February 18, 2004

Format Question

i'm considering removing the calendar from the sidebar. i never use it. I'm curious about whether any of you find it useful, and if so how. Either on your own blog or when visiting other MT blogs. Similarly, if you never use it, i'd like to know that too.

Update: The tribe has spoken. Kiss it goodbye.

Posted by: annika at 07:20 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

February 17, 2004

Satirical Political Test

Check out this "Humorous Political Party Quiz to Test If You're an Archconservative, Leftwing Wacko, Antigovernment Libertine or a Commie Sympathizer," to which i was alerted through the magic of e-mail.

Posted by: annika at 09:51 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Requiem For A Dean

A couple of good requiems for Howard Dean can be found here:

Danny O'Brien applies the five Kübler-Ross stages of Death to Howard Dean's campaign. Nice Job, D.

Matt at Blackfive goes Elton John on Howie. Pretty classic, Matt.

Posted by: annika at 04:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Sports Analogy

Howard Dean is the Dan Jansen of American politics. Remember Dan Jansen, the speed skater? He was supposed to win every race, but he kept falling down. He wouldn't quit, though.

Posted by: annika at 02:15 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Best Kerry Related One Liner That i Plan To Steal And Tell All My Co-Workers Tomorrow

Sometimes Kerry has simultaneous flashbacks to fighting in Vietnam and being a Vietnam War protestor, causing him to spit on himself.

Thanks, Frank.

Posted by: annika at 12:05 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 55 words, total size 1 kb.

February 16, 2004

Shameless Self Promotion

i did a cheesy thing. Maybe you've seen the new link on the sidebar. i opened up my own cafepress.com page. i know, i know, but it was so fun to design the stuff.

i didn't mention it until now because i was waiting for my annika's journal coffee mug to arrive. Now that i've seen the product, i am impressed. The mug came out much better than i had expected.

So now the annika's journal shop is open for business. Hey, if Kylie Minogue can sell panties with her lips all over them, i can offer you a mug to put your own lips on.

(Does this mean we'll be seeing Old Skool or Matt wearing the Kylie panties anytime soon?)

Posted by: annika at 11:22 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Civil Disobedience?

Question: Is there any difference between what Mayor Gavin Newsom is doing and what Judge Roy Moore did?

Answer: Yes. One is pursuing a liberal goal and will be hailed as a hero, while the other pursued a conservative goal and has been condemned to a lifetime of obloquy.

Update: Does Rush Limbaugh read my blog? He'd never admit it if he did. But he made the above point almost word for word during his third hour today.

Update 2: It never fails. Just when i think i've had an original thought, within a day or two i find out some other blogger has thought of it first. Ouch, just when i was starting to think i was all that.

Looks like Rod Dreher at The Corner made the Moore/Newsom connection a few hours before i did. i guess this means Rush probably didn't steal the idea from me.



DAMN You to hell.

Posted by: annika at 02:49 PM | Comments (35) | Add Comment
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Why i Can't Watch The Debates

i watched the democrats debate each other for three minutes and i had to turn it off. Never mind the lies and demagoguery, they offended me by their ignorance of history.

On the eve of Presidents Day, John Edwards said that three of our great wartime presidents had no military experience: Woodrow Wilson, FDR and Abraham Lincoln. Wrong. Abraham Lincoln was a captain in the Illinois militia during the Blackhawk War of 1832. He volunteered and served 90 days, which may seem short, but the war only lasted four months.

John Kerry, who's whole candidacy revolves around his military experience, said that Vietnam was our nation's longest war. Wrong. Vietnam was 1961 to 1975, fourteen years. Some historians date The Plains Indian Wars from the 1854 Grattan Massacre to Sitting Bull's surrender in 1881. That's twenty-seven years. Other historians might even extend it nine more years to 1890 and the Battle of Wounded Knee.

Other things bothered me too. i loved how Kerry said: "There's only one thing wrong with the Patriot Act. Two words: John Ashcroft." Well, i wonder how Mr. Kerry can explain why he voted for it then, since John Ashcroft was Attorney General at the time.

Then there's the tired old line about how the prescription drug benefit is only a way to give tax money to the drug companies and the HMOs. Somebody please explain to me how else that program is supposed to work. Instead of the money coming from the elderly, now it comes from the government. Somebody has to pay for the drugs. Did they expect the pharmaceutical companies to give the stuff away for free?

Update: Another excellent point at Blather Review.

Posted by: annika at 01:18 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 293 words, total size 2 kb.

February 15, 2004

Valentine's Day Update

Did you see the recent Gallup poll, which says that Republicans are more likely to be in love than Democrats? Who knew? i guess for the Dems, it's all about the sex.

