June 08, 2006

My E-Mail To Robert Redford

So you're totally not going to believe this, but I got an e-mail from Robert Redford, the famous actor!

Here is what it said:

Dear annika,

When President Bush took office in 2001, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $1.47. Today the average price is $2.89 and itÂ’s much more in many places. This surge in gas prices has hit a nerve for many around the country, reminding us of an economy that is increasingly uncertain for the middle-class, a growing addiction to oil that draws us ever closer to dictators and despots, and a fragile global position with a climate that is increasingly out of balance.

It's time to rise to the challenge and Kick the Oil Habit.

Join me and thousands of others by taking action at www.KicktheOilHabit.org

We just launched a campaign to take on Big Oil companies and demand better energy solutions. Please take a moment to visit our site and watch our powerful video that shows how Big Oil and their backers in Washington are profiting while working Americans are paying more.

Our first action is to challenge oil companies to double the number of E85 ethanol fuel pumps at their stations within a year and pledge to offer renewable fuel at half of all gas stations within the decade.

Please join our effort and take action now: http://www.KicktheOilHabit.org

Thank you,

Robert Redford on behalf of the Kick the Oil Habit campaign.

I was so excited that I e-mailed him back right away!

Here's what I wrote:
Dear Mr. Redford,

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god OMG OMG OMG!!!!

I can't believe I got an e-mail from you!

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!

You are like, so awesome, and I've been a huge -- no your hugest -- fan for like ever!!!!!

I always wanted to tell you how much I loved you in Butch Cassidy, which is like my favorite. I didn't like The Sting so much, I mean you were great in it, but the movie was kind of boring in parts. I know it won an Oscar and all, but dude it was like really slow.

I even remember you in that Twilight Zone when you played Death! That was killer! Ha ha, get it? Death was killer!!!! How funny!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod !!!! I just told Robert Redford a joke!!!!!!! I want to totally crawl in a hole and die.

Robert fucking Redford!!!! I can't believe it!!???

You know I love Paul Newman too. You guys should really do another movie together. If you see him tell him I loved it when he ate all those eggs. He didn't really eat them I know, but it was still funny. Like when he said "cause 50's a nice round number!" I laughed so hard. lol, it was funny.

Do you still keep in touch with Paul Newman?

Oh, also I loved it when you guys kept saying "who are those guys?" in Butch Cassidy. That was so awesome too.

And that movie where you played like a spy was really cool too. What was the name of that one. It was a long time ago when it came out. I think I saw it on an airplane, so I couldn't really hear it all too well. You know how those earphones they give you don't always work too well. And plus the person next to me kept wanting to talk to me, which was distracting. But I still liked it. What was the name of that movie? You know the one I'm talking about? I hope you do cuz you were in it! Maybe you could e-mail me back if you remember the name. You don't have to do it right away. Just e-mail me when you get the chance. That would be too cool. Then I would have two e-mails from you and everyone would be like sooo jealous!

Oh my god, I still can't believe you e-mailed me. Is it really you? Did I tell you I totally love you? You were really hot in Barefoot In The Park, too. I still think you're hot even though you're really old now. Paul Newman still looks good too. I love his salad dressing. I buy them all the time. And that salsa with the pineapple in it too. That's really good shit. You should try it if you haven't already.

LOL, what am I thinking? You probably get it for free and all. Ha ha. Don't mind me...

This is like so cool. It's almost as cool as actually meeting you. But it's even better because I just had a big bowl of really spicy chinese food and it would be so embarrassing if I met Robert Redford (that's you) and my breath totally smelled like garlic. That would be awful and so embarrassing and everything, so e-mail is probably better for right now.

Okay lemme see. All the President's Men was an awesome movie too. I liked that one. What else? The Natural! That movie kicked ass so much more than the one with Kevin Costner, which was too weird. I don't know what the point of that one was. Like why would he build that baseball field? What was the deal with that? I liked that you made your own bat in The Natural, even though it ended up breaking, but you still hit a bunch of home runs with it

Did you notice that in The Natural you started out as a pitcher, but then you switched to a home run hitter -- just like Babe Ruth did! That was the cool part. Well, one of the many cool parts. The whole movie was cool, for a baseball movie. My favorite baseball movie of all time was Bull Durham, which you weren't in. But Kevin Costner was in it, which is funny because he also did that one where he built the baseball field, which was kind of sucky as I said before.

