February 14, 2005

Why Not Send Love Notes To This Good Friend Of The Military

Via Blackfive:

On January 30th, 2005, Senator Kerry told Tim Russert on Meet the Press that he would sign an SF 180 in order to release all of his military records. So far, no signature.
Here's how you can help the senator keep his word.

[redacted to avoid frivolous and malicious claims by hypocritical and attention hungry public figures]

Posted by: annika at 11:14 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Hello Young Lovers Wherever You Are

During my first year of undergrad i went out with a really sweet guy who used to smother shower me with gifts and cards all the time. It was a very profitable relationship, from a material standpoint. But ultimately, he gave me too much attention.

Recently, i found one of the many love notes this guy sent me. It's pretty nice, so before i shred it, i thought i'd publish it for all the world to see, in honor of St. Valentine's Day. My apologies to its author, though i highly doubt that this guy has even heard of a blog; he wasn't the brightest bulb i've ever been with.

Dear Annie,

I miss you very much and I really need to be with you. It's really nice knowing that you're with me not just physically, but spiritually it is truly wonderful and very fulfilling. I'm very happy to have you in my life and I want us to always love one another. You are everything to me, you are my absolute world. I will always and remain being in love with you. Youre a natural high for me - everytime I think of you. You are the most wonderful gift God has ever given to me. I'll never stop loving you Annie. Never! I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve someone as special as you. I love you and I'll never be tired of saying I do. I just hope you don't get tired of me. I love you so much, and please always remember that. I hope to be yours forever.

Love ____.

That's beautiful ain't it? Re-reading it all these years later, i think the sentiment contains the perfect mixture of sappy teenage love cliché and creepy insecurity vibe. But hey, he was writing a new card every couple of days, it must have been hard to come up with new material all the time.

We broke up after he started calling me repeatedly at work, demanding to know "who is he?" To which i would answer, "there is no one else but you, dear." Of course i needn't mention to you that there actually was someone else. But i was younger then, and not as serious.

When we eventually broke up, my poor sweet boyfriend was very upset. Finally dumping him did not end the cards and gifts, though. But instead of giving them to me, he sent the gifts to my friends and family. The point was to make me feel guilty, i guess. i didn't really care. It was kind of weird and my friends thought it was creepy too. But they kept the gifts, lol.

Lest you think i'm too harsh, karma did catch up with me. i left the letter writer for the hottest guy, who was also quite a playa. He ended up breaking my heart terribly, and repeatedly, before i learned my lesson and moved on.

And yes, i'm probably gonna pay in karma for having posted that letter too.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted by: annika at 07:53 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Grammy Roundup

Go directly to Dizzy Girl for the snarkiest Grammy Roundup.

Grammy Awards...Tim McGraw...'Ramblin Man'...nightmare. WTF were they thinking? He sounds like someone squeezed his nuts really tight a few seconds before he took the stage. Faith seems to enjoy his performance though. Maybe she was the one squeezing dem nuts.

Posted by: annika at 12:28 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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February 13, 2005

Musical Fun Quiz

i stole this offa Candace, who got it from Kat:

Choose a band and answer only in song titles by that band: Sixpence None The Richer

Are you male or female? There She Goes

Describe yourself: Dancing Queen

How do some people feel about you? You're A Mean One Mr Grinch

How do you feel about yourself? I Just Wasn't Made for these Times

Describe your ex-boyfriend/ex-husband: Loser Like Me

Describe your current boyfriend/husband/infatuation: I Need Love

Describe what you want to be: Healer

Describe your current mood: Kiss Me

Describe your friends: Too Far Gone

Share a few words of wisdom: Don't Dream It's Over

Feel free to leave your own answers. i'm curious.

Posted by: annika at 11:43 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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February 12, 2005

It's Not A Done Deal Yet

Howard Dean is now the Democratic National Committee Chairman. Many of us on the right see this as a very positive development for Republicans. But it's not a done deal yet.

