September 15, 2004

Where's My Check?

Rather says:

. . . powerful and extremely well-financed forces are concentrating on questions about the documents because they canÂ’t deny the fundamental truth of the story . . .
i agree i'm powerful, but where's my money?

Have you e-mailed CBS News Today?

Posted by: annika at 02:16 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 48 words, total size 1 kb.

Wednesday Is Poetry Day

Here's a good poem for first year law students, like me:


Even though the house is deeply silent
and the room, with no moon,
is perfectly dark,
even though the body is a sack of exhaustion
inert on the bed,

someone inside me will not
get off his tricycle,
will not stop tracing the same tight circle
on the same green threadbare carpet.

It makes no difference whether I lie
staring at the ceiling
or pace the living-room floor,
he keeps on making his furious rounds,
little pedaler in his frenzy,
my own worst enemy, my oldest friend.

What is there to do but close my eyes
and watch him circling the night,
schoolboy in an ill-fitting jacket,
leaning forward, his cap on backwards,
wringing the handlebars,
maintaining a certain speed?

Does anything exist at this hour
in this nest of dark rooms
but the spectacle of him
and the hope that before dawn
I can lift out some curious detail
that will carry me off to sleep--
the watch that encircles his pale wrist,
the expandable band,
the tiny hands that keep pointing this way and that.

By poet laureate of 2001 - 2003, Billy Collins.

Posted by: annika at 07:35 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 206 words, total size 1 kb.

September 14, 2004

Realize Your Womanly Qualities Through Better Handwriting

So when Sister Mary Margarita kept smacking my knuckles with that ruler in first grade, she was really only trying to help me fully realize my womanly qualities.

The "top" expert who examined CBS and Dan Rather's forged documents -- the only document expert they have identified, who has said that he cannot authenticate the memos without examining the originals, who never saw any originals because even CBS doesn't have the originals, and who has since been told by CBS to stop talking to the media -- is not even an expert on the very issues that prove the documents are forgeries.

[I]n a 1995 California court deposition obtained by The Post, Matley acknowledged that he had no formal training in a document lab, in identification of papers, inks or "machines, typewriters, photocopies." He also acknowledged he'd had no training from the U.S. Secret Service, FBI, U.S. Army, California Department of Justice or any other law-enforcement body.
Instead he's apparently some sort of New Age handwriting guru.

Have you emailed CBS News today?

Posted by: annika at 09:40 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 185 words, total size 1 kb.

September 13, 2004

The Return Of annika's Picks

Yes, it's that time of year again. annika's Monday Night Football Picks is back in da house.

Tonight, Carolina hosts the Packers, and Carolina is favored by three points, according to

Tough pick, but i gotta go with Green Bay. Favre is getting slower, but he's not done yet. And Ahman Green is simply awesome. Spot these guys three points and i'm going to take that bet.

Posted by: annika at 12:21 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 78 words, total size 1 kb.

"But These Go To Eleven"

Does it make you mad that Dan Rather and CBS still insist that the Microsoft Word created forgery is not a forgery? Does it make you mad that they think they can so easily lie to America and get away with it?

Look at this animated gif file, created by the folks at Little Green Footballs, showing the CBS forgery and a Word document that you can create for yourself in just a few minutes.* As you can see, they are identical.


Now here's a detailed post at The Shape of Days, which shows the unsuccessful attempt to reproduce the memo on an early 70's IBM Selectric Composer, a typewriter that featured superscript and proportional font capabilities. The most interesting information is at the bottom of the post, regarding the difficulty in centering text on a 70's era machine.

[C]entering type is hard on the Selectric Composer. Two of the memos, May 4 and August 1, 1972, feature a three-line centered head. Each of those lines of type had to be centered by measuring it carefully, doing some math, then advancing the carrier to just the right point on the page. The margin for error would be pretty wide because type can be off by a few points in either direction and still look pretty well centered. It wouldn't be objectionable unless you went looking for it. So it wasn't necessary for Lt. Col. Killian — or his typist — to be millimeter-precise.

And yet Â… he was.

Contrast that with the ease and duplicability of the same task using Microsoft Word.

