeal to all. Me, I'll take smart every time, and I agree that Susan and Barbara are hard put for the title. But only because that nut case from Illinois got offed.
All that being said, I'll still vote for and support R's. If we ever get to sixty, I think you may join my thought process...even though it sets up other leverages for those weak in the knees. I just don't want another Jumpin' Jim to take us down.
Posted by: shelly at December 22, 2004 12:42 PM (fLlQ8)
The only thing I need from those aforementioned RINO's is their vote for majority leader. Otherwise they are pretty useless. I understand that some of them come from more liberal states, i.e Chaffee, Snowe, and Collins, but that doesn't explain McCain & Hagel. Both of them hail from very conservative states Arizona and Nebraska. McCain is making rumblings about running for President again. He better check himself because the GOP primary voters will swat him down again if he tries. He needs to learn how to be a team player.
Posted by: Allan Bartlett at December 22, 2004 04:55 PM (QUrzL)
"The only thing I need from those aforementioned RINO's is their vote for majority leader"
Outside of that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?
Posted by: shelly at December 23, 2004 08:37 AM (fLlQ8)
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Farewell Message To Bill Moyer
Bill Moyer is leaving PBS's stealth propaganda show
Now. And i'd like to say to him, if i could: "Good riddance you fucking hack."
He's being replaced by the aptly named David Bronchitis, another fucking hack. Nothing changes on PBS.
Posted by: annika at
12:51 AM
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Post contains 50 words, total size 1 kb.
PBS? dont watch much... bad of me... i know... but i do watch the british shows, nova & some good documentaries... about Bill i guess i'm not in the loop when it comes to him (do not know him)... heee...
Posted by: maizzy at December 21, 2004 05:34 AM (NgODS)
What did you expect? PBS survives off of inflated government spending. They need the Dems to prop them up, so naturally they are going to be rabidly against fiscal conservatives coming to(or staying in) power to cut off their tax-funded, financial gravy train.
I'm still waiting for Annika to make an entry discussing the "Smartest President" poll results.......
Posted by: Annika IS MY FATHER(aka reagan80) at December 21, 2004 04:00 PM (jdEr/)
Why are you being so nice in your comments about Bill the Shill?
Posted by: Mark at December 22, 2004 06:54 AM (oQofX)
Don't go away mad...just go away.
And, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...
Posted by: shelly at December 22, 2004 12:45 PM (fLlQ8)
Posted by: JOHN GOETTGE at July 05, 2005 05:01 PM (6krEN)
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December 20, 2004
Holiday Gift Advice For The Jazz Lover

Since both of my parents are big fans of traditional jazz, Derrick and i grew up hearing that music almost exclusively in the house. My listening tastes branched out when i got into high school, but now that i'm older, i find myself returning to the old standards more and more. i'm not an expert, but you might be surprised how many standards i can sing along to. And i probably have as many opinions on jazz as i do on popular music.
That's just my way of prefacing the following helpful hints for those visitors here who may have one or more jazz lovers on your gift giving list. Trust annika. i've built a pretty decent CD collection over the years and since the standards, by definition, never go out of style, i'd like to share some of my wisdom with you. Here are my recommendations from out of my own collection. i could never get tired of listening to any CD on this list.
Big Bands:
Kansas City, Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - i never saw the movie, but this disk is full of loud, hella fun big band horns. The one Kevin Mahogany vocal is a highlight.
Slide Hampton & The Jazz Masters, Dedicated To Diz - i saw this band in concert at San Francisco's Masonic Hall. There's a back and forth battle of the high note trumpeters on one song that knocked me out when i heard it live. It is my number one favorite CD of my entire collection.
The Best of Woody Herman & His Big Band, The Concord Years - This one features a trombone version of Round Midnight. Yes, trombone. But it's one of the best versions of that song i've heard.
Count Basie At Newport - Basie, live. What more do you need to know? The all-star appearances include Lester Young, Jo Jones, Roy Eldridge and one of my favorite vocalists, the late Joe Williams.
Small Combos:
John Coltrane, My Favorite Things - The title song is my favorite Coltrane tune.
The Best of Bill Evans Live on Verve - A great selection of very romantic and soft piano standards.
Johnny Griffin, The Little Giant - i heard 63rd Street Theme on the radio once and i was compelled to rush to the nearest music store for this CD. i was not sorry. Puts me in the mood of being in the big city on a cold wintry day, i don't know why.
Wynton Marsalis, Standard Time, Vol.3: The Resolution Of Romance - One of the first jazz CDs i ever bought. Very romantic stuff, and brings back some nice personal memories every time i listen to it.
Mack The Knife, Ella In Berlin - This classic jazz recording shows why Ella was and always will be the best, ever. She puts on a clinic.