The Democrats are not stupid. Clueless, yes, but they're not unaware that we Republicans have been hoping that the end result of the Democratic Party's post-election soul searching would be a leftward over-correction. Knowing how happy we are at Dean's ascension, i would think that they'll try to mitigate their image problem with middle-of-the-road voters in time for the mid-term elections.

Plus, Howard Dean is energetic, smart, and the truth is, he's not quite as liberal as people think. Being anti-war made him the darling of the unwashed anti-globalization hippie crowd, but how many of them really understood his views on the less sexy issues. Like for instance, globalization. In any case, he's the DNC chair, not a candidate. And he has a proven record of innovative and effective fund raising.

Still, the DNC's choice signals that the party has decided to give the finger to the voices of reason who have been urging a move to the center since their November debacle. That's just crazy strategy.

What the Bush haters of the ultra-left do not understand is that in their zeal to transform America into their vision of the perfect atheist libertine utopia, they have abandoned the political center to the conservatives. If Republicans are not forced to fight for centrist voters, they will have no incentive to moderate the conservative policies that the left wants so desperately to destroy. The result is a party in power that feels free to move to the right.

i think you realize that i have no problem with that.

Here's how i see the next few years working out, though: A defiant Democratic Party (financed and led by the true-believers of the fringe left) insists on continuing the message of negativity that lost it the presidency in 2004. The mid-terms are a disaster as the Republican Party consolidates its power even further.

All the while, back-bencher Hillary Clinton lays low, putting distance between herself and her former, more shrill image. She reaches out to the political center. Then, at the right moment, she makes the long-expected announcement. Hillary rides in on her white horse, the best hope of the Party to save the Democrats from self-destruction by the far left.

Rank-and-file Democrats flock to her side in the early primaries, like they did to Kerry in '04, convinced of Hillary's "electability" over the more out-of-touch liberals favored by the party intelligentsia. (That's exactly why Kerry got the nomination, while the media was trying to convince everyone it would be Dean.)

Hillary, the so-called "smartest woman in the world" emerges, perfectly positioned to gobble up the center for Democrats who've grown tired of their years in the wilderness. And if the Republicans don't manage to find an exciting candidate to run against her in 2008, we may be in for the old Clinton bait-and-switch again.*

* That's when the candidate runs as a moderate, but as soon as the election is over, hits you with that old-time liberal agenda.

Cross-posted at A Western Heart.

Posted by: annika at 12:40 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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Eason Jordan Gone?

i'm amazed at the speed with which this under-the-radar scandal took him down. i'm not surprised that his resignation was announced on Friday afternoon, after the talk radio shows were over.

i would have expected Jordan to fight this longer. Big media has to be pissed as the number of news execs run out of town by the blogosphere continues to grow.

Expect future calls for legislative action to control blogs. Because, make no mistake, Jordan was kooky for years, but the story that did him in was completely ignored outside the blogosphere.

Mark at Decision '08 notes that in contrast to Rathergate,

This time it was the bloggers, and the bloggers alone, that pushed this man out. That will be heady stuff for some; it will scare the pants off of others...but what does it mean, really? Have we entered an era where our lives can be destroyed by a pack of wolves hacking at their keyboards with no oversight, no editors, and no accountability? Or does it mean that we've entered a brave new world where the MSM has become irrelevant?
Maybe not irrelevant, but more accountable, less hubristic. That can only be for the good.

It's ironic that an entire generation of journalists, who consider their greatest accomplishment to be the forced resignation of Richard Nixon, must now look over their own shoulders and fear a new generation of muckrakers.

Update: Jungle Book lovers, like myself, will enjoy this witty take-off by Vanderleun at American Digest. Excerpt:

Ye may post for yourselves, and your country, blog your cats if you must, and ye can;
But post not for pleasure of sacking unless you sack Eason Jordan!
Ha ha.