If Rather and CBS News are not liars and crooks, then they are morons and incompetents. Either way, their attempt to slander the President and to influence an election during wartime is so despicable that i think it's almost treasonous.

It takes only two seconds to click on the "Contact Us" link at CBS's website and demand that 1) Dan Rather resign and 2) CBS disclose who gave them the forged documents. If you have already done so once, it certainly wouldn't hurt to keep at it.

Please join me in this crusade. Click here to learn how.

Update: Bill at INDC Journal has information on how to let the Boston Globe know what you think of them, too.

* i've done this myself, on my own computer, using the default settings on Microsoft Word 2000. i now have in my possession an exact duplicate of the CYA memo. Perfectly congruent down to the tiny superscript characters. Try it on your own computer, it's fun.

Only a supreme fool or a liar would say that the CBS memos are not forgeries after having done this simple experiment. It is obviously impossible for Killian to have made the exact same mental choices about tab settings, and carriage returns on an analog mechanical typewriter as a digital computer program that had not yet been invented. Unless Killian was a time traveller, which according to the logic of CBS and Rather, is remotely possible and therefore a rational explanation.

Posted by: annika at 12:53 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 516 words, total size 3 kb.

September 11, 2004


It wasn't just a tragedy.
We were attacked.

We are not victims.
We will be victorious.

We will never forget.
We will always remember.

Deal with it.

Posted by: annika at 01:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 29 words, total size 1 kb.

September 10, 2004

Take It One Step Further

Please, i have a suggestion for all of you outraged, as i am about the fraud perpetrated by Dan Rather and CBS News.

Go to the CBS News website, at:

Scroll all the way to the very bottom and click on the "Contact Us" link. A simple form will appear in a pop-up window.

Write a very short, polite expression of your opinion and request that Dan Rather resign as anchorman of CBS News.

i would suggest being very brief, and polite. Don't label the message as a complaint, instead use the comment, suggestion or request button, as i did.

i wrote this:

I have been following the CBS News coverage of the Killian memos with interest.

Now that it is clear that most if not all of the memos are forgeries, I cannot see any reason for Dan Rather to remain employed as anchorman of the CBS Evening News.

Every day that Mr. Rather remains as the face of CBS News brings further lost credibility to your once great news organization. Please forward this message to the appropriate person, as my request that Mr. Rather resign as soon as possible.

I would also suggest that you tell your friends to also send similar messages to CBS News. Copy and paste this post into an email if you want.

It only takes two seconds, and even if it doesn't work, it made me feel good doing it.

Update: Rather isn't going easily. He's dug in his heels. We can do this. Keep up the e-mails.

Update 2: Now CBS News has stupidly dug in its heels with Rather. It reminds me of Clinton's famous line, when he had decided not to admit the truth about Monika: "We'll just have to win then."

(CBS) EDITOR'S NOTE: For the record, CBS News stands by the thoroughness and accuracy of the 60 Minutes report this Wednesday on President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard.

This report was not based solely on recovered documents, but rather on a preponderance of evidence, including documents that were provided by unimpeachable sources,

If they're so unimpeachable, CBS should name them. Otherwise why should anyone take their word for it?
interviews with former Texas National Guard officials and individuals who worked closely back in the early 1970s with Col. Jerry Killian and were well acquainted with his procedures, his character and his thinking.
Here, CBS is making the incredible claim that Killian's widow and son, who both doubt the authenticity of CBS's memos, are somehow less familiar with the late Colonel's procedures, character and thinking than the mysterious "deep throat" sources cited by CBS.
In addition, the documents are backed up not only by independent handwriting and forensic document experts
A lie. No handwriting expert contacted by anyone in the blogosphere or the media thinks the memos are authentic. And some very highly qualified forensic examiners are on record as saying they are probably forgeries.
but by sources familiar with their content. Contrary to some rumors, no internal investigation is underway at CBS News nor is one planned.
Why the hell not? Have they even tried this simple experiment? Can they possibly be that stupid at CBS?
We have complete confidence in our reporting and will continue to pursue the story.
As will the blogosphere, you idiots.

Posted by: annika at 01:37 AM | Comments (73) | Add Comment
Post contains 552 words, total size 4 kb.