I want to make sure I say everything because who knows if you'll change your e-mail addy in the future. I wrote an e-mail to Lindsay Lohan once but she changed her e-mail, so I never actually got through to her. This is totally cooler, because it's you who e-mailed me!

So how did you get my e-mail anyway? Do you really read my blog? That would be so cool if you did!!!

Okay there's some movies that you did that I haven't seen yet, but which I totally want to see, so don't worry I will. Like the one where you fly in that plane because I totally like biplanes. And the one where you talk to horses. I hear that one's good. And the one where you play that Mexican or you help out Mexicans or something like that. I had a teacher who showed that one in class, but I missed school that day. I think I was sick or something. But I want to see that one, and ummm, that other one where you go fishing a lot. My mom liked that one. She has the DVD, but I need to borrow it.

You were cool in that war movie too. Where you kept saying the Hail Mary, but you couldn't remember the rest of it so you just kept saying "hail Mary full of grace... hail Mary full of grace..." etc. I liked that movie too. What else? Oh the one where you were like a cowboy, but in modern times and you had a bunch of christmas lights on your cowboy suit. I can't really remember that one. And that one with you and all the bridges, where you have sex with Barbara Streisand or was that Meryl Streep? Okay, my friend says I'm totally trippin, cuz that was Clint Eastwood not you. I told her it was you, but if it wasn't you I'm sorry. You would have been great in it even if it wasn't you. My friend says "hey" by the way.

Anyways, I better let you go, cause I'm totally rambling.

Omygod I'm totally writing an e-mail to Robert Redford!!!!! Anyways, I know you wrote me about the gas prices thing and I promise I'll check out that website if I get the chance. I hate how like gas prices have gone so high. It really sucks because I have to pay a lot of money when I go to the gas station. Like today, I didn't even fill up my tank all the way, because it was so much money.

I actually had this idea. I was thinking, and yesterday I had this great idea about gas prices. Cuz like they're so high and all. And I was thinking if we like all get a bunch of people to send a bunch of e-mails to the oil companies and stuff, maybe they would listen to us and lower the prices. I don't know it's just a thought, you know, it's worth a try don't you think? Anyways, I promise I'll check out that website and see what it's all about and stuff.

Okay Mr. Robert Redford. Thank you for e-mailing me sir. Oh gawd that sounded so stupid stupid. I sound like such a fucking dork, sorry. Anyways, okay, so I'll just end this like I always do...

luv yazzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your bestest fan ever,


I hope he writes me back! Not like that stuck up Lindsay Lohan who totally ignored me.

Update: No response yet from Mr. Redford.

Posted by: annika at 08:07 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
Post contains 1613 words, total size 9 kb.

1 Hi Annika. I can see your blog, but it might keep glitching until the update is finished, which will be an hour or two yet.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at June 08, 2006 09:16 PM (FRalS)

2 I get it! You're, like, totally, impersonating Lindsay Lohan. Hope you get more emails from her fans.

Posted by: Blake at June 08, 2006 09:42 PM (1B44J)

3 Oh shit, I busted a nut! ROFLMFAO! As soon as you mentioned Lindsay Lohan I lost it. Christ! Dam you!!!

Posted by: Tuning Spork at June 09, 2006 12:22 AM (jayhm)

4 In the above letter, did your filmography include "Sneakers"? Kevin

Posted by: Kevin Kim at June 09, 2006 02:57 AM (1PcL3)

5 Oh wow, like, cool! that was so very excellent.

Posted by: LindaSoG at June 09, 2006 04:00 AM (GBBmd)

6 Dear Mr Redford, You get paid obscene amounts of money to pretend. In case it never sunk in, you can't really do those things. Why do you think you can really influence the price of fuel? BTW, one of your private jet trips to the Sundance festival uses more fuel than I do in a year. Sincerely, A real person

Posted by: MarkD at June 09, 2006 04:18 AM (oQofX)

7 Not to mention that his face now looks like my liver.

Posted by: Casca at June 09, 2006 06:41 AM (rEC2k)

8 "Paul Newman still looks good too. I love his salad dressing." I would love to toss salad with you sometime. Cheers.