As for myself, well, gee, i don't know. A few months ago i would have said no, definitely no. Now, i'm not too sure. Last night, a bit more was added to the yes side of my romance ledger by yours truly's significant other.

First thing we did was catch a matinee showing of The Return of the King. That was by my request. i wanted to see it one more time before the Oscars. It was my first time seeing it with Jason, and i promised myself i would not cry during the final act. But i did, silly sentimental me. i sobbed as usual. It was embarrassing; i got J's shoulder all wet.

Afterwards, we ate at an Italian place in Pasadena, which was way too crowded even though it was still early. We had a nice dinner and exchanged gifts. He gave me a bracelet, which is just beautiful. The gems aren't real of course, but i don't mind. i can't help it if my birthstones are so expensive. i bought him a fountain pen.

Afterwards, we strolled through Old Pasadena. We went into a cigar store just for the smell, and almost bought a couple of stogies. i resisted the temptation to go into Barnes & Noble. We walked through the Banana Republic and the Pottery Barn, and all the while we kept each other laughing with witty repartee.

We arrived at another overcrowded bar that i wanted to go into. We looked at the line outside and Jason said, "this sucks, I have a better idea." He led me back to his car but refused to tell me where we were going. Finally i realized why he wanted to have our Valentine's date in Pasadena: he'd bought tickets to the Pasadena Jazz Institute's Coltrane tribute. What a surprise! Jason's not a jazz fan, but he must have noticed the stack of Coltrane CDs in my room. That was so thoughtful of him. i enjoyed the show a lot. i hope J did too, but i'm afraid some of that music can be an acquired taste.

There was a little bit of juvenile hand holding and giggling too, which can be fun. Jason is actually a very charming, decent and nice guy. My opinion of him when we first met wasn't awful, but i did think he was something of a player. Now that we know each other better, i see him differently and i'm impressed. So all in all i had a very romantic time yesterday. Definitely one of my nicer Valentine's Days. After Colby and Tommy and Pete, i think deserve a nice one.

Posted by: annika at 01:12 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 478 words, total size 3 kb.

February 14, 2004

Be My Valentine


Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, my wonderful visitors! May Cupid be good to you all. Don't eat too much chocolate.

Love, annie.

Posted by: annika at 01:40 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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February 13, 2004

Kerry Takes Page From Clinton Playbook

Remember when President Clinton decided, soon after the Lewinsky scandal broke, that admitting the truth might hurt him, so he told Dick Morris "I guess we'll just have to win then."

It looks like Kerry has decided to do the same thing. i really can't blame him. i mean, Clinton did win in the end, didn't he? The country lost, but Clinton beat the rap.

Via brainstorming, this Reuters story:

U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry on Friday denied a report that he had had an extramarital affair with a young woman.

Asked about the report by Internet Web site operator Matt Drudge, Kerry told reporters on his campaign: 'I just deny it categorically. It's rumor. It's untrue. Period.'

After denying the report, Kerry added: 'And that's the last time I intend to.'

Drudge, who broke the Monica Lewinsky scandal involving former President Bill Clinton, on Thursday said Kerry had had a two-year relationship, beginning in early 2001, with a young woman who had since left the country.

As Kerry himself said, "Bring . . . it . . . on."

Emperor Misha still has the best take on this whole sad mess:

[W]e won't know the truth until Jean-Pierre Kerry stops 'stonewalling' and releases all the records of every single sexual encounter he's had for the last 30 years complete with DNA samples, pictures and audio recordings, not to mention affidavits from his partners, notarized and in triplicate. Until then, we must assume he's guilty. Isn't that how it goes nowadays?

Posted by: annika at 07:56 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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February 12, 2004

Elemental annika

i think it may be a sign of something when my blog makes the periodic table of elements. A sign of what, i don't know. But apparently i have a new elemental symbol: Na. It's on the Humbug blogroll which takes the form of a Periodic Table.

Now on the one hand, i should be flattered that i'm to be found where Einsteinium or Fermium might normally be on the real table. Bottom row of the actinide series, which would make me one of the rare earths. That sounds flattering, except Humbug has labelled that row the "obscuroid series," which doesn't sound too good.

There's no indication of my atomic number, so i'm calling "100," because it's such a nice round number.

Scorebard has a pretty cool design going, too. i like the tab navigation and i dig the baseball poetry.

Posted by: annika at 07:36 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Ihrem Ende Eilen Sie Zu . . .

. . . die so stark in Bestehen sich wähnen.

This new Kerry scandal allegation just hit my ears. My first thought is that it doesn't matter, we've been through presidential candidate sex scandals before and we're beyond that now.