September 09, 2004

Outrageous, Stupid, Fraudulent And Despicable

Laura Ingraham had it right when she said that Dan Rathre has basically signed on as a consultant to the Kerry campaign.

Dan Rathre

The CBS forgery scandal, and that's what it is, plain and simple, has me absolutely freakin' boiling livid!

Don't know about it? That's understandable. How many people knew about the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth outside regular blog readers and talk radio listeners. How many people knew that Schwarzenegger's main grope accuser had been exposed as a liar by at least two eyewitnesses? How many people knew Jason Blair was lying at the New York Times. How many people know that the same paper distributed a COMPLETELY MADE UP report about Republicans booing Clinton on the day he was hospitalized. The list goes on and on.

The mainstream media will never advertise its incompetence, its ignorance, its foolishness, its astounding errors of judgment, its complete failure to exercise even the most rudimentary skepticism on stories that favor their side of a political fight, or its blatant and obvious pro-Democratic Party bias.

Read this Powerline post from beginning to end. Then you'll be up to speed.

Anyone who has ever looked at documents from the 1970's (and as a former graduate history student, i've seen plenty) knows how crude typewriter print was in those days. Anyone who's ever worked on a military base (as i have, for two months on an externship), knows that the equipment they get often lags behind current technology by a few years, due to the inherent slowness of the procurement contract process.*

But i didn't need to know all that to recognize an obviously MS Word generated document when i see one. Gimme a break.

Whoever did this spent too much time researching the character, to get the tone of the memo to sound just right, and not enough time researching what a document created with 1973 technology should look like. That doesn't surprise me. Our opposition just ain't that bright, look who they nominated.

Of course the forgery was good enough to fool your average journalism school graduate at CBS, but a memo written in crayon probably could have done that much.

What gets me so livid is this: Imagine that CBS had done this kind of sloppy journalism on a consumer fraud story, or a defective product story. You know, the kind of story that built the reputation of 60 Minutes in the first place. Imagine that CBS had slandered a legitimate business, basing its false allegations on a sloppily forged document, as sloppy as these Texas memos.

Do you know what would happen? CBS would be sued. They would be exposed to a multi million dollar lawsuit, including punitive damages, (which by law can't be covered by insurance) for reckless disregard of the truth. Their lawyers would never have let them air the story. But, because this is all about politics, and because the target of CBS's fraud and slander is only the sitting President of the freakin' United States, and because this is just payback for the Swiftboat Vets, we Republicans are supposed to just shut up and take it and CBS will probably never admit they blew it.

Well CBS and Dan fucking Rathre, all you assholes can just kiss my ass. i haven't watched your propaganda for years and it don't look like i ever will.

well that felt good

P.S. The CBS story itself doesn't bother me in the slightest. Last minute hatchet jobs by a desperate press never work (and this wasn't even last minute). It didn't work during the Schwarzenegger election. What gets me is that the LA Times didn't pay enough of a price for trying to throw that election, and CBS won't either.

More: Kevin at Wizbang is also on top of this story. And Paul is pissed too.

More: It keeps getting more and more beautiful.

Update: This has been a wonderful twenty-four hours for anyone associated with the blogosphere. Even somone on the periphery, as i am. Hearty congratulations should go to Bill at INDC Journal, the Powerline and LGF guys, Professors Hewitt and Reynolds, Captain Ed, FreeRepublic and everyone else who investigated this hoax and pushed its disclosure.

* i externed at the DLA, the Defense Logistics Agency. We were in charge of purchasing stuff like typewriters and computers. And i can tell you, even the stuff we had in our office was far from state of the art. What kind of equipment do you think a National Guard base in Texas got in 1973? i'll gaurantee you, it wasn't typewriters with proportional space capabilities.

Posted by: annika at 06:38 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
Post contains 774 words, total size 6 kb.

Thursday Can Be Poetry Day When i Miss The Last Two Wednesdays

Today's short poem is by the Russian poet, Anna Akhmatova. No stranger to death and horror during her own lifetime (she survived the Bolshevik Revolution, Stalin's purges, the siege of Leningrad, the imprisonment of two sons and one husband, and the execution of another husband), the following poem is terribly poignant this week.

Why is this Age Worse?