Posted by: Paul Newman at June 09, 2006 10:10 AM (rHnrZ)

9 OMG I'm sooooo glad you told him that he's hot even tho he's really old bc I was totally thinking the same thing OMG!!! And OMG I totally got an email once from Bono and one from Matt Damon too!!! We must be like super lucky or something!!!

Posted by: The Law Fairy at June 09, 2006 12:38 PM (XUsiG)

10 matt damon...

Posted by: annika at June 09, 2006 12:42 PM (zAOEU)

11 ...and if oil companies double the number of E85 pumps at their stations, this will miraculously call new ethanol supplies into being. By further miraculous intervention, this ethanol will be produced without using the natural gas or coal which is required as fuel in today's ethanol plants. Indeed, it will be transported without requiring trains or trucks (which are required for today's non-miraculous ethanol, which cannot travel through conventional pipelines.) Why would anyone care what an actor thinks about energy policy?

Posted by: david foster at June 09, 2006 02:22 PM (/Z304)

12 More E85 ethanol right? How much you wanna bet old Robert has a farm or two getting ethanol subsidies?

Posted by: kyle8 at June 09, 2006 02:38 PM (8fih4)

13 Actually, I agree with the gist of Redford's comments. Ethanol from corn, though, doesn't provide a net energy gain, so that isn't a med or long term solution, beyond getting movement in the direction of renewable fuels. The easiest solution is reducing demand, but addictions are hard to break.

Posted by: will at June 10, 2006 11:26 AM (h7Ciu)

14 Ok.. going out on a limb here. Good ol' RR had a pre-written email he sent out to any sucker he thought might listen to him. No offense but your fifty 'OMG' in all it's variations probably spurned a restraining order if nothing else. Movie stars are people. Mostly who don't give a sh*t about the peons like you and I. I once wrote my Congressman... I got this lengty reply about 'serving those who serve me' which I knew was a total crock of shit. Just keep your eyes open sweetie. A friend.

Posted by: trisa at June 10, 2006 02:50 PM (Rhuwm)

15 So, have you heard from Rob Reiner yet? He's a famous director and actor who has some really really really cool ideas. (Since Reiner is in a state of disgrace, does that mean that Warren Beatty will re-emerge?) And wasn't Daryl Hannah up in a tree today? Perhaps she wore the mermaid costume.

Posted by: Ontario Emperor at June 13, 2006 03:12 PM (FPdMX)

16 Or in Legal Eagles where Robert Redford and Debra Winger are together and see one of the bad guys. Robert Redford takes off on foot to try to catch him. Debra Winger, who doesn't know how to drive a car, feels it necessary for her to jump into Robert Redford's car and try to follow him. She makes a wrong turn and finds herself going the wrong way into traffic on a large heavily trafficked street. There follows one minute of her frantically dodging cars at the last moment. Very funny. Ha, ha, ha. Like, how much gas did THAT waste?!

Posted by: bflaa at June 16, 2006 01:12 AM (B+qrE)

17 Quoting this buffonery: "I actually had this idea. I was thinking, and yesterday I had this great idea about gas prices. Cuz like they're so high and all. And I was thinking if we like all get a bunch of people to send a bunch of e-mails to the oil companies and stuff, maybe they would listen to us and lower the prices. I don't know it's just a thought, you know, it's worth a try don't you think? Anyways, I promise I'll check out that website and see what it's all about and stuff." That is the most naive, uneducated opinion I have heard on this issue as of late. Hey while we're at it lets all get together and email the Israelies and the Palestinians and maybe if enough people email them they will stop killing eachother. Take an economics course. The prices are not artifically high. You're talking supply and demand on a good with inelastic demand. (meaning with in a certain range no matter how much they change the price demand stays pretty much the same). If the prices were artifically high, no one would buy gas. Excessive Profits do not figure into finding equlibrium for the gas prices. And also, the letter is a FORM letter. Many people have gotten that exact same letter, and I guarantee he never received your gushy, childish, emotional starstruck response. He emails you about serious issues and you write back with a long sappy swooning email about how he's still young and sexy and how much you love his movies and using phrases like "I'll see what its all about and stuff" and "Cuz like they're so high and all" And all? AND STUFF? Are you kidding me? Give me a break. I'm sure Robert Redford needs yet another gushy, poorly written letter from his millions of fans. This thread is hilarious! -J

Posted by: Jason McCann at June 28, 2006 08:11 AM (MQNAW)

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