I'm here for a wedding. I love Santa Barbara. I just saw a homeless dude with bluetooth! And I ain't talking about his dental work. He had a full-on earpiece. How weird is that?
The weather is gorgeous. The whole frickin' town is gorgeous. I'm in a bar, drinking Guinness, and enjoying a black forest ham panini. Gorgeous. I'm going to hang out by the pool later. In the middle of frickin' winter! More later.
I just saw a homeless dude with bluetooth! And I ain't talking about his dental work. He had a full-on earpiece. How weird is that?
Posted by: Jim Treacher at January 27, 2006 03:47 PM (/fbjZ)
Treach is right, annie. Better start taking evasive action.
Posted by: Victor at January 27, 2006 04:58 PM (l+W8Z)
Ahhhh, the return to civilization does have it's compensations.
Posted by: Casca at January 27, 2006 09:08 PM (2gORp)
Yea, well the wife and I are going to antique shops and then to the park today because we have the same kind of weather here in Houston. We have had no winter at all. Beautiful skys and about 80 degrees.
It must be glbal warming, DAMM that Bushcheneyrovemchitlerhalliburton!
Posted by: Kyle N at January 28, 2006 05:24 AM (SG9AA)
Hey Annie, here's two suggestions:
1. A nice bike ride out to the pier, a ride or walk on the pier; and/or
2. A short ride up to Bacara and a long massage in the health club there.
Either or both followed by good beer and whatever pleases the palate. Usually good seafood anywhere.
Relax and enjoy; be thankful it isn't you that's getting tied down this weekend.
Posted by: shelly at January 28, 2006 05:35 AM (BJYNn)
Two restaurant recommendations, annika: La Super Rica (don't be put off by the hotdog stand exterior or by the huge lines—it's great) and
Cafe Buenos Aires—great food, a
very romantic setting.
Posted by: Dave Schuler at January 28, 2006 06:59 AM (GGDE0)
Ah, the town of my birth.... Cottage Hospital...
I second the Super Rica recommendation, and add to it a recommendation for the Paradise Cafe.
Posted by: Hugo at January 28, 2006 11:47 AM (Yu24L)
Only trouble with Santa Barbara in the winter is that if it does get cold, which happens now and again, they can't do anything about it. I was there one Christmas when it got down to amere 20F and like to froze.
Posted by: triticale at January 28, 2006 07:01 PM (lxRVS)
Shit Hugo, that explains everything.
So Anni, do you plan to close the deal here, or did the BF have something else to do in Sacto?
Posted by: Casca at January 28, 2006 07:21 PM (2gORp)
Crass, crass. Just ignore him, Annie.
A girl needs her time off, especially in the second year of tedium.
Santa Barbara is no place to close the deal, besides, I'm guessing it is the BF who needs to do it, not Annie.
Well, Annie, your turn to weigh in...
Posted by: shelly at January 28, 2006 09:57 PM (BJYNn)
I wasn't being crass. THAT deal was closed long ago. I'm talking the ring and the date deal. Everybody KNOWS that every single girl at a wedding wants to be the bride, even the lezzies. That's why it's such a great place to get laid if you're an unattached single guy there. Now if you've been dating a girl for more than a couple months, and she takes you to the wedding, it's a clear converstation starter to drown out the noise caused by her biological clock. Am I right, or am I right?
-Thus saith Casca
Posted by: Casca at January 29, 2006 08:23 AM (2gORp)
CASCA If your girlfriend drags you to a wedding, and you have no intentions of marrying her, then use the opportunity to get some phone numbers from the bridesmaids, you are gonna need them.
Posted by: Kyle N at January 30, 2006 03:40 AM (CGYRu)
Kyle, does your wife know what you're doing out here on the internet? Mwahahahahaha
Posted by: Casca at January 30, 2006 06:30 AM (y9m6I)
What, Casca, does my being born in SB have to do with anything?
Annie, when you get back, tell us where the wedding was.
Posted by: Hugo at January 30, 2006 01:53 PM (NG6N7)
I went to grad school in the area more years ago than I'll admit to but have been back a number of times.
Tell me, is the Good Earth restaurant still open? Awesome breakfast, great tea. Last visit it was located on State Street in Goleta.
Great golf too. Sandpiper is a favorite.
Thanks for the memory jog.
Posted by: joe at January 30, 2006 02:58 PM (TXzWS)
Sorry, Casca, I am of the opinion that the BF is just a convenient appendage to get her through law school. I never got the feeling that she wanted to land him permanently. But then, I've been wrong before, so what's one more wrong guess?
Just saw saw the cloture vote, 75 to 25. Kerry and Kennedy can kiss my ass. Comne to think of it, I wouldn't even let those killers near me, one shot a wounded guy in the back and the other left an innocent girl to drown. Screw 'em both.
How can the people of Massachusetts be so frigging stupid?
Let's hear it for Justice Alito!!!!
Posted by: shelly at January 30, 2006 04:13 PM (wZLWV)
LMAO, "convenient appendage", ah to lead the life of a convenient appendage.
Why does Mass elect these buffoons? Same reason Cali elects Boxer and Feinstein. They're rotten buroughs, and the D's have enough places to steal votes that they still hang on to power.
Posted by: Casca at January 30, 2006 08:18 PM (2gORp)
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