Carmen McRae, Carmen Sings Monk - Another classic jazz CD. The only way i can remember the names to any of Monk's instrumentals is to think about Carmen singing the words.
Sammy Davis Jr., The Sounds Of 66 - Anyone who likes Sammy will absolutely love this live recording from the Sands Hotel's Copa Room.
Mel Tormé, The Great American Songbook: Live at Michael's Pub - i got a ton of Mel Tormé, but this is my favorite.
Compilations, etc:
Duke Ellington, Reminiscing in Tempo - This is a great intro to the music of America's best composer. Some of it's in mono, but one of the stereo songs is an eight minute version of Come Sunday by Mahalia Jackson that brings tears to my eyes.
Frank Sinatra Sings The Select Rodgers & Hart - Every song is a winner.
The Essential Dinah Washington - My mom and Dad wore out the grooves to their Dinah Washington records when i was a kid, so when i finally bought my own CD, it was this one.
All The Things You Are: The Jerome Kern Songbook - Lots of different artists here; mostly hits and a few misses. But Ella's version of All The Things You Are is so beautiful i have to recommend it for that alone.
Posted by: annika at
05:01 PM
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Post contains 706 words, total size 6 kb.
I love Big Band and swing.
Posted by: Ted at December 21, 2004 05:56 AM (blNMI)
As far as big band albums go, one of my personal favorites is a "Battle of the Bands" CD with Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw.
A contemporary big band you may find interesting is Mora's Modern Rhythmists, which plays '20s-style music. They're based down in So. Cal., so if you have the chance, you should check them out.
Posted by: Tony at December 21, 2004 09:40 AM (tjFjH)
Ahhhhhhhhhh. A post after my own heart. My dad was a jazz musician, too, til he got married and became a workin' man (thank God).
This being the season, may I recommend Vince Guiraldi's "A Charlie Brown Christmas"?
Posted by: ccwbass at December 21, 2004 12:07 PM (ULyMf)
ooh, I love Bill Evans. If you don't have Alone yet, check that one out.
Posted by: lorie at December 22, 2004 06:43 AM (PPPwU)
"Alone in San Francisco" by Thelonius Monk is my favorite jazz album of all time. As you may know, Monk was a difficult man (he had a brain tumor eating up his reason, day by day)and I read somewhere that they got him to make this album by luring him into a church where there was a piano and no people around, at least visibly. He played, they (invisibly) recorded, and we get to hear it.
Posted by: patrickhenry at December 22, 2004 11:45 AM (QrfwY)
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Armor Geddon
Don't believe chicks dig tanks? Go read
Redsix's latest installment of his Fallujah experience. It's all about firing that bad boy called the 120mm smoothbore. There's quite a few chicks in the comments section. i find myself looking forward to every new post by Lt. Prakash. Call it penis envy if you want, but chicks dig tanks.
Posted by: annika at
02:25 PM
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Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.
Perhaps it's just professional admiration for a long, hard thing.
Posted by: Casca at December 20, 2004 07:50 PM (cdv3B)
Go read it, it'll make your dick hard. Well sorta, it's army puke shit, and I don't care how cold you pussys are. It is too gay.
Posted by: Casca at December 20, 2004 08:20 PM (cdv3B)
It's penis envy!
(Guess I wanted.)
Posted by: Victor at December 21, 2004 04:46 AM (L3qPK)
First-- I dig this guy's blog. Great reading. I've obsessively read everything Wretchard and Command Post have written about Fallujah since last April. I'm a closet Fallujah-junkie.
Second-- If I was a chick, I would dig tanks. So I'm assuming lots of chicks really do dig tanks. Why? Some guesses:
In addition to the obvious "biggest gun"/phallic symbolism, a tank is a rolling sanctuary which fulfills the evolutionary desire for protection from bad things in the world. That's pretty hot.
And a tank is cutting edge fashionable. Also hot. Plus, one instinctively senses that the inside could be be decorated, accessorized, and personalized to some degree. Hot.
Plus plus, a tank comes equipped with virile and smoking hot tank operators. These guys fulfill the evolutionary desire to mate with the strongest male, increasing the chances of survival of the species. There's not a pot belly among these guys. They're as chivalrous as the day is long, and as randy as the night is young. Smmmmoooookkkkkiiinnnn HOT.
Plus plus plus, these guys come pre-equipped with fashion forward uniforms(!) AND cutting edge technologic accessories.
These guys are nothing less than Knights riding upon the biggest, baddest steeds in history. The steeds are also modern art advertisements for the virility and manhood(ahem) of their riders. How could any healthy, well-adjusted, red-blooded woman NOT love tanks, and all that that implies?
Posted by: gcotharn at December 21, 2004 10:49 AM (+7VNs)
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