Posted by: annika at 09:31 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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February 11, 2005

A Page From The Notebook Of Bill Clinton's Psychiatrist

February 11, 2005
Patient: William J. Clinton

The president confessed this morning his closely held ambition regarding the UN job. Haven't seen him this animated in session since early in second term. Believes Secretary Generalship would provide opportunity for personal growth.

Kept obsessing about secret plan of his to improve Russo-American relations. Pressed him for details, but he only made vague reference to a recurring dream he's been having nightly.

Says dream is extremely vivid, and takes place deep within a Russian forest. Refused to elaborate. Must explore further at next session.

Posted by: annika at 04:55 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Valentine's Day Poetry Contest At ASV

Hey poetry contest lovers, Michele is having a V-Day poetry contest. It must follow the "roses are red..." format, and must be addressed from one famous person to another. Sounds like fun.

i'm formulating an entry in my head right now. Hmmm.

Update: Okay, here's mine:

Brittany Spears to Kevin Federline:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Stop fucking around
And help me feed Lacy Loo*

Kevin Federline back to Brittany Spears:

Roses are red
and sometimes they're yellow
I started cheating on you
'Cuz your feet stink like hello
(I mean, they really smello)**


* Lacy Loo reference explained here.

** stink reference explained here.

Posted by: annika at 12:59 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Poll Results

The poll results are in. You've decided that the best replacement for Dan Rather at the CBS Evening news is actor Keanu Reeves. With 63% of the vote, support for Mr. Reeves was more than five times that of his closest competitor, über-news-tart Kiki Couric.

Mr. Reeves' journalistic credentials are unclear, however many experts believe that CBS executives should not worry about a lack of news experience, given the current state of the CBS Nightly News' ratings and credibility.

Keanu Reeves, 40, is perhaps best known for his role as Neo, the stoic hero of the Matrix film trilogy. His other credits include Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, in which he played Ted, and Speed, opposite co-stars Dennis Hopper and Sandra Bullock. Others may remember Mr. Reeves best for his early starring role with River Phoenix in the 1991 film My Own Private Idaho.

Mr. Phoenix could not be reached for comment.

Posted by: annika at 07:18 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 156 words, total size 1 kb.

February 10, 2005

High School Quiz Meme

Here's a quiz about the High School years, you might find mildly interesting.

What year was it?
1991 to 1995

What were your three favorite bands (performers)?
Red Hot Chili Peppers, REM, Smashing Pumpkins

What was your favorite outfit?
i don't know about favorite, but i had this awesome mustardy rayon skirt from Ann Taylor that i wore with a long sweater and clogs. It was fantastic.

What was up with your hair?
Freshman and sophomore year it was long and straight with long bangs, beginning of junior year it was long and jet black. Senior year it was blonde again and shoulder length.

Who were your best friends?
Francine, Holly, Larissa, April

What did you do after school?
Cheerleading, tennis & theatre.

Where did you work?
i worked at an awful pizza restaurant for a one month in my junior year, but that was it.

Did you take the bus?
Yes, but we lived far from the bus stop, so my dad had to drop me off. Often we'd time it wrong, and he'd have to chase after the bus, cut in front of it and drop me a couple of stops down the line. The bus driver hated us.

Who did you have a crush on?
A senior who's initials were D. M.!

Did you fight with your parents?
Yes, we had awful fights. Especially me and my mom. i thought that they were too strict and never let me go anywhere or do anything. Of course, now i think i'll be even more strict with my own kids.

Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?
i was in love with Johnny Depp before it was cool to be. i'm talking stalker type love.

Did you smoke cigarettes?
Not until i got to college.

Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?
No. Why would anybody do that?

Did you have a ‘clique’?
Not really. i had trouble fitting into cliques, so i tried to be friendly with all of them, like the theatre clique, the goth clique, the football clique, the hippie clique. My closest friends were geeks though.

Did you have “The Max” like Zach, Kelly, and Slater?
Does McDonald's count?