On the other hand, since we've been through it already, why would we want to go through it again? No matter what side of the Starr/Clinton fight you were on, you have to agree that it hamstrung the former president during his second term, making him largely innefective in office. That's arguably not good no matter what party you are from.

The Kerry news is cited as the reason Clark stepped back from endorsing Kerry and why Dean has not yet pulled out.

. . . Fast schäm' ich mich, mit ihnen zu schaffen.

i also heard on Medved's show that the new Kerry scandal arose from an investigation done by former Gore and Clark advisor Chris Lehane. i suggested earlier that Lehane's backbiting tactics would come back to haunt the Democrats, and that appears to now be the case. Although i'm skeptical whether this scandal will have legs, i'm also hopeful that it will indeed hasten them to their end.

Update: So far, outside the blogosphere, nobody but Drudge and talk radio will touch this story yet.

Update 2: It's simply hilarious how the old media refuses to mention this story. Do they really think they can ignore the blogosphere? Their arrogance is amazing.

On CNN, Aaron Brown went through tomorrow's newspaper front pages from around the world. He skipped the National Enquirer's, of course, even though i seem to remember him holding up the Weekly World News in the past.

It's not that CNN is reluctant to go with the story because they don't want to publish unconfirmed scurrilous rumors. No, it can't be that, because while i was watching and waiting for someone to mention the Kerry story, i saw them promote an upcoming interview segment dealing with the scurrilous and unsubstantiated rumor that Bush paid for some chick's abortion.

It reminds me of how the L.A. Times published every thin rumor they could about Schwarzenegger, while ignoring the story about Davis's physical and verbal abuse of his female staffers. It all depends on who's side the subject of the rumor is on.

Lou Dobbs pointed to the following curiously timed poll question for tonight's audience: "Do you believe that personal and private matters should be left entirely out of presidential politics?" ("No" is winning by almost two to one.) It's interesting that this sort of subtle push poll question would come out tonight.

Even Bill O'Reilly wouldn't discuss the story, although he made mention of certain "rumors circulating on the internet," in order to instruct his guest not to talk about them. Well, we all know how Bill feels about the blogosphere. His Talking Points was a plea to leave the past alone in presidential campaigning. Presumably, that would leave Bill open to talk about Kerry's present affair, if and when he and the rest of the old media deign to pronounce the subject "newsworthy."

Update 3: Question to the old media: If we don't deserve to know about Kerry's sexual habits because it's just about sex and it's irrelevant, then why the 24 hour wall to wall coverage of Janet's boob? Last i heard, Janet was not trying to be elected leader of the free world.

Posted by: annika at 01:50 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 587 words, total size 4 kb.

Norman Update

As i was walking through the lobby just now, Norman smiled at me and said "hey you." i smiled and said "hi," and kept walking. Then he said, "what's going on?" i said, "huh?" and kept walking. i had a stack of papers in my hand because, as usual, i was busy working. i don't have time to stand at the receptionist desk and shoot the shit, like he apparently has time to do. Then he asked, "are you ignoring me?" My response to that question was to ignore him and keep walking.

i feel like everybody in the firm knows he likes me and half of them think we're some sort of item, which boggles my mind. Enough with the knowing smiles, already. What has he been saying to them? i know i sound like a bitch, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult not to be rude.

Posted by: annika at 12:36 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 153 words, total size 1 kb.

"Bush And I Were Lieutenants"

Read this letter to the editor published in the Washington Times, written by Col. William Campenni (ret.), who served in the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Texas Air National Guard from 1970 to 1971. It hits all the points and i must say, it confirms some of what i wrote in my F-102 post of February 5, 2004.

The key quotes, from my point of view are this one:

The mission of the 147th Fighter Group and its subordinate 111th FIS, Texas ANG, and the airplane it possessed, the F-102, was air defense. It was focused on defending the continental United States from Soviet nuclear bombers. The F-102 could not drop bombs and would have been useless in Vietnam. A pilot program using ANG volunteer pilots in F-102s (called Palace Alert) was scrapped quickly after the airplane proved to be unsuitable to the war effort. Ironically, Lt. Bush did inquire about this program but was advised by an ANG supervisor (Maj. Maurice Udell, retired) that he did not have the desired experience (500 hours) at the time and that the program was winding down and not accepting more volunteers.
and this one:
The Bush critics do not comprehend the dangers of fighter aviation at any time or place, in Vietnam or at home, when they say other such pilots were risking their lives or even dying while Lt. Bush was in Texas. Our Texas ANG unit lost several planes right there in Houston during Lt. Bush's tenure, with fatalities. Just strapping on one of those obsolescing F-102s was risking one's life.
and also:
[T]he Kerrys, Moores and McAuliffes are casting a terrible slander on those who served in the Guard, then and now. . . . In the Cold War, the air defense of the United States was borne primarily by the Air National Guard, by such people as Lt. Bush and me and a lot of others. Six of those with whom I served in those years never made their 30th birthdays because they died in crashes flying air-defense missions.