Why is this age worse than earlier ages?
In a stupor of grief and dread
have we not fingered the foulest wounds
and left them unhealed by our hands?

In the west the falling light still glows,
and the clustered housetops glitter in the sun,
but here Death is already chalking the doors with crosses,
and calling the ravens, and the ravens are flying in.

You can find a short biography of the poet here. And Dustbowl Blues compares alternate translations.

Posted by: annika at 05:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 163 words, total size 1 kb.

September 08, 2004

Al Goer Is A Bitter Man

Not supposed to be posting at school, but i have to call attention to an outrageous statement by Al Goer.

It's so ironic that the Democrats are all bent out of shape about so-called negative campaigning, then Al Goer goes and says this shit in The New Yorker:

'IÂ’m not of the school that questions [President Bush's] intelligence,' Gore went on. 'There are different kinds of intelligence, and itÂ’s arrogant for a person with one kind of intelligence to question someone with another kind.[*] . . . He seeks strength in simplicity. But, in todayÂ’s world, thatÂ’s often a problem. I donÂ’t think that heÂ’s weak intellectually. I think that he is incurious. . . . But I think his weakness is a moral weakness. I think he is a bully, and, like all bullies, heÂ’s a coward when confronted with a force that heÂ’s fearful of. His reaction to the extravagant and unbelievably selfish wish list of the wealthy interest groups that put him in the White House is obsequious. The degree of obsequiousness that is involved in saying "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes" to whatever these people want, no matter the damage and harm done to the nation as a whole—that can come only from genuine moral cowardice. I donÂ’t see any other explanation for it, because itÂ’s not a question of principle. The only common denominator is each of the groups has a lot of money that theyÂ’re willing to put in service to his political fortunes and their ferocious and unyielding pursuit of public policies that benefit them at the expense of the nation.'
That's pretty brutal rhetoric, even from a career hatchet artist like Goer. It's ironic that his mentor was the man who coined the phrase, in a negative context mind you, "the politics of personal destruction." Even the old Bill Clinton wouldn't have stooped to calling a sitting President "incurious," morally weak, "a coward," a "bully," "fearful," "obsequious," and basically crooked. Does that sound like a man who is at peace with himself, as we are so often told Goer is?

It's also ironic that Goer accuses the President of bowing to special interests when Goer was the man who bought and sold access like he was a ticket counter at Yankee Stadium. Two words: "Buddhist Temple." Three words: "No Controlling Authority."

Link via Llama Butchers.

* Isn't it also arrogant and egotistical to crow about one's own intelligence?

Posted by: annika at 12:15 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 414 words, total size 3 kb.

September 07, 2004

A Couple Of Useful Legal Maxims

Mike (a third year):

"Annika, there is only one secret to law school and it is this: time management."
"Okay, so what's the secret to time management, then?"
Mike (with totally straight face):
"Cooking in bulk."

Posted by: annika at 08:50 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 44 words, total size 1 kb.

Kerry Is An Idiot

Perhaps you've seen the story about Kerry accepting a shotgun* as a gift, then joking about being unable to bring it to the presidential debates.

You might have also heard that the very same gun he was happy to receive would have been banned if legislation he co-sponsored had become law!

Rush Limbaugh apparently talked about Kerry's Senate Bill 1431 this morning. Drudge also posted about it. Now, i don't entirely trust information i get from either of those guys (i've learned my lesson), so i went immediately to the source: The font of all ballistic knowledge. The man. The legend. The myth. Whom the ancient Greeeks revered as Basilios Ballistikos, the king of ballistics, whom the ancient Romans feared as Dominus Armas, the master of weaponry, the one, the only, and fellow Munuvian . . .


Who, in a nutshell, confirms the story. The shotgun in question, a Beretta A300, violates Kerry's law in at least four ways. Publicola also picks apart Kerry's vague and poorly drafted law.

I see several areas where the shotgun pictured would run afoul of S.1431. For starters it does define pistol grip as simply a grip. It's badly worded in that an english style grip could be considered a pistol grip for the purposes of the bill.

