April 20, 2004

Geekiness Quiz

You are 35% geek
You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.

Normal: Tell our geek we need him to work this weekend.

You [to Geek]: We need more than that, Scotty. You'll have to stay until you can squeeze more outta them engines!

Geek [to You]: I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain, but we need more dilithium crystals!

You [to Normal]: He wants to know if he gets overtime.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com

Got this offa TBG.

Posted by: annika at 02:08 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 146 words, total size 1 kb.

Link Advice

Dawn at Clareified has a very good piece on the term Uncle Tom, which you should read.

Posted by: annika at 01:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 21 words, total size 1 kb.

April 19, 2004

You're Not Even Safe After They Kill You

Even after they kill you, the terrorists want to find your body and desecrate it. This is the type of people we should appease? i don't think so.

The body of a Spanish police officer who was killed in a raid on suspected Islamic terrorists was removed from its tomb Sunday night, dragged across a cemetery, doused with gasoline and burned, a Spanish police official told CNN.
i don't want to hear anyone saying that we need to understand why the hate us, that they're just fighting for their own freedom, or that we are in any way responsible for what these demons are trying to do to the civilized world. They are evil, plain and simple. In fact evil isn't a strong enough word.

Link via LGF.

Posted by: annika at 02:45 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 143 words, total size 1 kb.

April 18, 2004

Sunday Night On The Blogosphere

. . . Hugo has an excellent post on the porn-HIV story.

The porn industry has become increasingly mainstream, so much so that on the same day that the HIV story broke in LA, the New York Times did an "at home" feature in its House and Garden section on porn star Jenna Jameson's 6700 square foot palace in Arizona. . . .
In my opinion, porn has its place, and its place is not in the mainstream. When our society has progressed to where being a pornographic actress is something to aspire to rather than something to be ashamed of, well, i think the sexual revolution has gone too far. Just my opinion. Go read Hugo's essay, like most of his stuff, he courageously pulls no punches . . .

. . . Big changes at A Small Victory.

There will be no political rants. There will be no leftie bashing. There will be no warmongering. There will be no talk of the election, the war, Israel, anti-war demonstrations, Michael Moore, Iraq, Iran, immigration issues, political correctness run amok . . .
Michele is one of those big time bloggers that i usually don't link to because i assume everybody's reading her anyway. i think she's awesome, and like a couple of my other favorite biggies, she's never let her fame turn into arrogance. Whatever she decides to blog about will undoubtedly be worth reading, i'm sure . . .

. . . Publicola is now a Munuvian! Yay! . . .

. . . Brent at Cop Talk asks a legitimate question: Why Wil Wheaton? . . .

. . . Matt's son enjoys a little birthday cake. Happy Bithday little Blackfive Junior! . . .

. . . Desert Cat calls attention to a small step forward in Germany . . .

. . . Brian at Random Numbers adds more evidence to support my view that many Libs are very quick to resort to violence . . .

. . . Stephen Macklin talks about civil debate on the blogosphere and the evil troll scourge, a subject that is a bit too relevant to my own site of late . . .

. . . And i think the Chicago Sun Times should hire Tony Pierce as a sports columnist. Their hip sports columnist. Or maybe the L.A. Times: Tony's been like the Jim Murray of the blogosphere lately . . .

Posted by: annika at 08:04 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 412 words, total size 3 kb.

In Which annika Ponders The Question: "Should i Succumb To Peer Pressure And Root For The Home Team?"

The Dodgers have the best record in baseball. They just finished a sweep of the San Francisco Giants, their great rivals. i caught two of the three games on TV. Each game was a one run victory. i don't think i've ever seen the Dodgers sweep a series with San Francisco, although i'm told they did it when Pac Bell opened.

Now my best friend Betty, who grew up here, is needling me to be a Dodger fan. i'm also feeling the pressure from Scof, way over there in Texas. But you know the Dodger-Giants rivalry is bigger than you or me or anyone. It's been going on for 100 years! It just might be the most heated rivalry in all of sports. It's certainly up there with the Yankees-Red Sox, the Raiders-Broncos, or even the Celtic-Rangers rivalries for longevity.

Still, i've never really been a big Giants fan. i always followed them, but i grew up in Oakland and i'm really an Athletics fan, if you wanna know the truth. i still remember vivdly one of the greatest, and most disappointing, events in all of sports history: Kirk Gibson's two strike, two out, pinch-hit walk-off homer, bottom of the ninth inning, game one of the 1988 World Series, off ace reliever Dennis Eckersley, to spur the Dodgers on to upset my A's for the World Championship.