While most of America was sleeping and Mr. Kerry was playing antiwar games with Hanoi Jane Fonda, we were answering 3 a.m. scrambles for who knows what inbound threat over the Canadian subarctic, the cold North Atlantic and the shark-filled Gulf of Mexico.

Link thanks to Prof. Hewitt.

Posted by: annika at 11:19 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 392 words, total size 3 kb.

Crappy Microsoft

i heard on the news that Microsoft has a new patch that will cure some sort of security flaw in the computer that might allow someone to access and take control of my computer! They said it was critical to update with the patch and that it should be done immediately.

That sounded pretty scary and the fact that they were so vague about the vulnerability made me think that there were bad people out there actively looking for foolish computer users who hadn't downloaded the patch "immediately."

So i went to the Microsoft site and downloaded the thing. It went okay, but they didn't warn me that it would take all fucking night to load! i asked my dad the other day when he thought computers might be perfected and he said "when there's no more Microsoft."

Posted by: annika at 01:22 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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February 09, 2004

Annoying New Subspecies Discovered

Homo Sapiens Gigantostalkersaurus Rex. King of the giant stalking lizards.

Dude, you're huge. Dude, i can smell your b.o. Dude, your farts fucking linger twenty minutes after you leave the room.

Dude, stop bothering me while i'm trying to work. Dude, if you stand by my cubicle and want to "just say hi," and i refuse to make eye contact, and i keep typing while you talk about total bullshit, which i don't care about, that means i'm busy. There's a good chance that it also means i don't like you.

No, i don't like you like you either.

Dude, i know Valentine's day is coming up. Don't even think about it. If you slither anywhere near me on that day, i'll hurt you.

More: The thing that really creeps me out about Gigantostalkersaurus Rex, now that i think of it, is a little story he told me when he first started working here. This was back when everybody was being polite to the new temp, before he earned his nickname Norman. As in Norman Bates.

i had the misfortune of standing at the copier waiting for Norman to finish with a copy job one morning and we got on the subject of hiking. i like to hike. Seems Norman also likes to hike. i told him about a recent excursion i'd made up north of S.F., and how beautiful the country was up there.

That's when he shared the fact that he likes to go hiking alone. He also shared how much he loves frogs. At that moment i thought to myself: how interesting, because you resemble a frog so terribly much.

One time, when Norman was hiking in the hills all by himself he spied a muddy waterhole populated by a couple of his favorite ribbity friends. He was so happy to see them, he told me, that he "tore off all his clothes and jumped right in the mud with the frogs!"

i shit you not. The freak actually said that to me. i still can't figure out why anyone would admit that, but he did.

At that moment i decided to illuminate the "Warning, Weirdo Alert" siren in my head and take evasive manuevers. Picking up my own copy job, i made some excuse about needing to check my phone messages or something and retreated the fuck outta there.

That was about three months ago. i've been avoiding him ever since, but unfortunately he seems to think i'm playing hard to get.

Blech! Blech!

Posted by: annika at 12:09 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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The Clinton Effect

Two Houston middle school students caught in flagrante delicto.

There were five students total in the classroom at the time. They were in a class that was supposed to be under constant adult supervision, but when the teacher left, two of those students allegedly started doing something that has no place inside a school.

. . .

When an adult finally came back, two kids were allegedly having oral sex.

. . .

'They should punish, whatever they need to do, as far as the person that's involved in the situation,' said parent Patricia Western. 'That's outrageÂ… Very outraged that it would take place in a school.'

You know, really, what's the big deal? As long as they're doing their homework, it's really nobody's business, right?

Posted by: annika at 02:38 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 130 words, total size 1 kb.

Idiot Alert

Fail me once, shame on you.

Fail me twice, shame on me.

Fail me forty-seven times, shame on the California Bar examiners . . .

Would you hire this lawyer?

And what does this idiot intend to do now?

He wants to challenge laws denying ex-felons the right to vote. He hopes to file a class-action suit in the next six months.
My dad was right. There's too many damn lawyers in this state.

Posted by: annika at 01:18 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 76 words, total size 1 kb.

February 08, 2004

Kevin Kim Is Insane

Seriously, wonderfully, deliciously, off the fucking deep end, insane.

Posted by: annika at 10:37 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 17 words, total size 1 kb.

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