& using the bill's definition of pistol grip (which means any grip at all) we are then confronted with the bill's definition of a forward grip: 'a grip located forward of the trigger that functions as a pistol grip'. Since a pistol grip is defined more or less as any type of grip then the forward stock of any long gun would constitute a pistol grip.

. . .

S.1431 never specifies which length of shell is to be used to determine magazine capacity. It stands to reason that the intent of the writer of this law is to ban as many firearms as possible, so using the smallest shell capable of being fired in a shotgun would be consistent with the legislative intent.

He's for gun control . . . no wait . . . he's a hunter . . . no wait . . . he wanted to ban hunting guns . . . no wait . . . The only thing i can be sure of is . . . Kerry's an idiot.

* You may notice that the geniuses at the Seattle Times don't know the difference between a rifle and a shotgun. Journalists! Continuing to prove my point that they're all idiots too.

Posted by: annika at 08:10 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 429 words, total size 3 kb.

September 06, 2004

Chicks For Bush!

All chicks who support our president are invited by The Irish Lass to join "Chicks For Bush."

(insert Whoopy Goldberg type joke here)

Posted by: annika at 10:17 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 29 words, total size 1 kb.

My Fantasy Football Team

As you may know, i am participating in Blogger Bowl 2004, a Yahoo! Fantasy Football league started by Nick at Patriot Paradox. My team's first game is a big one, this weekend against Ted of Rocket Jones and his Rockets.

i'm gonna beat Ted like a drum. Like me, he's a Raider fan, and his wide receiver corps is heavy on the Raiders. He's got Jerry Rice and Jerry Porter, to go along with St. Louis' #2 option, Isaac Bruce. Now i love the Raiders, and Rice may be my favorite player ever, but i think my receivers, Marvin Harrison, Chad Johnson and Justin McCareins are gonna lead annika's journal to an easy victory this week.

Here's my team:

  • Quarterback - Matt Hasselbeck, Seattle Seahawks

  • Wide Receiver - Marvin Harrison, Indianapolis Colts

  • Wide Receiver - Chad Johnson, Cincinnati Bengals

  • Wide Receiver - Justin McCareins, New York Jets

  • Running Back - Clinton Portis, Washington Redskins

  • Running Back - Chris Brown, Tennessee Titans

  • Tight End - Kellen Winslow, Cleveland Browns

  • Kicker - Matt Stover, Baltimore Ravens

  • Team Defense - Philadelphia Eagles
i took a chance on Justin McCareins, but i got a good feeling about the kid. i think he'll have a breakout year.

i had originally drafted the future hall of famer, Morten Anderson of Kansas City. Not only is he one of the greatest kickers of all time, but we were both born in Copenhagen, so i had to have him on my team. Now i find out that KC cut him on Friday, so i had to scramble to find a replacement! i can't believe they cut him. Sure he's 44, but he was still effective, i thought. Now, if Stover gets hurt i'm in trouble at kicker.

It would be nice if i could post a link to the league like i did with my baseball team, so you all could watch our progress. But i tested the link and apparently Yahoo! won't let you look at it unless you're a member of that league, for some dumb reason.

Anyways, season starts for real on Thursday and i can't wait.

Hey Ted: "We want the ball and we're going to score!" Ha ha! : )

Posted by: annika at 08:42 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 373 words, total size 2 kb.

Sweet Mother Of Satire!

OLDCATMAN does it again.

Check out The Mafia Lives.

Posted by: annika at 10:26 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 17 words, total size 1 kb.

September 05, 2004

Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself

Bryon at Slings and Arrows is absolutely right when he attrubutes the Bush convention bounce to three things: Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, the wacky protesters, and the Republican Party's forward looking message.

First the Swiftboat ads. Bryon says:

[T]he effect was less a result of people changing their position on Kerry than it was about the Kerry camp's reaction. Kerry went to ground, the media went to ground, everyone went to ground -- except, of course the blogosphere and certain radio personalities. By the time the story filtered into the mainstream media almost every reader already had a sense for it. Whether or not it was the case, the story already felt like a cover-up. And 'cover-up' is not a phrase anyone like to have associated with a presidential candidate.
Here, the left wing media tried to run interference for their boy, by ignoring the story and hoping no one would notice. Kudos to the blogosphere and talk radio for pushing the story until it could no longer be ignored by the left wing media. What killed Kerry is that, by stupidly ignoring the Clinton rule (answer every attack immediately), they allowed us to define the debate for a critical one or two weeks, without any alternate explanation. Kerry still hasn't answered the most serious allegations of the Swiftboat Veterans (except to retract the Xmas in Cambodia story and backpedal on one of the purple hearts), and his defensiveness now seems like guilt.