Can i forgive them? Well, they're in different leagues, so i can conceivably root for both my A's and the Dodgers. i do like a team with history, and the Dodgers have that. So, now that i am a resident of Los Angeles, i will give it a try. And it helps, too, that i have Odalis Perez, Guillermo Mota, and Adrian Beltré on my fantasy team. Go Dodgers!

That said, there's no way they deserved to win today. How the hell do you pitch to Bonds with first base open, when he's doubled and homered already against the same pitcher? What kind of Jim Tracy brain fart was that? i could see if Gagne were on the mound, but Jeff Weaver? Come on! The Dodgers were lucky to escape with a one run win today.

Posted by: annika at 06:50 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 399 words, total size 2 kb.

"U need a good ********, I need a good **** and as well as your **** I would like to give u a good ******* as well."

Don't we all?

That's a text-sex quote from David Beckham, star of the kick-ball team Real Madrid. i'm not a big kick-ball fan, but i am curious as to how Beck can accomplish those things without using his hands.

Beck is a Sinatra fan too, i see. He also cracks on Singaporean men, how rude.

Alerted to this bit of naughtiness by Breanagh McTavish.

Posted by: annika at 06:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 118 words, total size 1 kb.

April 16, 2004

Google Bomb

Maybe you've heard about this:



Posted by: annika at 05:09 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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An Analogy

i'm into short blog entries today for some reason. Here's an analogy i thought up today:

Libertarians are to Republicans as Orange County is to Los Angeles.

Most people around the country think of Orange County as part of the Los Angeles area. Most people in Los Angeles think of Orange County as if it were part of Los Angeles. However, if you mention this to anyone from O.C., they'll insist adamantly that they're not from L.A., they don't like L.A., and they never go to L.A. unless it's absolutely unavoidable.

In the same way, Republicans like to think of Libertarians as kindred spirits. Non-Republicans also seem to lump the two together. But Libertarians usually get pissed if you call them conservative and they're often just as likely to rip Bush as any Democrat.

Posted by: annika at 04:50 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 138 words, total size 1 kb.


Rick alerts us to the dangers of too much Viagra.

Posted by: annika at 04:30 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 12 words, total size 1 kb.

Tax Disclosure Statement

i did my taxes last night at the very last minute, electronically. i have to give a ringing endorsement to the TurboTax online system, which is available through Yahoo! My taxes aren't overly complicated, but there were a few wrinkles last year, which made it impossible for me to file using the EZ form. Rather than strugle with the 1040, i just answered the very simple questions on TurboTax and it was a snap. Usually i have to race down to the main post office to mail my return before midnight, but this year i didn't even have to leave my desk. Add to that, the fact that i got a refund when last year i had to pay, and you can see why i'm a happy camper.

Posted by: annika at 04:07 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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This Is Why i Love The Blogosphere

An essay about Diet Coke, by Sarah Hepola.

The first time I drank Diet Coke I was 10. It was summer in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and my older cousin worked at an arcade called Star World. In addition to the glories of 10-cent hotdog night, Star World offered employees free soda. I spent all summer amidst the the blinking lights and boinking machines of that place, sipping free Diet Cokes, which I drank instead of Coke because I wanted to lose weight, since I was in love with this tool named Andy, who ended up barfing all over himself in a bathroom one night at a party. After that, I was addicted to the stuff.
We can find profound meaning in the simplest of topics, here on the blogosphere. i love it.

Posted by: annika at 03:55 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 143 words, total size 1 kb.

April 15, 2004

Okay, i Got One Too

Courtesy Kevin's Wizbang and his fabulous Kerry Sloganator, here's my attempt:


Posted by: annika at 01:03 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 21 words, total size 1 kb.

April 14, 2004

Air America Off The Air After Only Two Weeks?

It may be too early yet to gloat, but it's true. i heard about it on Larry Elder's show this afternoon and immediately tuned over to KBLA 1580 AM, where i heard a bunch of women praying in Spanish. Air America is definitely off the air in L.A. and Chicago. No telling when or if they'll be back.

After just two weeks of broadcasting, Air America Radio, the fledgling liberal talk-radio network featuring Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo, was pulled off the air Wednesday morning in Chicago and Los Angeles, the network's second- and third-largest markets, in a payment dispute that shows no sign of quick resolution.
They bounced a check!
Arthur Liu, owner of Multicultural Radio Broadcasting, which owns Air America affiliates WNTD-950 AM in Chicago and KBLA-1580 AM in Los Angeles, said Air America bounced a check and owes him more than $1 million. Air America and Multicultural had entered into a time brokerage agreement in which the network was essentially renting Multicultural's airtime, Liu said.
'They bounced a check today,' Liu said. 'It's a default. They have paid only a very small portion of what they owe us.' Liu declined to say how much Multicultural is owed, but did say he is holding $1 million in checks that Air America has asked the company not to cash.
i thought liberals were supposed to be the fiscally conservative ones nowadays.