Admit it, were you popular?
i didn't think so, not even after i got into theatre and started going out with boys.

Who did you want to be just like?
Tonya Harding
(lol, kidding)

What did you want to be when you grew up?
i wanted to be a psychotherapist.

Where did you think youÂ’d be at the age you are now?
27 sounded like old age to me back then. i had no concept of the future.

i found this at Amy's (who's got a great new blog design, btw.)

Posted by: annika at 08:48 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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TV Trivia

Without Googling: who did the voice of Pebbles Flintstone in the 1971-72 Saturday morning cartoon, The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show?

Hint: she's better known for her work on a night-time TV show, which also premiered in 1971.

And while we're on the subject. Does it seem strange to you that Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm grew up next door to each other, and their parents were best friends, but they ended up dating in High School? i mean, isn't that almost like dating your sibling? You'd think they'd want to branch out a little.

Posted by: annika at 04:19 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Welcome To The Club, Assholes

Someone new has crashed the party, although it's not like we weren't expecting them. Add North Korea to this list:

The United States
Great Britian
South Africa (quit the club in 1991)

i knew this was inevitable. South Africa's experience notwithstanding, how do you put the genie back in the bottle? Looking at things from the dictator's perspective, what incentive do they have not to lie, delay and continue jerking off the international community until they have a fully stocked arsenal? Who's going to stop them? A nuclear arsenal enables North Korea to bully their neighbors even more easily, why would anyone expect them to voluntarily negotiate away that power?

Now it looks like we're stuck in South Korea, as an already bad situation has gotten much, much worse.

Posted by: annika at 09:23 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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February 09, 2005

Painful But True Quote Of The Day

From Candace:

I could write back to every single one of those desperate webcam guys with 'You are a complete and total loser,' because seriously, when a blogger tells you that you have no life outside the internet, it's for real, dudes.

Read at Candied Ginger.

Posted by: annika at 03:42 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 59 words, total size 1 kb.

Wednesday Is Poetry Day

It's also Ash Wednesday, so i had no choice but to post an excerpt from T. S. Eliot's long poem of the same name.

i've given up trying to figure out Eliot. i've concluded that it's more about how his art makes you feel. Just like looking at a Kandinsky, or listening to Ornette Coleman. If the message could have been communicated in prose, it would have been. But that was not what the artist intended.

Still i get the vague feeling that Eliot is writing about mortality here, but then the title is a big clue. By mortality, i mean more than just death, but all the limitations of a mortal life. All those things that are so maddeningly finite while we are here on earth: our knowledge, our understanding, and our strength of will.

If you are able to, try reading this thing out loud. For meter and rhyme, it is a fabulous piece of writing.

Ash Wednesday (excerpt)

Because I do not hope to turn again
Because I do not hope
Because I do not hope to turn
Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope
I no longer strive to strive towards such things
(Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings?)
Why should I mourn
The vanished power of the usual reign?

Because I do not hope to know again
The infirm glory of the positive hour
Because I do not think
Because I know I shall not know
The one veritable transitory power
Because I cannot drink
There, where trees flower, and springs flow, for there is nothing again

Because I know that time is always time
And place is always and only place
And what is actual is actual only for one time
And only for one place
I rejoice that things are as they are and
I renounce the blessed face
And renounce the voice
Because I cannot hope to turn again
Consequently I rejoice, having to construct something
Upon which to rejoice

And pray to God to have mercy upon us
And pray that I may forget
These matters that with myself I too much discuss
Too much explain
Because I do not hope to turn again
Let these words answer
For what is done, not to be done again
May the judgement not be too heavy upon us

Because these wings are no longer wings to fly
But merely vans to beat the air
The air which is now thoroughly small and dry
Smaller and dryer than the will
Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still.

Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death
Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

The rest of the poem is similar, although different religious themes are explored, in an equally indecipherable manner. What fascinates me the most is how the rhythm becomes almost hip-hop in places.