On the effect of the protesters, Bryon and i are on the same page.

Millions of Americans woke up late, or returned from church on Sunday morning to be greated electronically to images of hundreds of thousands of wacky protesters. . . . Pictures such as these have a markedly greater effect on one's impressions of the goings-on than any verbal commentary. Add to that 900 arrests on a single day and almost two thousand over the four day period of the convention. When viewers see protesters breaking into and disrupting the convention, and even storming the set of Hardball they come to one conclusion: 'I might not be in love with the current president, but the last thing I want is to give these protesters more control over my country.'
i predicted that the effect of the protests would be the exact opposite of what the protesters intended. For that prediction, i became the object of the Democratic Underground's scorn. But i was right. This is not the sixties anymore, despite what the unholy alliance of professors, reporters and entertainers think. Freaks in pink thongs and feather boas are not the best advertisement for any political movement. And when Fox News is getting the ratings it currently enjoys, that means a lot of people like them, including a lot of undecideds. It's therefore probably not a good idea to chant "Fox News sucks!" and "Fox News - Bullshit!"

And on the Republican Party's superior forward looking message, Bryon contrasts the two conventions thusly:

Almosot every DNC speech looked backwards at Vietnam -- a war thirty years in our past about which most of us would much rather not be reminded. . . . Of all the speakers, the DNC only had one, Barak Obama, who gave any hope for the future of the party -- and he almost sounded Republican at many points in his speech.

Contrast that to the RNC convention. Rudy Guliani, John McCain, Arnold Schwarzenegger. None of these men have yet reached the zenith of their political career. Each has bright moments both behind and before them. Each inspire hope and vision for America and the youth and vigor to accomplish it. . . . Each was hopeful and excited about America.

i might add the first lady to the list of hopeful and optimistic speakers.

People may criticize the Zell Miller speech, but in retrospect, it seems to have worked. It wasn't a liability, because of the protesters outside, and three years of over the top rhetoric by the entertainment and academic elites. Zell Miller spoke to the "silent majority" who is tired of the America hating that has been going on unchallenged in this country for too long.

Do i think the "bounce" will hold until November? Barring any intervening events, a trumped-up scandal or another terrorist attack for instance, yes i do. But on the other hand, there's nothing i trust less than a desperate Democrat about to lose an election. There's no telling what they have up their sleeve.

Posted by: annika at 11:54 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 756 words, total size 5 kb.

September 04, 2004

This Is Despicable

Left wing media bias. Facts=anything they want to believe. Doesn't matter if it's a complete and bald-faced lie. Nor if it's a lie that can easily be caught and exposed.

SpinSwimming Link via Speed of Thought.

More: Hindrocket has more. The AP reporter who filed the false story was wearing earplugs?

Posted by: annika at 08:56 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

September 03, 2004

Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun

With Brittany, Brittany, Spears-mint Gum!

What could possibly bump up the value of some pieces to the $14,000 range?

Maybe some chunks have a higher amount of tobacco residue than the other pieces? Or a higher percentage of cum content, measured in parts per billion?

Posted by: annika at 10:52 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

Good Luck Bill

Keep former President Bill Clinton in your prayers today. My dad went through two quadruple bypasses, and while they seem to be routine these days, they're never without risk.

Posted by: annika at 10:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 35 words, total size 1 kb.

September 02, 2004

annika's journal Shop Update

Cafepress has changed the style of t-shirt they use for their shops. Now you can buy an annika's journal white t-shirt in the fabulous new Hanes Authentic Tagless Tee style! Also available in classy ash gray for a more subdued look.

With these new t-shirts by Cafepress, my merchandise is flying off the shelves as fast as it ever has!


Anyways, i hope this ringing semi-endorsement will help boost my sales.

Posted by: annika at 06:35 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 80 words, total size 1 kb.

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