Ooops, i wasn't going to gloat. Sorry.

Like any good liberal, Air America's executive vice president (a lawyer, no surprise) immediately filed a lawsuit.

Air America filed a complaint Wednesday in New York state Supreme Court charging Multicultural with breaching their contract and seeking an injunction forcing Air America back on the Chicago station. An Air America source said a separate lawsuit over the Los Angeles station is forthcoming.

. . .

According to Air America's suit, a Multicultural representative showed up at WNTD's offices Wednesday morning, kicked out Air America's lone staffer overseeing the network's feed to the station from New York and changed the locks on the doors.

i would never have suspected that a company calling itself Multicultural Radio Broadcasting would be a member of the VRWC. Go figure. Good work guys!

Update: Ryan at soundfury has some good background. Link via Instapundit, who of course had a post about this hours ago.

Posted by: annika at 06:30 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 399 words, total size 3 kb.

Who Is Keyser Soze?

i'm flattered to learn that i am now considered one of "the usual suspects."

Posted by: annika at 03:13 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 22 words, total size 1 kb.

annika's Own Political Artwork

i made these, but they sure would look good on your sidebar, i think.

kerrytile.gif    kerrylittle.jpg    sheets.gif

(If you do take one, please copy it and load it on your own server so Pixy doesn't get mad at me for using up his bandwidth. Also, a link back here would be appreciated, but not required.)

Posted by: annika at 02:57 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 60 words, total size 1 kb.

April 13, 2004

Behold! For a Giant yet walks the earth

i thought tonight might be an appropriate night to re-post my one and only baseball related sonnet:


Behold! For a Giant yet walks the earth.
With shoulders of rock, striding forth he wields
Thirty-two ounce, thirty-four inches girth
Maple Excalibur, from which he deals
Four hundred foot jacks, right side of the plate
Six-sixty-one homers, five hundred base steals;
Never swings early, nor ever swings late,
Inside the box hit, outside the box wait.
He cares not for me, and cares not for you
Cares not a whit for the bat when heÂ’s through,
And straightening up, and seeing the view
Watches the ball fly until itÂ’s a dot,
And then, only then, begins he his trot
Don’t say to him “bring it” – it will be brought!

More: The very prolific Scorebard says it in haiku.

Posted by: annika at 09:41 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
Post contains 153 words, total size 1 kb.

Green Jacket Dinner

i was so happy to see Phil Mickelson finally win a major, and in such an exciting way last Sunday. His family had a tough time last year, but he never whined about it or used it as an excuse for not winning. He seems like a really great guy.

And his favorite dish happens to be lobster ravioli. i love lobster ravioli, too. i had a great one in San Francisco last weekend. Here's a recipe i googled, from Emeril. i may give it a try someday when i'm feeling ambitious. With lobster meat, not live lobster, of course. i'm too squeamish to kill the poor things myself.

Posted by: annika at 07:24 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 115 words, total size 1 kb.

Ashcroft Testimony: First Impressions

i'm listening to Attorney General Ashcroft's testimony as i type this. It's clear to me, after his opening statement, exactly why people hate and fear him so much. He's very good. The AG landed a number of effective shots in his statement, and i can't wait to hear how the opposition tries to deflect them. It's also clear that Dick Clark and Dr. Rice were the undercard and Ashcroft's is the heavyweight title match. i was that impressed.

Gotta go, Ben Vineste is on now, yakking about the PDB again.

. . .

WTF? Ben is asking about Ashcroft using a chartered jet? Slimeball. Why doesn't he ask if Ashcroft was the one who warned all the jews to stay out of the WTC on 9/11? Why doesn't he ask who planted the bomb in the Pentagon and made it look like a plane crash? Aaack!

. . .

Now the idiot commenter at NPR cuts in to assure his audience that they will "have a look at" Ascrofts answer to the sleazy chartered jet question after his testimony is over. Whaaat? Why the hell don't they "have a look at" Ashcroft's more serious and relevant accusations about Clinton's and Reno's eight year incompetence spree? Aaaack!

. . .

Why do the commisioners keep calling him General? He's not a general, he's an attorney general. The word "general" modifies the noun "attorney."

. . .

i'm unable to listen that closely because i am annoyingly distracted by the need to create a false impression of diligence in completing my job tasks.

. . .

It's now over, i didn't notice any effective counter-punches by the commisioners. Now the spinning begins.

Posted by: annika at 01:34 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 288 words, total size 2 kb.