Against the Word the unstilled world still whirled
About the centre of the silent Word.

      O my people, what have I done unto thee.

Where shall the word be found, where will the word
Resound? Not here, there is not enough silence
Not on the sea or on the islands, not
On the mainland, in the desert or the rain land,
For those who walk in darkness
Both in the day time and in the night time
The right time and the right place are not here
No place of grace for those who avoid the face
No time to rejoice for those who walk among noise and deny the voice

i swear that sounds like rap. Someone should really put a beat to it.

Posted by: annika at 01:42 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 620 words, total size 3 kb.

February 08, 2005

The Oldest Trick In The Plaintiff's Book

Brittany Spears is suing her insurance companies after they refused to pay her multi-million dollar claim.

Britney Spears has filed a $9.8 million lawsuit in New York to cover the losses for her canceled Onyx Hotel Tour.

Spears called off the 2004 tour after suffering a knee injury, but several insurers refused to make up the amount she lost because on the insurance applications, Spears checked 'no' to the question of pre-existing injuries, Celebrity Justice reports.

Spears had undergone minor knee surgery [on the same knee] five years before she signed the applications. She claims she simply forgot about the surgery because it was so long ago and she had fully recovered.

Now the lesson here is, don't lie on your insurance application. It's the oldest trick in the plaintiff's book: hide your pre-existing injuries. Usually it's done after the claim is made, but in Brittany's case, she did it on the application.

What's wrong with that? Well from a theoretical standpoint, it's borderline fraudulent. She offered to enter into a contract with the insurance company without disclosing information that would be directly relevant to the amount of premium they would agree to charge her. In other words, she was arguably ripping off her insurance companies.

People do this all the time. When i worked on auto cases for insurance company clients, the most common scenario was the person who lied about thier address to get a better rate. Other people lie about the length of their commute. Sometimes, after making a claim, they'd lie about who was actually driving the car, or whether a relative lived in the same house, in order to get around an exclusion in the contract.

When you're talking 9.8 mil, i can understand why the insurance company would use any defense they can find to get out of paying on the claim. Of course, that's what insurance companies do best anyways: weasel out of paying claims. It's all a part of the game.

Posted by: annika at 01:42 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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KISS This Contest Goodbye

Allright, i guess i've dragged out this suspense bullshit long enough. i told you i had decision-making issues.

The winner of the KISS haiku contest is a poem that, i think, most completely encapsulates the kick-ass, devil-may-care, throw-caution-to-the-wind, damn-the-torpedoes, rock-and-roll-all-nite attitude of that band we all know and love to hate. Or not.

Here's the scene:

It's 7:30 on a humid summer night at the Macon County fair in central Illinois. The livestock awards have been handed out. A small crowd fills the rodeo grandstand, waiting for KISS to arrive. Finally, a half hour late, Gene and the boys take the stage (fucked up already) and rip through a cover of the Pointer Sisters' "I'm So Excited," followed by a medley including "Rock and Roll All Nite," "Lick It Up," "Love Gun," and "Detroit Rock City," which they rename "Decatur Rock City," in honor of the occasion.

Somewhere out in the crowd is a young girl, stringy blonde hair, red gingham sundress, who catches Gene's fancy even though she doesn't appear to be singing along to "Shout It Out Loud" like her parents. He tries, but he can't seem to make eye contact with the girl, so he sends a roadie to invite her backstage after the big encore set, which tonight will include "God of Thunder," "Calling Dr. Love," and Queen's "We Are The Champions."

After the performance, Gene waits by the catering truck, but the girl doesn't show. Chagrined, he heads back to the bus, for the long ride to Sedalia. Hopefully they'll find a Hooters along the way. But then, as if out of a dream, he sees the object of his desire in the parking lot, about to open the rear door of her parents' F-150 crew-cab. He struts over to the truck as fast as his six inch platform shoes will allow and... more...