April 12, 2004

One Difference Between Us And Them

The troll comment i got this morning reminded me about something i've been thinking about since my visit to the State Capitol last weekend. It's an example to illustrate one difference between people on the left and people on the right.

i know i'm gonna be generalizing here, so save your breath. i'm aware that the majority of people on the left are not freakazoids who need to be locked up. There's some very decent and thoughtful lefties on my own blogroll, for instance. i also know there's some real whack-jobs on the right too, and in fact some of them actually have been locked up. (Right wing crazies tend to stay in jail though, instead of being offered tenure.)

Anyways, here's my observation. The great state of California has had thirty-eight governors in its history. Many are unknown. Some, however, are perhaps more famous:

  • Hiram Johnson (the great reformer, who gave us the recall election);

  • Leland Stanford (who gave us Stanford University, boooo);

  • Earl Warren (later Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, disliked by liberals as well as conservatives);

  • Ronald Reagan;

  • Jerry Brown (Known as "governor moonbeam," he once dated Linda Rondstadt, wouldn't dare to swat a medfly, and appointed his former chauffer as Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court.* He's now the mayor of Oakland.

  • Jerry's father Pat Brown (who gave us our freeways);

  • Pete Wilson;

  • Gray Davis;

  • and of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Inside the California State Capitol building are portraits of most of the governors in our state's history. (i looked for, but couldn't find Davis' portrait, and Arnold's is not yet finished.) One thing seemed odd to me as i got to the top of the stairs at the front of the capitol, where the portraits of our latest governors hang. Out of all the paintings in the building, only one is encased in plexiglass.

Can you guess which one?

No, it's not left leaning Jerry Brown's.

No, it's not that great judicial activist, Earl Warren's.

That's right, it's Ronald Reagan's.

Can you guess why his portrait, out of all thirty-eight governors, has to be protected by a layer of plexiglass? No, it's not UV light. Notice that Reagan's is hanging next to three other non-plexiglassed portaits.

The reason is that some asshole slashed Reagan's picture a few years ago. A left-wing-hater-nut-case. Some liberal fuck, with a head so filled with bitterness and so empty of common sense, that he or she thought vandalizing the portrait of one of our greatest presidents might be a good way to "raise people's consciousness."

Well, one might ask, if one of the governors' portraits was slashed why don't they encase all of them in plexiglass? Why not protect Jerry Brown's ugly abstract, or Earl Warren's distinguished visage on the second floor landing? Surely they're at risk of being slashed too?

No, you see only a conservative icon like Ronald Reagan can inspire such hatred and vitriol. Because he was, and still is, so loved, his portrait remains a target for the haters. And unfortunately, there seem to be a large number of lefties who have no problem being violent and destructive when they want to send their little hate messages. Conservatives might dislike Jerry Brown (especially conservatives living in Oakland these days), but they're not going to slash his picture.

Lefties like the one who vandalized Reagan's portrait, and the one who blew up all those SUV's in L.A. last year, and the professor who vandalized her own car, and the ones who screamed in my face as i walked to class during last year's anti-war demonstrations, and the ones who carry signs saying New York looks better without the World Trade Center, and the ones who smash the windows of Starbucks Coffee because it's a successful business, and the one's who go around saying that the terrorists in Iraq should kill more Americans, etc. etc.

Those are the ones you have to watch out for. Yah, maybe just as much as the far right wackos. They're both liable to blow something up, but only the left wing crazies will have the ACLU and the newspaper op-ed pages on their side after they get caught.

So when an idiot like this morning's troll says that he thinks conservatives should be "exterminated like vermin" and "need to be snuffed out of existence," how am i supposed to take that? Is it rhetorical hyperbole, or is the guy a real nutjob who needs to be monitored closely?

My point is this: in the cultural war that's been going on in this country for the last forty years, one side always seems to be more violent than the other, if not in deed then in rhetoric. i'm sure there's some psychological or sociological reason for that phenomenon, but i have no clue what it might be, nor at this point do i give a shit. i just think it's worth noting.

* In 1986, the late Justice Rose Bird became the first California Chief Justice to be voted out of office for being too liberal. Sounds familiar?

Update: Thanks to Blake for pointing out this example reported by Drudge, which further butresses my argument:

Campaign 2004 turns extreme in Florida with the placement of a newspaper ad calling for physical retribution against Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld!

"We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say 'This is one of our bad days,' and pull the trigger," the ad reads.

i might also add as examples, the many angry liberal callers to the Michael Medved show, one of whom i heard say that he wished Medved would just commit suicide and "save us the trouble" of killing him. Or the time Alex Baldwin screamed on and on about "stoning Henry Hyde to death."

Posted by: annika at 06:04 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
Post contains 974 words, total size 8 kb.


Where are all those assholes who, just a few months ago, were complaining that Halliburton was paying its employees too much for working in Iraq? Was Thomas Hamill getting paid too much?

Posted by: annika at 11:56 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 34 words, total size 1 kb.

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