Posted by: annika at 12:33 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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February 06, 2005

Quote Of The Night (And A Zoological Explanation)

Michael Jackson:

I'm very strong. I have rhinoceros skin.
He's obviously talking about this rhinoceros, not this one.

Posted by: annika at 08:17 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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KISS Haiku Contest Update

i've narrowed it down to ten finalists in my kiss.gif haiku contest. i wanted to make it nine, but i just can't bring myself to cut one from the list. i think the finalists represent a pretty good mix of the gross haiku, the historical perspective haiku, the anti-KISS haiku, and the haiku with the humorous twist. Here they are:

Tony understands law school and haiku:

Rock and roll all night;
Party ev'ry day - sounds like
Law school's Free Beer Day.

i love Kevin's use of the double entendre here:

it's on video
I saw Annie blow a KISS
hope you've got Quicktime

And this one is just gross, but what else do you expect from the Big Hominid?

ass of Gene Simmons
rudely penetrated by
tongue of Gene Simmons

Tuning Spork says he was trying to introduce meter and rhyme into the contest. i'm not sure he succeded, but i did like this one, which pretty succinctly describes the KISS career cycle:

Paul and Gene in charge;
Ace and Peter hit the road.
Crowds were not as large.

Pursuit's final line in this next haiku is hilarious:

Gene thinks he is hot
Long, gross tongue, hideous face
please leave now, old man

The next one, by a man i once called "The Mark Russell of the Blogosphere" (perhaps prematurely), had me ROTFL:

One in my tight pants.
One in my make-up caked mouth.
Which lizard, baby?

And Emily's lone submission is a crowd favorite, not in spite of, but because of its disregard for the rules.

Gene, stick that frickin' tongue of yours
back in your mouth you filthy
damn pig

Tom gained the support of the Maximum World Order's poet laureate with this one:

My wife saw you play
you spit on her with fake blood
I hope it was fake

El Capitan's haiku were all great, but i picked this one because i figured we had to have at least one poem in the finals that didn't bash KISS:

Ted Nugent opened
KISS then took the stage and then
Blew the damn roof off

And i like the message in number ten, also by El Capitan. To me it says: resistance is futile, you will be assimilated by the KISS Army, regardless of how sucky the band is.

Simple loud cock-rock
Cartoon show for teenage boys
Just embrace your youth

The unfortunate thing about contests is that not everyone can win. Honorable mentions should go to D-Rod for his attempt to work Valentine's day into the contest; Ted for making fun of Victor's Joe Don Baker obsession; Victor for actually working the word "autumn" into his haiku without sounding forced; Shelly and Tom for their slightly non-conforming poems, which i'm convinced were intentionally tweaked ("Haku?" ... "Wed-nes-day?"); Derek for making the only stoner reference, however oblique, in a contest about a rock-and-roll band; and Tuning Spork for the haiku that ended with "please hand me a gun" which made me snort liquid.

Any help in deciding a winner is welcome.

Posted by: annika at 12:34 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
Post contains 509 words, total size 4 kb.

It's Award Season

Voting in the Jewish and Israeli Blog Awards begins tomorrow. (No. i'm not in it, i think you have to be Jewish.) But some very good blogs have been nominated. If you vote, don't forget to support Munuvans Rishon Rishon* and D. F. Moore** and Simon World. i also plan to vote for Ari Goes Down and Protein Wisdom, both great blogs.

* Nominated in several categories, including Best Post and Best Series.

** Also nominated in multiple categories.

Posted by: annika at 10:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 86 words, total size 1 kb.

Temporal Based Communication

Here's an interesting communication theory i never really thought about before, which i think has a lot of merit. i can think of examples of it among some of my acquaintances and i'm going to watch for it in the future.

i tend to speak in the "was" mode a lot of the time, but that's understandable. i gotta get some use out of my history degrees.

Posted by: annika at 10:14 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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